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2 gate of infinity questions,

Chaplain Otho

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Right two questions which are realted,


!, If i use a librarian with a five 5 terminator assault squad with TH + SS, and use gate to move around can I use a locator beacon and/or teleport homer to land bang on target and not scatter,

I think yes to the locator beacon as it is deepstriking and no to the teleport homer as they are not teleporting,


2, If they do scatter and one model is removed as a casualty can I take an armour save and/or an invulnerable save against this,

I think an invulnerable save can be taken as you can always take this save unless the rules state otherwise,


can anyone give an answer on this,



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This comes up a lot. If memory serves, Gate of Infinity is a Deep Strike but is not a "Teleport" in name (even if it does very much seem that it can be nothing else) so the usual interpretation is that "No, they can't use the Teleport Homer."


The second one is easier: they get no armor save as there's nothing to save against. They're not taking a wound; they're being removed from the table. They're just gone, man. Gone. <3

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Second part. I don't think I am following you.

If you scatter into difficult terrain then those models have to take a dangerous terrain test. As part of this test, one or more models may take a wound. These wounds allow normal armor saves.


If you scatter into a wall or on top of another model, those guys are in a world of hurt and have to go by the mishap table and may well cease to exist, but there is 2/3 chance they will survive.


If you scatter and can place the original model, but when circling them out some other models can not be placed because of impassable objects or enemy models, then those trying to gate in are destroyed. There is no wound to save. Their atoms are scatter like dust as they try to materialize where solid matter already exists.

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I believe he means Gate of Infinity's "If you roll doubles, you lose a model."


Perhaps he did mean Dangerous Terrain? If he did, yes...you get INvuln saves against failed Dangerous Terrain tests. Not against the "crap, the libby lost one" effect tho.

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This comes up a lot. If memory serves, Gate of Infinity is a Deep Strike but is not a "Teleport" in name (even if it does very much seem that it can be nothing else) so the usual interpretation is that "No, they can't use the Teleport Homer."


Grey area mate. The wording on teleport homer doesn't refer to a special deployment called teleport, but rather the deployment of Terminator armoured models by Deep Strike. If you use Gate of Infinity with a Terminator Libby in a Terminator squad, and deploy them next to a teleport homer, they are Deep Striking in Terminator armour, as per the wording of GoI, and so, IMO can use the teleport homer. If a power armoured model hitches a ride though then it's a no as one model isn't wearing Terminator armour. Just my interpretation of it.

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I mean...to be honest and fair with you, were I the TO, I'd allow it. They're teleporting; how else would they be getting around? :lol: We've been over this though.
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Cheers for the responses,


reading back my original post the second question wasn't clear.

What I meant was that if i gate the unit and they scatter and i roll a double the psychic power wording says that a model is removed as a casualty. I was wondering if invulnerable savers would work against this.

From the answers so far this looks like a no, but wanted to check,


I think I'll talk to the organisers about Gate and locator beacons and deep striking.

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Yes, the answer is a No: Invulns will not avail you against the doubles roll, unfortunately.


Def check with your TO with regards to how they want to handle the teleport homer + GoI.

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