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Pink Plasma.


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This Grey Hunter has got him some pink plasma. It looks like the painter used a dark gray as his base then added up a deep pink to a lighter pink over that, you can PM him if you're curious about the recipe. Also, I personally prefer a reverse highlight for my plasma coils because it makes them look like they are actually hot.


The GW recipe for Pink Horrors is (from the Chaos Daemon painting guide on the GW site):

Dwarf Flesh all over

Baal Red all over

4:1 mix of Dwarf Flesh to Red Gore highlight

Dwarf flesh highlight

1:1 mix of Dwarf flesh and Bleached Bone highlight


For "hot" plasma coils, you could do the 1:1 DF to BB over the whole thing, then DF highlight over that as your main color, leaving the light color in the recesses. Then the mix of DF to RG, then maybe pure RG as a final extreme highlight on the very corners of the coil to represent the coolest part. Then maybe give the whole thing a very thin wash of Baal Red so it all looks properly reddish/ pinkish, just don't let it pool between the coils or it will create a weird shadow effect.


Unfortunately they don't make the Pink Tentacle color any more, otherwise you could replace the Dwarf Flesh with that in the recipe above. You could also find another range's pink, Privateer Press has a Carnal Pink that I've never used or seen in person, but you could look into that one.


Hope this helps!

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