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start to get space marines right?

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AOBR/Battleforces are always the best choices when starting out. The former is better for those who are really new. All the stuff in there amount to just slightly over 2 squads worth of models, but do come at a very good discount.
  • 2 weeks later...

A simple google search is your friend. If you search for 'reposing space marines' the first page of results is full of tutorials on different conversions.


The B&C has a tutorial section, which has a variety of conversions and re-posing of limbs etc.


All I can suggest is to read as much as you can on the internet on what basic and intermediate tools you will need to build and convert any miniature. Then purchase said tools (eg. scalpal, clippers, superglue, greenstuff, modelling tools) from any hobby shop and go to town on your miniatures.


Use the search function on the B&C, Dakka Dakka, Coolminiornot etc. for specific tutorials you are interested in, and above all, take photos of your work, and upload them for tips and constructive criticism!

I thinking of doing the impossible by getting two squads of space marines done where should i start from?


It sounds like you're trying to get everything 100% right and never do something wrong. I've been in the hobby going on 20 years now and here's the best piece of advice I can give you when it comes to building/painting your models: Do what YOU want to do. There is no "wrong" in the modeling part of this hobby. There are simple other ways of doing it. If you want to start out with chapter where 90% of the details are already there for you I recommend checking out the Ultramarines, Space Wolves, Blood Angels, Dark Angels or Black Templars. If you want to start with something that's a little less defined but still gives you a good starting point, you can look at the White Scars, Raven Guard, or Salamanders. If you want to play around with paint schemes to make something you like, Check out B&C's Marine Painter. If you're in the modeling side of the hobby look through this section. I've run several Conversion challenges that people have submitted some amazing conversions to. Take a look at them.

When I google MFCA, it comes up as a miniatures thing, but when I google the other one I get Merit Medical Systems, Inc. Do you have anything specific in mind? Otherwise, I can only recommend trial, error, and Green Stuff.


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