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Rules question


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1. Does anyone have a link relating to Drop Pods counting as 1) as modeled 2) always block LoS or 3) always provide cover (but can be shot through)? Would prefer a FAQ link or BRB reference.


2. Do the Tyranid Pods have same ruling?


3. Does Shield require that entire model be within range or just part of model touching the range?

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3. Shield requires that part of 1 base from the unit be in range. If any one memeber of the unit is in range, then all of the unit gets shield.


2. Tyranid pods are Monsterous Creatures and block LOS.


1. I don't think a clear ruling has ever been made on marine pods.

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Problem is that there are several different way they are played where I am playing Saturday. That's why I was hoping for something cut and dry before the tournament just so I know what I'm going into. Worst case scenario is that I'll get a ruling for Saturday before first round starts from the TO/judge.
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Feeling backwards, eh, James?


On the pods, I've found that the most common ruling, at least in the places I've been, is that you can close doors, which block LoS, but you can't fire the weapon out those doors. Your area may vary, of course.

I was originally only planning to answer 3, then added 2, then decided to answer 1.


CMID's post is a reasonable compromise that lots of store's use. At mine, we tend to declare pods do not block LOS no matter what.


Problem is that there are several different way they are played where I am playing Saturday. That's why I was hoping for something cut and dry before the tournament just so I know what I'm going into. Worst case scenario is that I'll get a ruling for Saturday before first round starts from the TO/judge.

Always a good plan.

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It's a different store than I usually play at. Playing there because they will hopefully have 25-30 show up which will give more opportunities to play new people/lists (also will help that I won't be playing against people that have already played variations of my list multiple times list 2 months lol).
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If you know the guy, could you ask him ahead of time? While it's not essential to your list and strategy, it's probably a good idea to know a day before so that you can make changes.


EDIT: Stop! Ninja'ing! Me! That's the second time in this thread. :D :huh: :D


:ph34r: ;)

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Drop Pods and Mycetic Spores do not have any special rules with regards to LOS and cover (aside from being vehicles/MCs, and thus needing 50% obscurement to get cover themselves.) Just determine everything as you would for every other model. (The oft-raised issue is one of the doors being up for down- so long as your opponent is consistent about this, i.e. always has doors up or always has doors down, it doesn't really make a big difference.)


When you measure range to a unit, you always measure to the closest point on the base of the closest model in the unit.. You NEVER need to have the whole base/unit in range unless explicitly stated otherwise.

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Drop Pods are open topped; as well, you disembark which means the doors gotta open sometime... so I'd rule it doesn't block LoS. I might play that it gives cover, however, but definitely not LoS blocking
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Can you shoot through a Rhino if the side doors are open? I have to say no.

Can you shoot through a drop pod if the doors are open?


Then I play with the Forge Worlds drop pods, so there is never a problem. regarding LoS



kustom force field (Orks)

Note that for a squadron of vehicles only those

within 6” of the custom force filed will count as


Just a thought to keep in mind if you encounter Orks!

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Play as modelled...


If you put a model on a raised base, do you count LoS from his eye line or eye line from where he would be if his feet were touching the ground.


The fundamental feel for 5th Edition was to get down and see what the models can see, if you can see through the gaps in an open pod, then you can shoot through it. Pods are not meant to stay closed, so I'd have to agree with the comment about those who have glued the doors closed have to either allow you to shoot through the gap that would be left, or suffer that if the doors are shut, nothing can disembark or shoot from it.


[Why glue shut such a pretty model in the first place? I'd suggest that you pick up any pod that is glued shut and open it on its owners face! Metaphorically of course.] :P

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GW pods, big open hole in the midlle when opened (how it should be.)

Forgeworld pod: big chunk of resin blocking line of sight when doors are open.


Tyranids Mycetic spore: no model yet so most will go with a big ugly egg that doesnt resemble the picture ar all, so depends what they use.


Shield, only part in range is enough.

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if the doors are shut, nothing can disembark or shoot from it.


...So what about all those rhinos with doors glued shut? Or the Land raider when one of the doors is actually a maintenance hatch, while the army list entry says two side doors?


This is a grey area. No other vehicle requires you to physically open the doors when disembarking troops. Why would the drop pod be an exception?


The whole pod design was screwed to begin with, from a gameplay perspective. The petals have way too big a footprint, meaning that you have to pretend they are not there when gaming (Not allowed to stand on vehicles), and the fact that it holds 12, when there are only 10 seats... :-/

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This is a grey area. No other vehicle requires you to physically open the doors when disembarking troops. Why would the drop pod be an exception?


Because with doors shut, you can gain an unfair advantage over your opponent. And, fluffwise, as long as it is shut, you can't get through a door.

That's not only fluff, but physics as well. :P


In my opinion, it is a matter of sportmanship. If you glued the pod-doors shut, pretend they are open for gameplay but they grant a coversave.

If you didn't glue them shut, just open them and act the same way. Units behind the drop pod will get a coversave, but can be seen and shot.



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This is a grey area. No other vehicle requires you to physically open the doors when disembarking troops. Why would the drop pod be an exception?


Drop pods are the only GW vehicle that you would be able to see through if the doors are open, and while there is not hard fast rule most Tournaments I have seen go with that it does not BLOS because it prevents modeling for advantage, and creates consistency (You don't play against one player who uses pods to BLOS and then another that uses them as cover.)

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