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Storm Dragons

Luna Drake

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Ok time I put up the beginnings of my custom chapters. :D


The Storm Dragons

An ancient chapter whose history dates back to the thirty second millennium after the High Lords of Terra decreed that the Adeptus Terra were to create a seventh founding of the Adeptus Astartes, to safeguard strategically vital systems or worlds of the imperium that were under threat from xenos, traitors or worse. It is unknown how many chapters were created during this founding by the Adeptus Terra as many records from this time have been lost in the intervening millennia.

The only proof that the Storm Dragons were one of the chapters created by the Adeptus Terra for the seventh founding is a single entry dated just after the completion of the seventh founding within the extensive records of the chapter that details how the chapter was created to safeguard the Arceus system and the initiates were to be trained and guided by a cadre of veteran and specialist marines from the Night Hawks that would return to their chapter upon the fledgling chapters independence.

Further entries in the chapters records detail the chapters growth and actions under the guidance of the Night Hawk veteran and specialist marines. The earliest actions recorded are battles and campaigns that the chapter participated in often alongside other chapters due to the chapters low numbers, until the chapters numbers were sufficient to conduct actions independently.

What do you think guys and gals ^_^

C+C Please :P


Colour Scheme

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I may edit this to fit in this idea ive had but would like to run it past the great experts of the B+C. B)


Ok this is the idea ive got basically my chapters training/guiding cadre is tragically lost after the vessel they are travelling on is attacked by xenos/renegades who are repelled after several hours of fighting, fortunately a senior chapter/company (Blood Angels fave chapter) is nearby and takes over the training/guiding of the remaining members of the fledgling chapter. :rolleyes:


+ The plus side of this it allows me to use the BA codex (fave dex atm) minus the DC, DC Dread and Sang Guard, Gives my chapter a hated enemy for nearly destroying them. :wub:


- The negative side is would this be plausible in th e 40k enviroment??, and how many members of the fledging chapter would have to remain to build it back into a chapter or would the remnants of the chapter be merged into another new chapter. ;)


C+C please before I develop this idea further.

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  • 2 weeks later...
An ancient chapter whose history dates back to the thirty second millennium after the High Lords of Terra decreed that the Adeptus Terra were to create a seventh founding of the Adeptus Astartes, to safeguard strategically vital systems or worlds of the imperium that were under threat from xenos, traitors or worse. It is unknown how many chapters were created during this founding by the Adeptus Terra as many records from this time have been lost in the intervening millennia.


We don't need all those details, and the seventh founding would have been later. Just leave it undated - it's safer that way.


The only proof that the Storm Dragons were one of the chapters created by the Adeptus Terra for the seventh founding is a single entry dated just after the completion of the seventh founding within the extensive records of the chapter that details how the chapter was created to safeguard the Arceus system and the initiates were to be trained and guided by a cadre of veteran and specialist marines from the Night Hawks that would return to their chapter upon the fledgling chapters independence.


Further entries in the chapters records detail the chapters growth and actions under the guidance of the Night Hawk veteran and specialist marines. The earliest actions recorded are battles and campaigns that the chapter participated in often alongside other chapters due to the chapters low numbers, until the chapters numbers were sufficient to conduct actions independently.


And who are the Night Hawks, exactly?


I like the color scheme, but what's the chapter really like? Their hopes? Their fears? Their dreams? The motivations that make them kill people in the name of their deity of choice?


In regard to the whole BA thing: it feels like an excuse to use a particular codex. And the BA (apparently) don't share their Lucifer Engines, no matter how much sense it would make. It would seem weird that they'd share with you and not with the Imperial Fists or White Scars or Ultramarines or Salamanders or...you get the idea.

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