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Nigth Lords


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Hi guys


I' m playing night lords but I love also khorn besserkers so I decided make alliance and I have make my own fluf what do you think about it?? is it good or bad??


-My lord we are reaching vostoya planet as you command but I don't understand what we can find on this lost world full of swamps and deadly creatures?

-Good we have some one to pick up from this planet

-Pick up sir?

-Yes an old friend... prepare to land at the west side of this great swamp

-as you wish

Few moments later the 5th claw of night lords army land on this deadly world full of ancient creatures and giant bugs...

-Lord who we are exactly looking for??

-Gorgonus is this telling you something??

-He was leader of World Eaters assult team on the mars defend during great crused he was able by him self kill loyal regent of mars and kill whole terminator squad who's protect him

-Yes you are right

-But he died when his company was retreating to the eye of terror

-hahaha he only want that every one believe in this

-how do you know he is here and alive in such un hospitable planet ??

-Once we where best friend it was long time ago when we believed in falls emperor but it's long story and not for that moment start to look living forms in area I fell he is near

-as you command


-yes sergeant aurelisu??

-we where menage to find small leaving form ha;f click on the north east from our position

-it must be him I will go alone wait here to my back and prepare engines to lift of

-off corse

Captain Lucius was moving forward killing toxic spiders and poison snakes he felt that he is observed from the very beginnig when he land on this planet suddenly from the mist of toxic gas some one shout to him and slowly start moving to him he recognise voice of his old friend

-what do you want from me huu...?

-so thats how you greeting an old friend Gorgonus ?

-hahaha friend as I remeber last time when we have seen each other you where runing from loyalist fleet when they was looking for you Curtz and you left without good buy

-it was hard times form me and you

-yes It' s troo so tell me why did you came to my planet ??

-I want to join our forces and once again spread terror against this loyal ships

-you are greed as always you don't want to fight with them you only want money and womens for your greedy soul

-you know me like no one else

-I don't need this things I have here all I need

-you mean your blood god is happy when you are killing fly for him??

-shut up you mouth we are not' alone here you know??

-off corse I've notice your dogs from the same begginig

-and you still trying to argue me??

-I have some infomation which can make you to change your mind

-hahaha then share with me this information

-BLOODTHIRSTER claw is it telling you something?

-hah that's only a myth a story that greatest khorn daemon left his claw in this world when he was banished from this dimension

-than look what I have inside this pannier

Gorgonus couldn't belive to his own eyes when he saw ancient relict in hand's of his old friend he was exuding with power of ancient times

-Wher did you get this treasure !!??

-it doesn't matter now it could be your's if you swear me loyalty to your last breath what do you think??

Gorgonus was sweat when he was looking at it he didn't know what to say suddenly he saw that the rest of his comrades are moving to Lucius and swearing him loyalty he knew that he is alone and his only option to keep his position is to swear loyalty to his old friend...

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