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New to B&C and Chaos


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Hey everyone. First off, this is my first post here. I am brand new to B&C and hope to learn a lot from your experience.


Now Her is my current situation that I am going to need your help on. I have a Salamanders army as my main force. Well my Step Son thought he wanted to play so I bought him a Chaos Battle pack so he could start. Long story short he gave up on it and gave me the models. I got inspire the other day to do a Tzeenech conversion on the Rhino from the pack. I have taken Deamon/Dragon wings and a Mini of a Dungeons and Dragon Beholder. I think it turned out pretty good so far. I am almost done painting it. I have lightning and highlighting left to do. The colors I am using are a Blue (darker than Ultramarines) Dark orange and Gold. My problem is once i paint the Marines that came in the box set, I dont know what else to get in order to build a good tzeenech flavored army. It doesnt have to be a total Tzeenech themed army but I have no idea what works well. What should I add, slowly, for a fun yet effective army?

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New servant of the Architect of Fates? ;) It's good! Follow the Changer of the Ways and he will reward you ;)


About your wish - i can suggest smth of that (i collect my CSM according to this concept):


Daemon Prince of Tzeentch (our supreme lord of our forces (for example, a whole Chapter devoted to the Changer of the Ways))

Sorcerer of Tzeentch (his lieutenant and companion)

Some squads of CSM with Icon of Tzeentch (for example, two 15-20 model squads) (those sm that had wanted to serve Tzeentch and form the core of our army)

Chosen or Terminators with Icon of Tzeentch (our elite soldiers)

Vehicles (for example, Defilers and Predators to support our infantry by firing and in close combat)


Smth like that :)

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Here are two pics of the Rhino. Its a WiP and I am sure not someone who would ever win a Golden Deamon. Hopefully I did this right.





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Yeah I wanted a Dragon or similar head to put on the front instead of the Beholder. But I went with it because i couldnt find anything else that would work and didnt cost around 100 bucks. If i had sculpting skills I would have made a Cuthulu head but i dont so I bought the Mini and kit bashed it.


Ikind of like the Eye in the Beholder though cause it is almost like an Homage to the Eye of Horus.

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