Donkey Kong Posted September 7, 2011 Author Share Posted September 7, 2011 Ferrus Manus said: Since you took the time to reply to my thread, I thought I'd do the same. Now, have a read through the thread I decided I'd treat this the same way I'd treat Female Space Marines or Lost Legion articles and that is simply to take it on its own, at face value. Rather than be negative anyway. Now, the one burning question I have since finishing the thread is this: Astartes consider their gene-seed sacred, it makes them what they are. The numerous examples of meddling with gene-seed in the full have all been prevented once discovered. Granted, this is slightly different. But, how would you think that a normal Astarte would react to these guys - these twisted mirrors of them? Appreciated, Ferrus. To answer you and Augustine, Normal Space Marines would dislike them, provided that they knew how different they were. I agreed with Ace in an earlier post to make them shorter and smaller than average. They distinctly lack a black carapace as shown by their armor. However, with the exception of the latter most trait, which can be theoretically justified in universe by a different doctrine, and a distinct healing ability, they are Space Marines in terms of their biological design and function. Ultimately, I don't believe that any Inquisitor behind the project is going to believe that they can get away with showing everything behind them without making a few (or many) enemies. This is part of why I also believe that the Chapter should be extremely isolated. It makes deciding how they're used harder, but it makes them fit, or as well as a square peg can fit a round hole. Captain Juan Juarez said: I'm intrigued. I, personally, would not have tried something quite so audacious - in my opinion it doesn't coherently fit with the 40k background as I know and love it - but when I have the time (i.e. when I'm not supposed to be working) I'll have a proper read through. Currently, this whole thing is very disjointed. So, CJJ, Ace, and everyone else interested, I'll post the most updated outline. Quote Origins:-Twenty First Founding -Sanctioned by the High Lords of Terra to attempt recreating the Primarchs -Researched by the Adeptus Mechanicus, Adeptus Astra Telepathica -Initial results yield monsters known as chimeras for possessing a varied genome and daemonic characteristic -Successful homunculi created motivating scientists to continue working and attracts outside attention -Homunculi anatomy/ physiology: Functional space marine implants, minus black carapace, naturally present, shorter and leaner than average space marines, latent psykers incapable of further concentrating powers, latent psychic ability channeled through willpower allows for near instantaneous regeneration, however they quickly exhaust This is my visual inspiration. -Radical Inquisitors push scientists to continue working on the project in secret after the High Lords lose faith in it Homeworld: -Fleet based -Maintain positions in empty space between Imperial Sectors -Teams belonging to the Adeptus Mechanicus and Adeptus Astra Telepahtica maintain constant presence -Inquisitorial advocates recruit scientific minds to join existing Teams Organizaion: -Under-strength -Between 4 and 6 full strength codex battle companies at any given time -No Librarians, no Apothecaries, no Techmarines -Record keeping done by Imperial scientists and Inquisitorial servants -Armory maintenance conducted by Adeptus Mechanicus -Chaplains maintain mental strength Combat Doctrine: -Tackle obstacles head on -Utilize failed creations as forward shock units Chapter Cult -Believe in a kinship with the chimeras -View themselves as the Emperor's Living Weapons Gene-Seed -No Gene-Seed -Venerate all Primarchs Heraldy: Chimera with a ram head facing forward and a lion head facing back Off White Armor (bare ceramite) with Orange Pauldrons That's more or less set. Brainstorming: I imagine them fighting alongside other Inquisitorial, and perhaps Mechanicus, forces. I think that "Living Weapons" could work as a title for the Chapter. Armor may be a sort of bastardized cross between the Sisters of Battle and the Grey Knights, including the aforementioned sallet. Overall, I'm still open to any suggestions or criticism. Thanks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Juan Juarez Posted September 8, 2011 Share Posted September 8, 2011 First off: Instant kudos for the Southern Swords link - they made my latex battleaxe :P -Sanctioned by the High Lords of Terra to attempt recreating the Primarchs - I'm far from enthused about this, it doesn't seem such a likely background but if you can explain it well then.. *shrug* -Researched by the Adeptus Mechanicus, Adeptus Astra Telepathica - Researched? -Initial results yield monsters known as chimeras for possessing a varied genome and daemonic characteristic - Initial monsters would usually put the kybosh on such a project, monsters = bad juju. -Successful homunculi created motivating scientists to continue working and attracts outside attention - What kind of attention? Good and bad would be more believeable; for every willing participant there would likely be one to shy away. -Homunculi anatomy/ physiology: Functional space marine implants, minus black carapace, naturally present, shorter and leaner than average space marines, latent psykers incapable of further concentrating powers, latent psychic ability channeled through willpower allows for near instantaneous regeneration, however they quickly exhaust - Exhaust in what way? An inability to further regenerate for example? -Radical Inquisitors push scientists to continue working on the project in secret after the High Lords lose faith in it - I think this would work best to begin with; Radicals come up with a full "plan" which the HLoT reject and is carried out anyway. Homeworld: -Teams belonging to the Adeptus Mechanicus and Adeptus Astra Telepahtica maintain constant presence - Further explanation required. -Inquisitorial advocates recruit scientific minds to join existing Teams - As above. Organizaion: -Under-strength -Between 4 and 6 full strength codex battle companies at any given time - I think it should be less than even this, for the reason of secrecy. -No Librarians, no Apothecaries, no Techmarines - I can still see a place for the Apothecarium, particularly if you wish to work in further genetic degredation. -Record keeping done by Imperial scientists and Inquisitorial servants - None too sure of this. -Armory maintenance conducted by Adeptus Mechanicus - As above. -Chaplains maintain mental strength - More information required. Combat Doctrine: -Utilize failed creations as forward shock units - I'm not sure this is a great idea, but.. *shrug* Chapter Cult: -View themselves as the Emperor's Living Weapons - With pointy hair and claws? :) Gene-Seed: -No Gene-Seed - Will need explanation, in depth -Venerate all Primarchs Heraldy: Chimera with a ram head facing forward and a lion head facing back - I have an idea for this, but lack any artistic skills. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Debonair Posted September 9, 2011 Share Posted September 9, 2011 Brother Augustine said: Speaking of, had a crazy idea. Just throwing it out there, so feel free to ignore it. You said the regeneration drains alot of energy off of them, right? Well, being organic, living beings who are constantly burning energy their bodies would logically be desperately trying to replace that energy in the simplest way possible. By eating. So these guys would be constantly hungry or, in the middle of a battle, utterly famished. To the point where their bodies think they are starving and they are driven by instinct to devour the closest edible items. Namely, the soldiers forming the enemy line that they just hit like the fist of an Angry/Hungry God. Are you still using this idea? Because having an apothecarion that is looking for ways to restrain the constant hunger and stuff would be pretty cool. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted September 10, 2011 Author Share Posted September 10, 2011 That's quite a commentary CJJ. Quote -Sanctioned by the High Lords of Terra to attempt recreating the Primarchs - I'm far from enthused about this, it doesn't seem such a likely background but if you can explain it well then.. *shrug* The Twenty First Founding was an exercise in experimenting with the gene-seed to reproduce the Primarchs. This was one of those more radical experiments. Quote -Researched by the Adeptus Mechanicus, Adeptus Astra Telepathica - Researched? Different interpretations, I'm afraid. I believe that the Machine Cult is a worship of science, and not necessarily, if at all, the practice of performing a ritual before using a microwave. I feel the same about the Adeptus Astra Telepathica and the "study" of Warp Physics. Quote -Initial results yield monsters known as chimeras for possessing a varied genome and daemonic characteristic - Initial monsters would usually put the kybosh on such a project, monsters = bad juju.-Successful homunculi created motivating scientists to continue working and attracts outside attention - What kind of attention? Good and bad would be more believeable; for every willing participant there would likely be one to shy away. It's all a matter of details. If the monsters have Space Marine genetic structures, they're off to a start. Good and Bad attention would appear by default. Inquisitors would flock to keep the project going or try and shut it down. Plot device would have the former out muscle the latter. Quote -Homunculi anatomy/ physiology: Functional space marine implants, minus black carapace, naturally present, shorter and leaner than average space marines, latent psykers incapable of further concentrating powers, latent psychic ability channeled through willpower allows for near instantaneous regeneration, however they quickly exhaust - Exhaust in what way? An inability to further regenerate for example? That, along with other not so pleasant things, like death. I imagine symptoms such as muscle weakness and shortness of breath. Quote -Radical Inquisitors push scientists to continue working on the project in secret after the High Lords lose faith in it - I think this would work best to begin with; Radicals come up with a full "plan" which the HLoT reject and is carried out anyway. I cannot convince myself to believe that Inquisitors, no matter how many, could bully the functionally autonomous Adeptus Mechanicus and all powerful Adeptus Astra Telepathica into carrying on with a plan that is already denied by the High Lords of Terra (comprised of both the Fabricator General of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Lord of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica). Quote -Teams belonging to the Adeptus Mechanicus and Adeptus Astra Telepahtica maintain constant presence - Further explanation required.-Inquisitorial advocates recruit scientific minds to join existing Teams - As above. The Teams are the scientists and specialists commissioned by the High Lords to start the project. They are the Chapter's only source of creating new recruits, and as such they are kept with the fleet to keep them alive. The Advocates are the Inquisitors supporting the project, and the acolytes they collect join the teams to expand the project and replace old members. Quote -Between 4 and 6 full strength codex battle companies at any given time - I think it should be less than even this, for the reason of secrecy. How small of a force would you recommend? Keep in mind these are just line space marines. I would think that most, if not all, support would come in the form of Inquisitorial acolytes. I don't even know how extensive their command structure will be, or if they'll even have one at all beyond an Inquisitor leader ordering them around. Quote -No Librarians, no Apothecaries, no Techmarines - I can still see a place for the Apothecarium, particularly if you wish to work in further genetic degredation. The core concept is regeneration. I'm not seeing it, sorry :woot: . Quote -Record keeping done by Imperial scientists and Inquisitorial servants - None too sure of this.-Armory maintenance conducted by Adeptus Mechanicus - As above. They are not a functional Chapter. The Ordo Malleus relies on the Grey Knights. The Chimeras rely on their Inquisitorial Advocates. They're a big science project that has managed to prove their worth. Quote -Chaplains maintain mental strength - More information required. It has to do with endurance. They weaken just by being alive. Quote -Utilize failed creations as forward shock units - I'm not sure this is a great idea, but.. *shrug* I imagine it more like penal legionnaires: Totally expendable forward units to absorb ammunition and ease the way for the real force. It's relatively forced, but it's easier than explaining euthanizing thousands of failed experiments, plus it gives them a use. Waste not, want not, you know the deal. Quote -View themselves as the Emperor's Living Weapons - With pointy hair and claws? :lol: Unless you're poking at the Space Wolves, you've gone and shot over my head :) . Quote -No Gene-Seed - Will need explanation, in depth A physical gene-seed is implanted during creation and removed after death. It allows for the special systems to grow within space marines. Chimeras are created with these organ systems, and so they don't need to have anything implanted or removed. Quote Heraldy: Chimera with a ram head facing forward and a lion head facing back - I have an idea for this, but lack any artistic skills. Do your best to describe it, I'll give you my interpretation: Based on middle column, second down. Stylized ram head on left side, facing "forward" with horns towards the enemy, and stylized lion facing "backward," giving a noble impression. Quote Are you still using this idea?Because having an apothecarion that is looking for ways to restrain the constant hunger and stuff would be pretty cool. Why restrain what you can use? There is a reason I chose a sallet without a gorget or any other armor blocking the jaw. The Chimera's hunger isn't madness, it's just that: hunger. They're hungry, they eat. Strength of mind staves off hunger from exhaustion. It probably hasn't made the Chapter any friends, but it's a pretty nasty weapon all the same. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Juan Juarez Posted September 11, 2011 Share Posted September 11, 2011 I have a massive thing to post, but it refuses to recognise my inability to find where my apparent screw up of the quote tags is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Donkey Kong Posted September 11, 2011 Author Share Posted September 11, 2011 Captain Juan Juarez said: I have a massive thing to post, but it refuses to recognise my inability to find where my apparent screw up of the quote tags is. :P Well, I'd like to read it anyway, even if you replaced all the quote tags with quotation marks. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Juan Juarez Posted September 11, 2011 Share Posted September 11, 2011 Quote The Twenty First Founding was an exercise in experimenting with the gene-seed to reproduce the Primarchs. This was one of those more radical experiments. - This I know, but it's more I think that the idea is the most extreme without being ridicukous which causes concerns. Quote Different interpretations, I'm afraid. I believe that the Machine Cult is a worship of science, and not necessarily, if at all, the practice of performing a ritual before using a microwave. I feel the same about the Adeptus Astra Telepathica and the "study" of Warp Physics. - An interesting way of looking at it, but at least in terms of the AdMech I disagree – advancement and "out of the box" thinking is mostly considered heretical to the Machine Cult. Quote It's all a matter of details. If the monsters have Space Marine genetic structures, they're off to a start. Good and Bad attention would appear by default. Inquisitors would flock to keep the project going or try and shut it down. Plot device would have the former out muscle the latter. - A rose by any other name is still a monster ^_^ Quote That, along with other not so pleasant things, like death. I imagine symptoms such as muscle weakness and shortness of breath. - The points I mentioned would tie in below with the genetic degredation thing; the more they regenerate, even such as healing a graze the more the body breaks down. Quote I cannot convince myself to believe that Inquisitors, no matter how many, could bully the functionally autonomous Adeptus Mechanicus and all powerful Adeptus Astra Telepathica into carrying on with a plan that is already denied by the High Lords of Terra (comprised of both the Fabricator General of the Adeptus Mechanicus and the Lord of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica). - In my opinion neither of the two ideas is perfect, but I'd be remiss if I didn't make a suggestion when your idea didn't ring true with me. Quote How small of a force would you recommend? Keep in mind these are just line space marines. I would think that most, if not all, support would come in the form of Inquisitorial acolytes. I don't even know how extensive their command structure will be, or if they'll even have one at all beyond an Inquisitor leader ordering them around. - I think you would need some kind of command structure, Inquisitors have little battlefield knowledge beyond skirmishing generally. In terms of size it would depend upon the scarcity of recruits and the difficulty of making them Chimerae; are there so few suitable or do more "monsters" result than not? If one or the other is the case, then every "death" slowly kills the Chapter. Quote The core concept is regeneration. I'm not seeing it, sorry - Tying it in with the renegeration killing their body - Apothecarion could be used to truly harness that power, conquering the side-effect of death. Quote They are not a functional Chapter. The Ordo Malleus relies on the Grey Knights. The Chimeras rely on their Inquisitorial Advocates. They're a big science project that has managed to prove their worth. This makes it feel less like a Chapter of the Adeptus Astartes - I wonder if that's part of the point. Quote I imagine it more like penal legionnaires: Totally expendable forward units to absorb ammunition and ease the way for the real force. It's relatively forced, but it's easier than explaining euthanizing thousands of failed experiments, plus it gives them a use. Waste not, want not, you know the deal. - The real concern here is how much like a Chaos/Renegade this kind of thing resembles. Quote Unless you're poking at the Space Wolves, you've gone and shot over my head - Wolvering,Weapon X, Living Weapon :yes: Quote A physical gene-seed is implanted during creation and removed after death. It allows for the special systems to grow within space marines. Chimeras are created with these organ systems, and so they don't need to have anything implanted or removed. - But why does this work, when in other Astartes it is so required? What makes them special? Quote Do your best to describe it.. The idea is that your two conflicting images, but one is more warped and demonic - such as a Lion and some deamonic head staring back which gives hints at the conflict within; that they can either become noble warriors or hideous monsters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Arkangilos Posted September 12, 2011 Share Posted September 12, 2011 To the inquisitorial bullying, they don't have to bully the mechanicus to do something that is outlawed by the HLoT. There are differant factions in EVERY orginization. That means that there are bound to be Tech Priests (even high up and ambitious ones) who would support the inquisitor either way. So, it could go like this: Radical Inquisitors of the Chimerian Faction meet up with radical Mechanicus, they devise a plan to make the Chimeras -> They take plan to HLoT when 21st founding is announced -> HLoT decide plan is too radical, and reject the Chimera Project -> Chimerian Inquisitors and supporting AdMech decide to go ahead and do it anyways in secret -> Project proceeds in complete secrecy. And also, I'm sure that the HLoT is not a unanimous voting process. It is probably a simple majority. That means that while the HLoT as a body might reject it, individuals on it (such as fabricator general, and the leader of the Astropaths) might fully support it. So, in secret they would go against their peers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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