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Played a great fun game tonight...


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Hi guys, I just want to share a game I had tonight... It was a very enjoyable game for me (first one of those I've had in a while!).


Dark Angels Ravenwing:


Sammael on Jet Bike

6 bike command squad, 2 plasma guns, fist, apothecary

6 bikes, 2 meltas, fist

3 bikes, 2 flamers

attack bike, multi-melta

attack bike, multi-melta

land speeder typhoon






Angels of Blood:



Priest, jump pack, power weapon

Furioso Dreadnought, blood talons, magna grapple

Sanguinary guard, infernus pistol, banner

Scout Squad (5), missile launcher, snipers, camo cloaks, locator beacon

Assault squad (10), 2x meltaguns, fist

Vanguard Veterans (5), 4x power weapons, jump packs

Storm Raven, multi-melta, lascannons, locator beacon


1495 points each.



We played Pitched Battle with Capture and Control. He won the toss for first turn and deployed his army in 2 halves either side of the centre (6 bikes, attack bike, vindi, Sammy - 6 bikes, attack bike, vindi, vindi, 3 bikes) with the typhoon in reserve. I deployed my Raven, Dread, half the assault squad (the sarge and 4 red shirts), the Priest, and the Scouts.


The Scouts took up position around my objective and in cover on the far left, the Raven (with Dread, 5 assault marines and Priest) started behind cover on the far right.


His bikes made scout moves that brought them directly towards me, which was nice. His first turn was very uneventful... His 3 bikes with flamers hosed down my scout squad killing 2 of them and lots of bolter fire resulted in no further casualties (hooray 3+ cover save!). He also shot a vindicator at the scouts but it scattered off target. The 2 attack bikes shot at the Raven but didn't hurt it. In my turn the Raven turbo-boosted across towards the scouts and the Machine Spirit stunned a vindicator.


Turn 2 saw his Typhoon turn up and it landed just next to the Raven hoping to blow it up. It was all going so well until the Raven passed it's turbo-boost cover save :). The 2 attack bikes shot again at the Raven but only managed to stun it. The command squad moved up and rapid fired Plasmaguns into the Raven too but did nothing. Dante arrived from Deep Strike and landed behind a vindicator with 5 assault marines in tow (2 of which had meltaguns). They blew it to pieces. The Dread disembarked and assaulted the command squad, the Blood Talons making short work of the squad (getting furious charge from the priest was a delight). The Raven also immobilised the Typhoon with a blood strike missile.


In Turn 3 he finally managed to immobilise the Raven (unfortunately it is now sitting in the open making it's locator beacon fairly pointless). The scout squad succumbed to the flamers. The Dreadnought got immobilised whilst looking the wrong way. Dante and his squad took a vindicator shell to the face along with Sammy's plasma cannon. Only Dante was left standing after that. The Sang. Guard turned up near Dante and spread out to avoid the horrible templates. The assault squad and priest disembarked and assaulted the 6 bikes with meltas (killing all but 2 of them). The Vanguard turned up and Intervened in a Heroic fashion killing an attack bike. Dante stunned one of the other vindis.


Turn 4 saw the battle shift my way in a major way. The Sang. Guard were killed to a man by Vindi and plasma cannon fire. My assault marines killed the bikes they were in combat with (in his turn) so they consolidated towards the final bike squad. The Vanguard vets shot up the 2nd attack bike and the Raven blew up the typhoon. Dante destroyed vindi number 2 but was standing like a lemon in the open. The assault marines assaulted and killed the 3 bikes with flamers.


In turn 5 Sammy turbo-boosted to contest the objective in my deployment zone and the remaining vindicator killed the final sang. guard. My assault squad moved back towards Sammy but weren't close enough to take should Sammy get killed. It didn't make any difference in the end because sammy survived both a lascannon and multi-melta shot from my Raven. Dante immobilised the last vindicator with his infernus pistol.


The game finished at the end of turn 5... 0-0. A draw.


At the end I had all 5 Vanguard Vets, 3 assault marines, the priest, Dante, immob'd Raven, immob'd Dreadnought. He had an immob'd Vindicator and Sammael. I think I could have won it if I played my Vanguard better - I dropped them in on the Raven's beacon to guarantee a charge but it left them the wrong side of the field to meet up with Sammy.


Dante was awesome - 3 vindicators to his name in one battle :D



Out of interest, what would you change from my list to make it perform better or quicker? I'm leaning towards changing the Sang. Guard for a second Vanguard squad so I can use Heroic Intervention. Interestingly, the 2 squads are 5 points difference for 5 guys with 4 power weapon attacks each on the charge (apart from the Sang. Guard's 2+ save they're the same).



Apologies if this is a load of ;) my fingers are just leading the way on the keyboard, I'm not thinking my text through :)

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A draw being enjoyable? :(


If you deploy the RAS with sarg in the main deployment you can't DS with the other half. The whole squad is deployed at the same time. Either both combat squads deploy from start or both of them DS.


But Dante is a damn good guy to have on your side, he has bever disappointed me, but I always forget the 'hit and run'. If I used it correctly he would be even more awesomer!

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A draw being enjoyable? ;)


If you deploy the RAS with sarg in the main deployment you can't DS with the other half. The whole squad is deployed at the same time. Either both combat squads deploy from start or both of them DS.


But Dante is a damn good guy to have on your side, he has bever disappointed me, but I always forget the 'hit and run'. If I used it correctly he would be even more awesomer!


Last game I played with Dante I forgot his hit and run which led to Dante spending three turns locked in combat with a walker he could potentially glance but not penetrate. Idiot! I also forgot his debuff for an enemy character. Really rather annoying.

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