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"Tide of spawn" army...


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Look, I know what people think of chaos spawn...I myself cringe at the price of them in the codex.


There's a chance I'll be having a bit of fun with green stuff making spawn though.

I was wondering whether anyone has tried a spawn spam and how it went.

(I'd imagine the results may be hilariously bad though)

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I haven't tried it but I can give you a few pointers.


#1 You'll need long range anti-tank weapons. As much as possible, you'd like your spawns to be assaulting infantry, not the transports and some vehicles are just too quick and spawn's attacks too random to be reliably taken out in CQC.

#2 Support the spawns with your troops. I actually think that plague marines might be the best choice here, as small units can take 2x meltaguns to help bust tanks or walkers and their T5 helps to further weaken small arms fire. Berzerkers could work if you really want an aggressive, "throw my army at your face" list but even with power fists, they suffer against vehicle heavy lists.

#3 Get enough spawns to matter. If you're going to make a spawn list, take enough to actually do something with them and remember the limitations on how you have to divided them up.

#4 Watch out for fearless wound stacking. This is one of the quickest ways to remove spawns, by stacking fearless wounds on them since it ignores the T5 and they lack any kind of a save.

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Instead of a footslogging spawn army, i've the idea of getting 2 sorcerers, and a handful of thousand sons units, with them all using gift of chaos to turn everybody into spawn. Simple tactics, run foward and spawnify everyone, make chaos.


Could be interesting vs CC armies? any thoughts?


That's actually a pretty brilliant idea and it conveys the concept I have in my head very well.

(a chaos warband that pretty much mutates and corrupts everything around them)

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Just for giggles, I have run a "Gift of Chaos" spam army a few times. If you can get 4 models with the ability to cast GoC, you have a 50% chance per turn of changing a carnifax (for example) into a spawn. It's not easy to get them all where they need to be, but once you turn Draigo into your flesh-pet it makes it all worthwhile. But this gets expensive on the points costs in a hurry so other than the laughs, it is not exactly a viable tactic.
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Instead of a footslogging spawn army, i've the idea of getting 2 sorcerers, and a handful of thousand sons units, with them all using gift of chaos to turn everybody into spawn. Simple tactics, run foward and spawnify everyone, make chaos.


Could be interesting vs CC armies? any thoughts?

Good idea, except the Fleshy Curse is more Slaaneshi in theme, at least for those of us who predate the 3.5 codex. Bolt of Change of Flames of Tzeentch is the more appropriate one for Tzeentch.


That having been said, I wouldn't mind seeing a Fleshy Curse army in practice.

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it's always fun to use on that unit that is about ready to charge into a unit that is babysitting an objective, only to be able to counter assault them with another unit that would not be otherwise able to get there soon enough to keep them from being wiped out. It's not something that you want to count on as the end-all, be-all to defending objectives.
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Against power armoured enemies, it would probably fail. But against high-point, low armour people(eldar or dark eldar?) i imagine it would be quite good. And might still be a pain for someone playing deathstar armies. The chance of a good portion of their high-point unit turning into spawn might scare a few players. Maybe?
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Yeah, I knew when I thought about making the thread that spawn warfare isn't exactly the stuff of tactical genius. ;)

Obviously they die too easily for their cost and just rush the enemy making them easily distractable.


If I were to try this type of thing in a game it would obviously not be overly competitive.

(I'm the kind of person who likes the chaos dreadnought insanity rule and would load one up with firepower just to see the fireworks and random mayhem. ;) )


Really, the biggest reason to make such an army is to giggle like a little girl when the opponent's big bad mister general is turned into creepy pasta. :D


Still, great ideas.


How about a sorcerer fleshy curse spam against something like a footslogger IG army or such?

Just came to mind that it could be quite disruptive if the opponent's squads have to fight their own ranks as they turn into chaos spawn?

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Forgive me for not remembering the actual name, but there was a pretty cool Apocalypse formation where at a certain point in the game, you could turn a squad or two of CSM into a wall of Spawn. I had it used against me by a buddy, and they turned while they were in CQC with my ten Termies. What I thought was going to end with a pile of dead CSM's ended up with my termies getting tarpitted for the rest of the game. On the other side of the table, he did the same thing with a different squad, and they had a field day with my lost and the damned formation.


Tactically efficient? Nah.


Cool and funny as hell to watch? Oh God, yes.

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How about a sorcerer fleshy curse spam against something like a footslogger IG army or such?

Just came to mind that it could be quite disruptive if the opponent's squads have to fight their own ranks as they turn into chaos spawn?

Could also work on Orks, Tau, Tyranids, and the like. Since Victory Points no longer exist, the whole "the spawn is worth 40 VPs" thing no longer matters.


Hell, it could be nasty enough on regular Marines, if all you need is a 5+.


From the Tzeentch angle, since the FAQ seems to have backhandedly ruled that you can use Gift of Chaos multiple times in a turn... freaking ouch. That's up to eight figures turned into spawn, per turn. That's enough to mess up anybody's day. As for having that many spawn, however...

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As a fluffy army, this could be excellent. Anybody else thinking revenge driven Thousand Sons. What damned us shall be your downfall, drown in the Flesh Change!



That's a pretty strong idea actually for a thousand sons army.



My concept would be more of a "counts as" army called "flesh brethren" where I would go all out "realm of chaos" on converting it. I was kind of thinking them being slaanesh leaning, but I might just keep it unclear as to what they are.

Of course, maybe they could be a scattered little thousand sons army that got lost and never underwent the rubric spell?

Their toughness would be due to how deformed and mutated they are now (I'm thinking retro style chaos marine creatures, only vaguely resembling space marines at this point).

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Or toughness could be due to psychic gifts they all had


Telekinetic for shields

Biomancy(i think thats what its called?) for ultra tough flesh+healing

Pyromancy for 'magma' or heat shield that melts bullets/prematurely explodes bolt shells/absorbs las blasts

and so on. Can't remember all the TS powers but they had a crapload, i remember that allright.

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Or toughness could be due to psychic gifts they all had


Telekinetic for shields

Biomancy(i think thats what its called?) for ultra tough flesh+healing

Pyromancy for 'magma' or heat shield that melts bullets/prematurely explodes bolt shells/absorbs las blasts

and so on. Can't remember all the TS powers but they had a crapload, i remember that allright.


Well, either way they'd be heavily saturated in chaos energy and magic at this point.

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True. And in the word bearers trilogy, the dark apostle keeps healing himself just by 'breathing in' raw warp energy. Bloody hell, if a dark apostle can do all that stuff, and a noob at that, Lorgar would be a insanely tough cookie after 10k years. As would Erebus and Kor Phaeron. And yet you never he any of them commiting to the field of battle. Cowardly little...(rant)
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Forgive me for not remembering the actual name, but there was a pretty cool Apocalypse formation where at a certain point in the game, you could turn a squad or two of CSM into a wall of Spawn. I had it used against me by a buddy, and they turned while they were in CQC with my ten Termies. What I thought was going to end with a pile of dead CSM's ended up with my termies getting tarpitted for the rest of the game. On the other side of the table, he did the same thing with a different squad, and they had a field day with my lost and the damned formation.


Tactically efficient? Nah.


Cool and funny as hell to watch? Oh God, yes.



Got a nice morbid mental image there of terminators swamped in a junji itoesque mass of mutated flesh. :(

(kind of reminds me of Junji Ito's uzumaki manga...not for the faint hearted once it gets going)

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Playing a chaos army competively while making it fun is like becoming prime minister. Good on paper, but no one tells you what the hell to do, bar a 'good luck, we're out of money' note on your desk. Exactly what i imagined Abaddon found when he became leader of the Black Legion. "Sorry mate, we're out of awesomness AND marines, good luck for the next Ten Thousand years!'


And yes, spawn transmogrify is one of the funniest powers ever. Its like having a army of Old Zogworts in power armour.

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Playing a chaos army competively while making it fun is like becoming prime minister. Good on paper, but no one tells you what the hell to do, bar a 'good luck, we're out of money' note on your desk. Exactly what i imagined Abaddon found when he became leader of the Black Legion. "Sorry mate, we're out of awesomness AND marines, good luck for the next Ten Thousand years!'


And yes, spawn transmogrify is one of the funniest powers ever. Its like having a army of Old Zogworts in power armour.


It probably wouldn't help the competitiveness that if I had my way, chaos would have more random rules again, to go with the whole...well, "chaos" thing. :(


(I don't know how the randomness would mesh with the more orderly things like iron warriors though)

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