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Warlords, Captains, Chief High Eunoch... when your a Chaos warlord you can have people call you whatever you want.

Some may prefer Captain, Warlord, Exalted, Sire... Take your pick but I wouldnt have thought there was anything set in stone.

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Perhaps, it depends on the pre-Heresy Legion organisation. For example, warbands of Thousand Sons are led by Lords-Sorcerers as it were in the Great Crusade. And so on.
Mine was lead by a guy who claimed to have been Horus' personal apothecary- y'know, the guy who suggested he not go down to Devlan for that ritual? Either way, he insisted on being referred to as The Apothecary.


He also hated Fabius Bile; when the Apothecary made CSMs, they came out very close to pre-heresy marines. Bile's CSMs were... well, they came from Bile, so what do you expect?

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