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How well do Sternguard fit in to a mech or mixed BA force?


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With an abundance of troops choices and assault oriented options, I've always liked the idea of a unit of Sternguard in a Rhino. I haven't commited to getting and painting one up yet, but I normally run two tactical squads and was thinking of switching one to Sternguard. I run a good mix of shooting and assault, but I'm not sure that tactical squads always oull their weight, but it's maiunly due to the single attack in close combat, and the low killing power against certain armies of the bolter.


I think Sternguard could keep the synergy of my army, but for a bit more points, give me more killing power against a wide variety of foes, and they have good, customizeable weapons options over the tactical marines.


I'll still always go with at least one tac squad, and I like the tactic of supporting my assault troops by popping out of a rhino and rapid firing to soften the enemy up, I just think that I could get more done with SG and could take or give a charge if need be better as well. Once my Tac squad is in combat, that one attack is very weak.

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With an abundance of troops choices and assault oriented options, I've always liked the idea of a unit of Sternguard in a Rhino. I haven't commited to getting and painting one up yet, but I normally run two tactical squads and was thinking of switching one to Sternguard. I run a good mix of shooting and assault, but I'm not sure that tactical squads always oull their weight, but it's maiunly due to the single attack in close combat, and the low killing power against certain armies of the bolter.


I think Sternguard could keep the synergy of my army, but for a bit more points, give me more killing power against a wide variety of foes, and they have good, customizeable weapons options over the tactical marines.


I'll still always go with at least one tac squad, and I like the tactic of supporting my assault troops by popping out of a rhino and rapid firing to soften the enemy up, I just think that I could get more done with SG and could take or give a charge if need be better as well. Once my Tac squad is in combat, that one attack is very weak.


Because their close-combat attacks don't ignore armour, even Sternguard will be rather weak in combat. Assault Squads get away with combat because they tend to be getting the charge and they tend to have a hidden power fist in the unit. You'll likely not be getting those with your Sternguard. Saying that, they will perform better than Tactical Squads in combat. Just, you're looking at improving your combat resolution by maybe one kill. Two if you're lucky.


If you're running Tactical Squads anyway, then I'd say Sternguard are an absolutely excellent addition to your army. One option for running them that you haven't mentioned is using a Drop Pod. Ten Sternguard Veterans with combi-meltas in a Drop Pod is 335 points. You're guaranteed not to scatter into dangerous terrain and you can combat-squad your unit when you land. That's 10 melta-shots or ten rapid-firing bolters with special ammunition into two different targets and you have reasonable combat ability the next turn.


I say go for it.

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I use a six-man sternguard pretty frequently; one PF and two combi-meltas. The special ammo is great for their anti-infantry flexibility and is still one of the more reliable methods I have for addressing MCs; combi-meltas are nice versus LRs or (if that's gone or not there) any other vehicle I want open right now. Hellfire ammo in general is great for chewing up just about anything.


They're vets and so have a base attack stat of 2...which means they're very much like an assault squad in terms of combat. They hit harder than a tac squad, but I wouldn't charge them in alone...unless I had no other choice (i.e. them charging in and possibly doing well makes the difference between a win or loss).

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Lately I've been thinking about givin' a try to the stenguards, which unfortunately I've not tried out yet... not even once ;)

So I am interested to the topic too.

Personally, I was thinking about something cheap, like a 6 men unit to insert in a drop pod - heavy list.

The point is... is a 6 men sternguard worth the points it costs, or not? And is drop pod a viable option?

Any imput based on experience would be appreciated... both from me and the author of the topic me thinks :)

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You're guaranteed not to scatter into dangerous terrain and you can combat-squad your unit when you land.


You might want to re-read that section of the rules. The guidance system only reduces scatter in regards to impassable terrain and models.

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I guess that I am one of a select few that run SG in almost every list I play. This may be due to the fact one of my main gaming foes is Bugs... :down:


The unit I tend to run is a 6 man unit, with combi of your choice, in a razorback with las/plas. I also run a 3 man attack bike squad (with Sang Priest on bike) in tandem with the SG. I have found that between these two units I can pretty much control a flank. The 2d6 melta pen, is the same range as rapid firing SG. Bikes open up transport and SG blast the unit inside.


Another "trick" that I use on occasion is buying a Power weapon, 2 Lascannons, 5 combis (your preference), and a las/plas razorback. The "trick" is combat squading the SG into these two units. The 1st unit is the Power weapon and 5 combis in the razorback and the other 5 SG with the lascannons camp out by my Sang Priest in Dev squad. I run that squad when I need to give Capt. Tycho a ride. He fits in with SG so nicely; bringing pw attacks in CC and 2d6 armour pen is just lovely. (not to mention the BS 5 combi melta :))


As to the title of this thread, I find that that they fit in nicely into MY Blood Angels force. I tend to run Vet squads in my BAs most of the time, just because I find I like the idea, and the conversions. As far as a "competitive" role for Vets in BA, I would have to assume that everything Vet squads do Assualt squads can do way cheaper; just without the flair.

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You're guaranteed not to scatter into dangerous terrain and you can combat-squad your unit when you land.


You might want to re-read that section of the rules. The guidance system only reduces scatter in regards to impassable terrain and models.


Sorry. Was rushing through that and made a bit of a typo. Thanks for the correction!

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I never really gave sternguard much thought untill I read this thread. How great would it be to see the look on your opponents face when you drop pod on to his deathstar unit with 10 sternguard equipped with 5 combi plasma and 5 combi melta. Then proceed to combat squad and use the melta to explode the transport and the other 5 with plasma to destroy the unit inside. I have to admit on paper this sounds really good

I think the squad would only be 300 points plus the cost of the drop pod. Not bad for pretty good killing power

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i've proxied in a 10 man squad a couple of times with 8 combi weapons, 2 heavy flamers, sarge w/ power fist, melta bombs (don't even start with me, i don't care if i could get a hammer for the same points it works.) and let me tell you it's fun as hell to do. give em combi plasmas and they go and kill termies, combi meltas do the same but mostly kill tanks, and combi flamers make nids mad.


P.S. what i meant with the melta bombs is that i have had a chaos land raider with abbaddon and some termies inside tank shock some of my assault marines. the melta bombs blows up the raider and 2 of the termies inside. (over 300 points) moral of the story, always take melta bombs.

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Sternies are good in Mech BA, but I would strongly advise against the whole suicide drop pod thing. Huge waste of points when you could instead have the SG mounted in a Rhino along the rest of your army where they will actually survive to influence the battle over several turns instead of landing on turn 1, maybe killing a LR and then dying when your opponent focus-fires them to oblivion.
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i used to be a big fan of the droppod approach to the sternguard. but it is a big investment in a 335 point unit mostly because the enemy ussally freaks out and focus fires on them and wipes out the squad or most of it next turn. in codex marines you can get away with this by using a libby and warping across the field very effective. but for BA my favorite is putting them in a stormraven with a furioso dreadnought and a priest. sterngaurd fire pop tanks or kill a whole squad with rapid fire and the priest means that most will last till next turn. the dread for close combat support and the stormraven soaks up and heavy fire lots of points when used right very effective and mostly very fun way to play sterngaurd. imagine the look on your oppents face when you take out his meanest unit by putting a stormraven sterngaurd with a priest and a dread killing everything around and then packing up and going to the otherside of the table to do it again.
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Great ideas here, I appreciate the input.


To me, fluffwise, they are what I think Tactical squads should be, marines are supposed to be good at everything, but that one attack in cc is very weak, and the bolters are alot weaker than they are in the fluff.


But that aside, I am thinking of keeping a little cheaper and pretty versatile.


For my troops I'm going to make my staples, 2 Lasback assault squads and a tactical squad. Then I'm going to use the sternguard in a rhino for support, to act like troops. I'm thinking something like


9 Sternguard with a power weapon, heavy flamer, and 2-3 combiweapons, probably meltas. That plus a Sanguinary priest with a power weapon mounted in a rhino. I think a squad like that can pretty much fit any role I'll need them in, without breaking the bank.


Model wise, they are pretty expensive so I'm taking a tac squad, using a bunch of purity seals and Blood Angels bits to spice them up, and then painting their helmets.


What do you think of my idea?

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Stormbolters don't fire special rounds, so taking them for the sternies is a downgrade all round, in not having the option for a combi-gun and that bolt weapons are generally pretty bad nowadays, considering that most armies you expect to encounter will be marine armies. The special rounds and combi-weapon usage is what seperates them and makes them something special, though sadly they are lacking combat tactics.
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Also, they have the option of for 5 points switching their boltgun to a stormbolter. Does this use the speacial ammunition? If so I can see considering it, if not, it sounds like a horrible idea that should shave off points, instead of paying 5 for the "upgrade".




No specialist ammo for the storm bolters.

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I've been running Sternguard regularly for a while now, and I really like them.

My usual load out is a power weapon on the Sgt and whatever combi-meltas I have points for.

Rhinos and Pods are great ideas, but I'm not opposed to having them walk with a Priest in the unit either.


I take them because there are things you just don't want to assault (especially in large numbers). GK with halberds, Genestealers at I6, Wytches, Howling Banchees.....whittle them down with bolter fire, then send in a unit to mop up.

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Just had a 2k match against Brother Crazywolf and let me tell you, Sternguard are worth their weight in gold! I podded in 9 (2 meltas) of them along with a priest. They eventually were wiped out, but they earned their points back by drawing a ton of fire away from my scoring units and Baal Preds.
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