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TS and demons question


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I am just starting out with chaos and normally play Salamanders. I have just started a Tzeentch army and am considering making it a TS army. The one piece I have, a Rhino is close to done. The main reason I want to put this army together is for some of the cooler models Like the Defiler and Demon Prince. I do want to do some custom work on them so they arnt cookie cutter and for me at least half of the fun of the Hobby is building and painting.


My question really is this, Since the TS are basically ghosts except for the leadership, do summoned demons fit in fluff wise? And could your Lord be a Demon Prince?



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Easily, the Thousand Sons are some of the most powereful sorcerers, and even used daemons BEFORE they turned to Chaos. Also, its just the troopers which got turned into Rubric (dust) Marines, and the sergeants and everyone else was fine. So they still get affected by mutations, and could become a daemon prince. Although they are scared crapless by mutations, and so it is more likely you could represent Daemon Princes as Uber-Psykers, Mephiston style.


If any of this doesn't make sense, ask around. :P

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Ok so to be clear, I could use summoned demons with no problem; pinks and blues and even demonettes or bloodletters if i really wanted to. I also can field a Demon Prince as my lord. Right?


I really would like to use a converted/custom Demon prince, I really like the look of the Model and think it would have a lot of possibilites to customize and make it fit.


Since in Chaos fluff, Might makes right. Is it to much of a stretch to say that the other members (non rubric) of the army are to intimidated to make a big deal out of the Lords Possession? Or maybe he was possesed before the fear of mutation had taken root.


I just dont want to take to much flak from the Fluff gurus out there if i ever complete this army. Why do these things have to cost so much?

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If you want TS, so...


1 - Thousand Sons Golems

2 - Of course, you can have Daemon Prince of Tzeentch, it's quite powerful creature) but usual sorcerer is better spellcaster.

3 - You can mix Chaos and Tomb Kings details, it can be great! For example, this. One of members of this forum created this masterpiece from the Daemon Prince and the Necrosphynx!


4 - if not the Ahriman's Forces, TS can use daemons, but i fear only the daemons of Tzeentch.

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Ok so to be clear, I could use summoned demons with no problem; pinks and blues and even demonettes or bloodletters if i really wanted to. I also can field a Demon Prince as my lord. Right?


I really would like to use a converted/custom Demon prince, I really like the look of the Model and think it would have a lot of possibilites to customize and make it fit.


Since in Chaos fluff, Might makes right. Is it to much of a stretch to say that the other members (non rubric) of the army are to intimidated to make a big deal out of the Lords Possession? Or maybe he was possesed before the fear of mutation had taken root.


I just dont want to take to much flak from the Fluff gurus out there if i ever complete this army. Why do these things have to cost so much?


If you want to make it fluffy, then you might want to stick with Tzeentch daemons, as I can't see the likes of plaguebearers or bloodletters fighting in a dedicated Thousand Sons army. Since the Chaos Codex doesn't have entries for specific daemons and just has the generic "lesser daemon" entry, you can take any daemon type you want, and they will all be equally effective (or equally not effective, as the Fickle Four may decide). There are a few types of Tzeentch daemons to choose from for models, so knock yourself out. If you want to try a Greater Daemon, then definitely go with a Lord of Change.

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The Chief Librarian of the Thousand Sons and long Magnus' closest friend and adviser within the Legion, a powerful Chaos Sorcerer named Ahzek Ahriman, devised a way to prevent further mutation in the form of a powerful spell known as the Rubric of Ahriman. However, the rest of the Sorcerer Librarians of the Thousand Sons did not agree or see eye-to-eye on the matter. It was only when Magnus was finally elevated to the status of Daemon Prince of Tzeentch that the Sorcerers banded together to create a Cabal. They agreed to cooperate and unleash the Rubric. The following sorcerous cataclysm unleashed lightning strikes that hit each and every Thousand Sons Chaos Marine. Those that had little or no psychic power were disintegrated outright, their bodies turning to ash within their armour. Those that possessed psychic power found those abilities greatly augmented, becoming among the most powerful sorcerers in the galaxy...


This pretty much means that unless you´re a psyker, you´re a rubric marine. Which is what messes stuff up, when it comes to choices within the army. I personally play strictly TS (by the fluff), which means I am very (very) limited in my choices. (Vehicles are not restricted and daemons belong to Magnus, but not Ahriman - if we´re beeing fluff lawyers).


Note however that you can, rule- and fluffwise, play as Chaos Marines of Tzeentch. Theese boys are however not part of Magnus forces, neither Ahrimans. They would instead be entire chapters and/or a band of random renegades, ruled by a strong leader (most likely a potent psyker).

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Thanks for the input everyone. You have really helped me along in learning the ways of the TS marines.


I had really liked the idea of playing a TS army. But The Thousand Son is right, it is extremely limited. I might end up doing a Thousand Step sons or something. Say it started as a warband and the Demon Prince in charge of it found or was told by a Lord of Change the spell that turned Ahriman's rank and file marines into Rubrics. This would allow my army to have "counts as" TS marines and still have Terminators or Obliterators or Havocs or whatever and still have a unified feel to it. By that I mean I dont have the majority of the army in my army's colors (blue and orange) and my TS squads in Blue and Gold.


This could all be solved by GW comming out with a TS army book that would give them a legitimate access to Defilers and Dreads, Tanks and Termies.


Now I need to think up an Army Name.

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If you want to choose such a way, than i suggest what i'd already suggested- your own chapter/warband, dedicated to the Changer of the Ways. In this case you can have anything with Mark/Icon of Tzeentch and golems can be the retinue of your DP (so it's by me - my DP is one of the Lords-Sorcerers of the Thousand Sons Legion and has retinue of golems left from the previous battles and travells).

And what's about a name of your army - i suggest smth that's connected with Tzeentch (as it's with the Oracles of Change in the codex).

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I really hate to ask what will probably seem like a dumb question. But what is a Golem in this converstaion? I know that by deffinition a golem is a man made being, ie Frankenstein monster. Are you saying that any Chaos Terminators, Havoc Marines, or Obliterators are Golems?


I know in "reality", I can field whatever I want as long as it is in line with the CSM codex but i would like to have an Army that makes sense and has a cohesive feel. And I do like the theme of a TS army.


I do like the idea of skeletons as demons for a TS army

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Golem in 40k means rubric marines who were TS before the Rubric of Ahriman. For now TS Legion only consists of these golems and their Aspiring Sorcerers that lead them.

What's about skeletons - it isn't a very good idea as death theme belongs to Nurgle. But Tomb Kings do can be useful.

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I see no problem with using ordinary CSM with a tzeentchy paintjob in your 1k sons army. It isn't too far a stretch of mind that Ahriman or another mighty TS sorcerer (whether Ahriman- or Magnus-aligned) has corrupted loyal Marines or a renegade warband into his service, who now are all too willing to fight alongside the Rubrics.
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Thanks Eerie, I think thats exactly what I am going to do. The army will be head up by either a Lord or a Demon Prince and will have at least two TS squads. Other rolse will be filled in by CSMs who needed a dang job and a share of the plunder.


Oh and I have just finished putting together a defiler for the army. I bashed it from a defiler kit and a Tomb kings warsphinx. I am sure a lot of you can d better, but I think it will turn some heads at the game shop when I break it out.


Here are some pics of it. Lighting sucks but its the best i can do at the spur of he moment.









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I really hate to ask what will probably seem like a dumb question. But what is a Golem in this converstaion? I know that by deffinition a golem is a man made being, ie Frankenstein monster. Are you saying that any Chaos Terminators, Havoc Marines, or Obliterators are Golems?


I think the reason "Golem" was used earlier in the post is because in the background for my army that was attached to the image of the counts as Demon Prince earlier in this thread stated that there were only 4 sorcerors in my army and the "Demon Prince" was actually a Golem made by them. The only living beings in my army were the sorcerers. The rest are constructs/golems or re-animated corpes of loyal marines.


Here is a link to my army.

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