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Lord Zhufor Completed

Brother Grius

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I have finally completed my Lord Zhufor model. I'm not completely satisfied, but I did my best and feel any further attempts to clean it up will run the risk of worsening it instead. That said, here are a few angles. Hope you like the way I've painted him up.


List of Paints and steps:

Primer: Krylon Flat Black from Walmart

Basecoat: Mechrite Red Foundation

Basecoat (Brass bitz): Iyanden Darksun Foundation

Basecoat (Dead Guy's Jacket): 50% Dark Angels Green, 50% Chaos Black

Second Coat: Blood Red

Second Coat (Brass bitz): Dwarf Bronze

Second Coat (Cloak): Chaos Black

Second Coat (Dead Guy's Jacket): Goblin Green

Drybrush (Cloak): Codex Grey

Wash/Ink (Red bitz): Vallejo Red Ink

Skulls and Bone: Bleached Bone

Wash/Ink (Whole Model except Cloak): Vallejo Sepia Ink

Wash/Ink (Cloak): 25% Chaos Black, 25% Badab Black, 50% Water

Highlights: Mithril Silver and Fiery Orange

Highlights (Bone): Skull White

Highlights (Dead Guy's Jacket): Goblin Green

World Eaters icon: Regal Blue and Goblin Green










Comments and criticisms welcome.

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I'd give the various skulls an ink wash cos they seem very bright and flat.


Also the gold and red seem to bleed together, although thats most likely the light.


Beyond that I'd say you've done Khorne's second favourite beserker proud ;)

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Thanks for all the comments. I think most of the red/brass thing is the lighting. I actually did use Sepia Ink on all of the brass, and it looks a little different in the picture. The red actually has a shine that sets it apart, due to the Red Ink as well. I have a light box, so maybe I'll take a few more pictures this evening.
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Pens for the Pen God!!! Staples for the Staple Throne!!!


Seriously though, pretty cool man. Always loved this mini, glad you went with the helmeted version.


Why do people make fun of Khorne all the time? Everywhere i go, even people who dont play, make fun of that...




Good model, good painting, 6/10 for me.

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Comments and criticisms welcome.



The horror...


...wait considering it's Zhufor we're talking about that's a compliment. Good work mate. :tu:


But I agree with Razblood a light wash of Gryphonne Sepia on the skulls would be fine, then some highlighting with bleached bone



Why do people make fun of Khorne all the time? Everywhere i go, even people who dont play, make fun of that...


Cause humor is the best way to handle fear ;) :cuss

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Ya, the Khorne Icon on the collar is bent/drooping. =(


It arrived broken and I fixed it, but later I dropped it and it broke again.


Also, if you read the steps I used for painting, I have already given the skulls a sepia wash and then highlighted. Just one or two of them I had a little trouble with.

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