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My Son's Sanguinary Priest


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So I belong to the greatest chapter ever, Black Templars, however my son in his weakness chose Blood Angels. I would like to share on of his successes in thought. He loves his Storm Raven, He loves His sanguinary Priest, He loves his Terminators and loves his furiouso dreadnaught with blood talons. All of which he would sooner quit the game before giving up just as he feels about Dante. The priest he used to attach to a Assualt sqd with CDR Dante attached but he decided to try things differently. He always put his Termi's (3 PoLC and 2 TH SS) in his Storm Raven with his beloved furiouso dreadnaught. Awesome Combo. Last night he asked before we play a game if I would help him make his army a little diffrent and asked about his Priest with his Terminators in the Raven with the furiouso. So we hastily starting working on a Priest in TA together. Turned out awesome and is even holding the blood chalice out of space hulk. Finished model will have blood sloshing out of it. Is also has several MB's attached to his belt.


Here's the ugliness of this by chance idea we had. So now the Terminators, Priest, and Furiouso are in a bird capable of delivering them easily anywhere you like, basically 12 in move + 2 in deployment + 6 in assualt = 20 in range. All units now have furious charge comming out of that bird to include the Dread. Also feel no pain for shrugging off ankle biter wounds from the occasional 1's from normal weapons. This unit joined an assault that incuded my Emperor's Champion, 9 man Inititate Sqd with CC weapons, a 9 man terminator sqd with 4 PoLC and 5 TH SS and Reclusiarch (chaplin) with Terminator Armor and SS that were locked were locked into combat with a 10 man Blood angels Assualt sqd w/ CDR Dante attached to it. Dante's sqd took on the initial charge and managed to hold on and by that luck (good for him bad for me) manage to allow the storm raven team a window to join that assualt and OOOHHHH NELLY to they put a hurting on me. In two rounds I managed to kill dante and the 10 man asslt sqd but his Termi's and Dread killed everything else. Not a bad fight for us, lotta fun and was impressed with the terminator sqd's meaness.


I definetly need to make a better effort and try and shoot that bird down so he can't get the assualt off in our next training mission.


Just thought I would share this battle report :D

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Not only does it sound like a fun situation, but it certainly sounds like you and your son have a great time sharing the hobby. That's awesome.


On a side note, did he try and Hit&Run Dante out of CC the turn before (your turn) the Termies arrived? If not, he missed a good opportunity to smash even more.

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Not only does it sound like a fun situation, but it certainly sounds like you and your son have a great time sharing the hobby. That's awesome.


On a side note, did he try and Hit&Run Dante out of CC the turn before (your turn) the Termies arrived? If not, he missed a good opportunity to smash even more.



Yeah we have a great time with it. We always forget about dantes hit and run thanks for the reminder. Heres his 2000 pt list http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=236402

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OMG we rolled the same mission and the same deployment and he whooped me again LOL! Yeah he definetly has found his nitch with his BA's. Good for him. Priest with the Assualt sqds would be awesome but he's playing with it how he likes with the load out he likes and if it aint broke don't fix it :cuss Also with most of his assualts the termi priest is right up in there so he is confering the feel no pain and furious charge to the units around him. The Storm Raven is awesome at helping get that priest in the thick of things
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OMG we rolled the same mission and the same deployment and he whooped me again LOL! Yeah he definetly has found his nitch with his BA's. Good for him. Priest with the Assualt sqds would be awesome but he's playing with it how he likes with the load out he likes and if it aint broke don't fix it ;) Also with most of his assualts the termi priest is right up in there so he is confering the feel no pain and furious charge to the units around him. The Storm Raven is awesome at helping get that priest in the thick of things


We have a good idea of his list - what are you playing against him?

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OMG we rolled the same mission and the same deployment and he whooped me again LOL! Yeah he definetly has found his nitch with his BA's. Good for him. Priest with the Assualt sqds would be awesome but he's playing with it how he likes with the load out he likes and if it aint broke don't fix it :) Also with most of his assualts the termi priest is right up in there so he is confering the feel no pain and furious charge to the units around him. The Storm Raven is awesome at helping get that priest in the thick of things


We have a good idea of his list - what are you playing against him?


Its really comming down to dice rolls and him playing really really well. When I fire 4 twin linked las cannons and 6 normal las cannons at a strom raven that moved 13+ inches it's really just bad luck if I fail to destroy it all to prevent it getting where he wants :P Here's a link to my current load out http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=236390 He is due to kick my butt anyway. He hasn't beaten me in months until he changed his list up.


Bottom line I gotta shoot that storm raven out of the air as far away from my castle as possible in any game. His current tactic is pretty solid. He likes to bring it in reserves and deep strike Dante and a Assualt Sqd. He then decides on combat squading or not deep strike or not on the other two assualt squads. Vindis will come lumbering up to provide fire support more or less as distraction you can't ignore. Because of Decent of angels he almost always brings in all his reserves so he likes to try and zerg his bird forward. He then Deep strikes Dante and Sqd behind it for cover. If he cobat sqds the other two assualt sqds they ussually either Deep strike on OBJ's or right nest to tanks and attempts popping them with his many melta weapons. If the Storm Raven weathers the fire (which its doen for two straight games ;) ) then he has a good assualt set up which he will use to with Dante's and his Sqd, assualt terminators, priest and Furiouso. Priest granting all involved units Furious charge and feel no pain. Thats played out well for him twice now. Storm Raven has been really good at weather fire and I'm shoopin gfor new dice ROFL. My hats off to him he's really put a great list together and it was mostly his ideas with some help from me. He's doing really well for a 14 year old and I can't wait to see how he does at Tshft.

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Just a quick comment about Descent of Angels: I don't know if I'm misreading your son's tactical use of Descent of Angels, but the rule only applies to models with jump packs. That means he can't reroll failed reserve rolls for his Stormraven. It also only applies to deep striking, so any models which are held in reserve to come on their own table edge cannot use the reroll either.


Sounds like you guys are having a really good time of it, though!



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Just a quick comment about Descent of Angels: I don't know if I'm misreading your son's tactical use of Descent of Angels, but the rule only applies to models with jump packs. That means he can't reroll failed reserve rolls for his Stormraven. It also only applies to deep striking, so any models which are held in reserve to come on their own table edge cannot use the reroll either.


Sounds like you guys are having a really good time of it, though!





yeah he's only using it with the assualt troops that are deep striking

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I have a 7 year old that just loves all things table tops gaming and modeling....how old is your son???


At 7 I have made the rules not as complex......its mostly rolling dice and using the tables...


My boy is 14 now...he started when he was about 7-8 though ;)


Me and my dad used to play all the time, now we don't play as much, he has a massive chaos space marines army (I've always had space marines) but he loves Orcs and Orks.


Gonna try and get playing again! aha


Thats awesome man, always a good thing when a father and son can share somthing

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