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ard boyz outcome


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So how did everyone do?? Batreps? I played a hybrid list. Got to play in all the games and score 57 points to take first.


Lib jp

chaplain jp


2 priest

2x ras (2xm,pf)

2x raz one TLL and one TLAC

sniper scouts cm sarg

2x baals/hb

vv with 3x pw

2x auto/las preds


Me: first mission; against Nids (dont have the list but going from memory)

his list

HT/ guard

FHT/ guard

5x warriors

20 shooting guants in a pod

20 termgaunts on foot

3 trygons

1 doom/pod

3x lictors


BA all as far up as possible with av 13 in front flanked by 1 RAZ, VV and RAZ with traitor in reserves with VV just deepstriking. Scouts in some ruins on the right.

Nids had both pods and lictors in reseves. Guard in ruins/3rd trygon just outside of ruins. Guant screens HT/guard and traitor attached center field. 2 trygons , warriors, FHT were on the right with some ruins in between.

BA turn one:

I won first turn and put everyone in a straight line with RAZ in flanking auto/las preds and baal moving straight.I just moved up some and shot some things which didnt kill much as night fighting was in on turn one. I brought my dead pod down as a mobile cover for my army. Scouts tried to shoot but could not see.

Nid turn one:

Placed term screen in front of HT sent two trygons and FHT to left behind some ruins with warriors. Third tyrgon took up stage left outside ruins and guard unit was in the ruins on left. Shooting didnt do anything.

BA turn two:

Got VV in but TLL RAZ/traitor did not. Dread moves up to the left to confront trygon. TLAC moves up 12,Chappy RAS moves left to support dead, Baals,Meph,Lib RAS, 2x auto/las preds all go right Shooting saw the dread put two wounds on 3rd try. TLAC shoots guard in ruins wounding 3 (2 rends). Chap RAS shot doing two more wounds to 3rd trygon. Both baal preds shoot FHT wounding 5 times (his saves where very bad) Auto/las preds shoot the 2nd trygon. Scounts kill off FHT. LIB RAS shoot and put 4 wounds on 1st Trygon. Meph moves up to charge 2nd try. Chap RAS charge 3rd trygon killing it. Lib ras gets 2nd trygon,warriors and guants in multi assault with rage power. Was able to kill trygon,all but one warrior and 7 guants while losing 3 guys fearless wounds wipe out the warriors and get stuckin with guants. VV use HI and assault the HT and traitor killing three guards,traitor and putting 2 wounds on HT fearless wounds kill off the tyrant. Meph hits and wounds trygon twice (force weapon to ID it)

Nid turn two:

Guant pod comes down and shoots the at chappy ras but kills 4 total. Liby RAS wipe out guant squad in melee. Nothing else comes in.Guard hide and shoot stuning Dread.

BA turn three:

TLLC RAZ/traitor still not in. Everything moves up more. All preds shoot at pod (wrecking it) and all troops except Chappy RAS shot at guard in left ruins killing them. Chappy squad charges guants and following melee sees the guants dead.


Nid player calls game. 30 point mass.


I will post the other two rounds tomorrow.

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Finished middle of the pack with 4 Land Raider, 3 Vindicator, 3 Furioso build. On the positive BA were number 1 and 2 fighting for best overall when I left in a mirror match effectively.


First Round - Dual Lash (2x Regional winner and BEGT winner)

Awesome game and great competition. Board had a massive amount of LoS blocking terrain (I think there were 8-9 pieces larger than a Land Raider). Game was more or less controlled by the terrain, and I received a minor loss 7KP to 5KP. MVP was the Furiosos, absorbs fire and killed both lash princes in close combat. LVP was my dice, at one point rolled 5 consecutive 1s or 2s on PENETRATING chart against an immobilised rhino with no weapon (that had my traitor in it). Those seven kill points would have flipped the game to a victory for me.

Second Round - Cantor Marines

Great game and hilarious opponent. My dice were so bad this game that people ending up buying me free lunch and pops for the day (free lunch is good, not rolling a single 5+ on 10 penertrating rolls in a row is bad). Major loss.

Third round - Nids

Great game and friendly opponent. Played on the no LoS board again. Ended up being a draw at end of turn 5, would have been a major victory/possible tabling with another round. As a side note, why on Earth do you have to win by 375VP to get a minor victory?

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I placed 6th out of 16, with 3 minor victories. Top spot went to an IG friend with 3 massacres.



Librarian w/JP

HG w/Melta/JP

2 Sang Guard

2 Assault Squad

Sniper Scouts w/Missile

2 Attack Bikes

2 Land Speeders

3 Devs w/Missiles


1st game - BA player with 1 Raven, Sanguinor, foot DC+Chap, VV, shotgun Scouts, sniper Scouts and Scout bikers. I spent too many turns trying to dig his sniper Scouts out of cover (the traitor was with them). My opponent went on to collect a massacre and major after this fight, taking 2nd place overall.


2nd game - Dark Eldar with Vecht, an Archon, and lots of Raiders,a Razorwong, Witches and Kabalites. The Devastators were rock stars here, stopping all of his vehicles (except the Razorwing) in his half of the table. I had nearly tabled him by the end, however a poor run roll, and contesting by the Archon and the immobilized Razorwing prevented a larger margin of victory. I only controlled his home objective.


3rd game - Tyranids with Tyrant, Prime, Doom, Tyrannofex, Old One Eye, Gargoyle, Warriors, Gants and lot o' Gaunts. Having to run the Devs on and into cover on turn one hurt. My opponent really put the pan to me however, with the Doom. He Spored into a perfect placement, and his AoE attack wiped out 4 Sang Guard, the HG, and 3 Devs. >_< The game was fairly close run from there on, with the highlights being a Dev squad knocking out his Tyrant, and a lone Attack Bike winning CC with a Gaunt squad after 3 rounds. Great player and a great game.

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Tied for 3rd with a...idk what to call this kind of list but take it as you will.


Librarian (URage and Shield)

Terminator Assault Squad x 5 w/3 THSS

Sanguinary Priest w/ Lightning Claw and Melta Bombs

RAS w/Power Fist and 2 Meltas

RAS w/Power Fist and 2 Meltas

RAS w/Power Fist and 2 Meltas

Baal Predator w/ Twin Linked Asscans and Heavy Bolters

Baal Predator w/ Twin Linked Asscans and Heavy Bolters

Stormraven w/ Twin Lasccannons and Twin Multi-Melta & Extra Armor

Stormraven w/ Twin Lasccannons and Twin Multi-Melta & Extra Armor

LRGH w/Extra Armor

LRGH w/Extra Armor

LRGH w/Extra Armor



Game 1 Chaos: Deamon Prince, 2 Greater Deamons, 2 x3 Termicide Squads, 10 Bezerks(In 3rd LR), 2 x5 Noise Marines in Rhinos, 2 LR, 3 Oblits, Vindicator. I was nearly tabled, down to a Landraider. Though I did bring him down to only claiming a minor victory, my oppenant and good friend got really lucky with his Lascannons, blowing my own landraiders up with them. The dice gods favored the dark gods in this battle.


Game 2 Guard: Company Command, Psyker Battle Squad, 2 platoons, 3 Penal Legion (which 2 were psychopaths, last one was knife fighters), x2 Hellhounds, x2 Valkyries, x2 Vendettas, x2 Russ's with Battle Cannons. This gentleman brough a very themed list and was able to do very well in the objectives just by swarming them with troops. My terminators survived all 3 Penal Legion charges, then died to a sniper from the command squad. Was able to win by abandoning my home objective and taking the center while contesting the one to my right.


Game 3 Chaos: Deamon Prince, x10 Terminator, x20 Thousand sons, 2 x20 Legion w/Mark of Tzeentch, Bikers, 3 Defilers. Got first turn the first time this tournament and melta'd 2 of the defilers and lascannoned the 3rd one to pieces at the top of turn 2 (Night fighting meant neither of us did anything). Then I closed in adn either shot the sons, Prince, or Termies the res of the game while hammering the legion squads with my Termies or 2 RAS. By the end, only the bikers fleeing and 3 termies remained. It was a Massacre.

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Finished middle of the pack with 4 Land Raider, 3 Vindicator, 3 Furioso build. On the positive BA were number 1 and 2 fighting for best overall when I left in a mirror match effectively.


First Round - Dual Lash (2x Regional winner and BEGT winner)

Awesome game and great competition. Board had a massive amount of LoS blocking terrain (I think there were 8-9 pieces larger than a Land Raider). Game was more or less controlled by the terrain, and I received a minor loss 7KP to 5KP. MVP was the Furiosos, absorbs fire and killed both lash princes in close combat. LVP was my dice, at one point rolled 5 consecutive 1s or 2s on PENETRATING chart against an immobilised rhino with no weapon (that had my traitor in it). Those seven kill points would have flipped the game to a victory for me.

Second Round - Cantor Marines

Great game and hilarious opponent. My dice were so bad this game that people ending up buying me free lunch and pops for the day (free lunch is good, not rolling a single 5+ on 10 penertrating rolls in a row is bad). Major loss.

Third round - Nids

Great game and friendly opponent. Played on the no LoS board again. Ended up being a draw at end of turn 5, would have been a major victory/possible tabling with another round. As a side note, why on Earth do you have to win by 375VP to get a minor victory?


Not picking on you or being mean here, just explaining my personal view on the matter, having been in the negative receiving end of not having a VP total.


Played in a game the tournament before this one where the game ended early on turn 5, and due to bad dice rolls mephiston wasn't as effective as usual (lots of 1's to wound...lots). My opponent edged me in all 3 tournament categories by the slightest of margins. He won primary by 50 vp, he won secondary by 1 inch (had to had the most troops within 12 of center objective, my third troop was 1 inch away). He won tertiary by 1 marine (had to have more than 50% of troops alive). Mephiston double wiffed on his last grey hunter with a powerfist TWICE in a row to allow himself to die, and the power fist marine to live. Small margins like that are considered draws in 'ard boyz because it's too close to tell. In the tournament I played in the result was a 22-2 victory for my opponent, despite the fact that he felt as though the entire game he had been pummeled by my army (he ran a MSF razorwolf list, so I dominated Kp but not vp since meph went down the very last turn, again awful rolls). Personally I prefer margin victories, especially with only 1 objective like 'ard boyz has. The reason being is that anything under a 375 VP difference could be considered a negligible difference, and simply because player a's LR was destroyed and player B's wasn't.


If there wasn't a gap in VP, the issue would have arisen like in my other RTT game where 50 victory points decided it. That was based on 1 expensive model having sub-par rolling the fact that even though KPs were heavily in my favor, what I lost was more expensive. I did more work but lost anyways. I believe in actual VP games there is almost always a margin you have to break to have the game be considered a victory and not a draw.

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2nd mission: was against IG mech guard list


Table quarters helped keep me in check. I figured that since this was a objective match against a guard unit which won first turn I reserved all my stuff and would try for last minute zoom grab.

Deployment IG brought on 8 of the 9 chimera squads and two basilisk squadron with three griffons behind the Chimeras and the bas flanking the left side of his parking lot. Standard parking lot except putting 1 chimera,3 valks,2 bas in reserves.

IG turn one. Shuffles some stuff around moves two chimeras against the right table edge and done.

BA turn one dead pod comes down in front of Chimera wall and gets out to shoot the MG and Melta at the bas squadron. Rolling two hits which result in one wrecked and the other blown up.

IG turn 2:

Two Valks come in on the wrong side and do nothing. Chimeras shake the dread but it still lives.

BA turn two:

Liby RAS comes and combat squads and proceeds to shoot BL and glances two Chimeras and the other half stun another one. Autolas pred came on and wrecks a valk, 1 Baal comes on outflanked and poped second valk. VV came on and HI both squads from the valks.

IG turn 3:

Chimera wall was pretty much stuck when lead tank failed a DT test and another from tring to tank shock my DP. So with him bottled up he tryed to shoot at my two combat squads. He did scap my Dread. Poped my autolas pred with his two other basilisks that came on board.

BA Turn 3:

Rest of the army came in and was able to start making a run at objectives. Shooting was ok and I kept the three Chims in front of the griffons either WD,IM or stunned. Thanks to the red thirst on the Libb squad and chappys squad which combat squaded as well kept from running even though they got shot to bits. Was able to blow up a couple of chimeras and assulted and blew up a couple of others. VV stayed in combat against both valk squads who did not run.

IG turn 4:

Lots of shooting and killing some marines which left me one marine on one objective. Brought last valk in attempting to contest my deployment objective moved 12 and was about 6 inches away but did nothing on the shooting to both my RAZ who guarded it

BA turn 4:

moved troops into objectives and poped the valk one squad and Meph charged in to make sure they couldnt contest. I controled Center objective my opposite objective (one fearless marine thanks red thirst) and my home objective (second RAZ did not assualt and combat was 5 inches away from objective. Lib and preist contested his home objective and VV contested opposite his deployment objective. TO called time masacare


Lucky Game that he rolled poorly and I was able to keep his heavy weapons out of the game almost the entire time.

We did have some disputes and he was by far in all my years of 40k the worst person I ever played against in terms of sportsmanship but its ardboyz so I can live with it.


3rd Mission; Against GK

He had 10 man paly squad different load outs and Lib and Drago,Techmarine

5 man term squad with thrawn.

three stormravens

1 vindicare and 1 assaulty assassin


I wont bore you with the batrep but I had a minor loss I did bag both assassins (meph is a god) 2 stormravens (that psyhic pilot is awesome)the 5 man term squad and paly lost a couple. That is one heck of a squad to dislodge. Once I shot down 2 of the stormravens I fed the liby squad to the pal squad with and with them in one corner of the board I ran away and just shot them from long range. I had him in kill points until a failed smoke roll on a dread( he got eaten) and a mind strike missile barrage killed meph.


Great guy from San Antonio

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I know most of you will not like this, but I decided to take my necrons instead of my blood angels to ard boyz. I was honestly expecting to lose horribly going into the tourniment but ended up winning first place. I'm going to Va for the second round and I'm hoping the new codex is out before that day because then I will have a completely new army that will surprise everyone! If you can find it in your hearts...wish me luck!
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There was a BA player here who did 10 man squads of assault terminators with priests footslogging up the board. Apparently the saving rolls were legendary, and nobody could seem to kill more than a couple per turn. He finished 2nd place. A green tide of 280 orks took first (full table edge, side to side), and more impressively they were all VERY WELL painted, at least 3-4 hours of skilled painting per boy. The pictures i was shown were quite impressive.
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I ran a mech oriented BA list supported by Mephy and 2 furiosos. Placed 2nd out of 18. First place went to mech IG, third place went to a GK player using pallies/interceptors/dreads. Maryland location
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I placed 7th of 14. Here's my list:





-Assault cannon


Librarian (The Sanguine Sword/ Shield of Sanguinius)



2 Sanguinary Priests

Sanguinary Priest

-Jump Pack

Sternguard (6 man unit)

-sgt power weapon and bolter

-2 combi-meltas



Assault Squad(No jump packs / 8 man unit)


-sgt power weapon and bolt pistol


Assault Squad(No jump packs / 5 man unit)


-sgt power weapon and bolt pistol


-twin-linked lascannon


Assault Squad (Jump packs / 10 man unit)



-sgt power weapon and bolt pistol

Tactical Squad (10 man unit)


-missle laucher

-sgt power weapon and bolt pistol




Vanguard (Jump packs / 6 man unit)

-power fist

-4 power weapons

-sgt power weapon and bolt pistol

Baal Predator

-heavy flamer sponsons


Attack Bike






-Drop Pod


-lascannon sponsons



-lascannon sponsons




In the 1st scenario I faced Dark Eldar player spamming Raiders. I had enough anti-armor that I got a win and a Massacre.

The 2nd scenario was against a Tyranid player (the guy who ultimately placed 1st) with a nasty list (3 Trigons that pooped out large broods of Hormagaunts). I couldn't repel all the damn Gaunts so I got a Major loss.

Last round was against a Space Wolves list using Grey Hunter spam (no vehicles at all). My dice crapped out and I got another Major Loss .


I played well, but in hind sight, I would have tweaked my list

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Got 3rd place


Reclusiarch, in LRC with assault termy squad (2 LC & 3 TH/SS) with termy priest


3 10man assault squads, two in standard landraiders, one in drop pod


10 man tac squad


furioso with bloodtalons and magna grapple in pod


support dread with assault cannon in pod


storm raven with twassault cannons and twmulti-melta


1st Scenario

Orks, with a couple battle wagons two big meks one with kff and one with shock attack attached to full squad of lootas

the wagons had nobz in 'em, 12 boyz in a truck and two units of Kanz three strong. and the stormboy kaptain with 15 stormboyz or so. he threw the stormboyz in reserve, i rolled for first turn. i put the support dreads pod in reserve and mounted him in the stormraven. drop both my pods next to the big mob of boyz with the traitor in it. storm raven flew around and pretty much killed anything that it rolled dice at. yeah. blood talon dread (after surviving a TON of shooting at him) killed the mob and traiter to the man in two combat phases (mine and then his). then over the course of a couple turns killed every thing except a mob of grots and the lootas (too far from my units by end of game). he killed my support dread so 13kp +5 for traiter and 1 kp for him. fun game though really well painted orks.


2nd scenario

Imperial Guard leef blower list

played on a table meant for a badab war ship boarding senario, so pretty much space hulk with just slightly bigger corridors.

major victory (barely) i have to note sly Marbo-rambo killed a my ten man tac squad with his demo charge, pretty epic.

blood talon dread killed mob of 50 guarsmen, cool. it was a crazy game, fun as well. terminators with chappy and priest proved to be very effective against straken and his command squad. plasma doom leman russ almost cost me the game. yuck


3rd scenario

Chaos space marine

demon prince, summon Greater demon and Khârn. summoned GD was his general (cheapest hq) mine was of course my Reclusiarch (aka Chappy mkdeathkill) after the most brutal and completely fun game of 40k i have played in a long time it was a draw, i got all the bonus thingys though. my chappy lived and i killed his Greater demon with my ten man tac squad in close combat, no power weapons btw just a bolter squad with melta gun and missile launcher. epic. had some crazy bad dice rolls when trying to lascannon two defilers to death. storm raven finely got shot down, rare for me. first game in which someone actuallty tried to kill and succeed my drop pods. though he killed the one that cost zero points which was humorus. great game though the draw put me from first to third. but i had fun and i just want to place so i could to the next round so i was very happy.





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Finally have some time to write this out. I placed in 1st at my store with 59 battle points. I believe i had 14 point seperation over second place, so for the most part people weren't just blowing each other out as can happen with these events. I was very pleased with all the scenarios. They lended themselves well to action-oriented play, instead of the potentially boring tournament play where people dont want to be risky. Margin mattered.


My list:




Librarian-term armor, ss, shield of sang., unleashed rage


Sanguinary Priest- power weapon


5 Terminator Assault squad- 3 th/ss, 2 lc

LRC-extra armor, multi melta




10 ASM- 2 melta guns, pf








7 Death company-2 pw, pf, 4 bp/ccw

Rhino-dozer blade


Death Company Dreadnought- blood talons


Stormraven-Extra armor, mm, tllc


Predator- TLLC, lascannon sponsons


Predator- lascannon sponsons



Round 1- Grey Knights- 3-4 strike squads, draigo, termies, LRC, 2 dread knights, librarian


Opponent went first but with the night fight I deployed everything on the table anyways. Mephiston killed both dreadknights, the furioso killed an entire strike squad on the charge. Everything in his army except 1 knight squad essentially flopped without doing much EXCEPT his lrc. That LRC took 12 melta shots total, had every weapon destroyed and was immobilized the first turn shooting. Took the same barrage turn 2 with nothing higher than a 1 as a the damage result. 3rd turn of shooting still no 2+ penetration result. What popped it was a TLLC shot from a razorback from half way across the board. Single DC marine left with a PF charged the character over the wreckage, was killed in assault before he got to attack. Game ended turn 5....wow


Result: Minor victory, 18-8


Round 2-Orks- horde based army with 2 dangerous nob squads (bikers and mega armor in battle wagon)


I won first turn, send my raven with mephiston and the dread up after the mega armored nobz truck. Blew up the truck with the MM, and then the SR took the entire round of shooting and was still standing before being destroyed in assault by nob bikerz. Mephiston went on to kill the nob bikers and mega armored nobz, taking shots from everything he had, and eventually exploded his own brains with a psychic test. I let him move his 30 man orc units up to the middle objective to hold it, then hit it with the DC and an assault squad at the same time. He deep struck his jump pack boys to try and take my deployment objective, my razorback RAS deployed and multi assault that unit, killing it eventually. Terminators secured the other flank and the DC just started running wild eventually and he called it.


Result- Massacre. 22-0


Round 3- Tau- Crisis suits, hammerheads, broadsides. 2 huge kroot units, some fire warriors, devil fish


I won be elected to have him deploy. I kept my stuff in full DoW reserve. Turn 2 shooting saw my LRC, death company rhino, and SR all get wrecked or exploded and my dreadnought get his arms blown off and immobilized. I had literally had this exact same thing happen to me in a previous game against the Tau so I was well schooled on how I should approach the situation....run forward. The DC rushed their flank, destroyed the devil fish, the pathfinder squad inside it, a squad of broadsides, and a squad of crisis suits before the game was over. The terminators ran through the middle with the JP marines, dashing through cover to try and get to the heart of his army. Mephiston was on the flank opposite my DC. He killed a hammer head, a huge squad of kroot, and a FW squad before going down. The terminators cleaned up a FW squad, the last part of a crisis suit squad and got the commander to 1 wound left as he passed his fall back save to keep himself from not fleeing as the game ended (he would have run off the board even if there was a turn 6, the DC was right behind him. Extremely bloody and satisfying 40k game. Until the very end I had no idea who was really going to win.


Result- Major victory 19-5


Most valuable over all unit- Mephiston. He had previously suffered in the last two tournaments I took him to. There was no suffering here. He wracked up 2 dread knight kills, 2 nob squad kills, a fw squad, kroot squad, and hammer head.


Most unexpectedly successful unit- Death company + chaplain in rhino. If there's such a thing as a sneaky death company, this was it. In a game with a huge red stormraven and a LRC and a lot of lascannons on tanks, this unassuming red rhino just bebopped behind the other nearby tanks until it was time to shine. They were the perfect 1-2 punch behind the spearhead of mephiston and the assault terminators and let me make some pretty devastating assaults without risking a more vulnerable scoring unit. Realistically this guys probably single handedly won me the tau game, amassing almost 1k VP themselves.


Most memorable moment- Tie-The impenetrable LRC that kept the traitor from being a 5 KP and giving me a major victory. Also the assault squads in the razorbacks charging zagstruck and the stormboyz and beating them in combat after they dropped in.


Very fun event. Very fun scenarios. Great sportsmanship in a tournament that didn't require it. Couldn't have had a better experience.

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