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thinking about ba...

Castellan Alaric

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so i am a black templars player (though a fan off really all space marines) but i have always been really intrigued with the blood angels and their ability to have an army with all the models wearing jump packs. i love assault marines and their fluffy nature, as well as their killy-ness in cc as well :down: i'm just curious, as i have been looking through the ba section here at different lists, and wondering which list would be good to start out with? i'm gonna be playin friendly games anywhere from 500-1k pts to start out with. i like the look of doa lists but am just curious as to what you guys have to think about a good solid starting list. thanks guys, much obliged.
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Well, if you like DOA, I'd start with that. Mech works well too. I'd avoid a more hybrid list until higher points.


At 1000 points, you don't have a lot of options. 2 assault squads, an IC (I recommend librarians usually) and a priest is most of your points. Maybe enough to sprinkle in a veteran squad (Sang Guard, Vanguard, Honor Guard).

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alright sounds good, i'll have to proxy a libby as i haven't used one. bt's don't take to psykers very well haha i love how hard chappy's hit in cc so i have one in a jump pack with my bt assault marines right now. do libby's buff units at all? or are they just good in cc? from what i've caught in the threads sang priests add re-rolls or something don't they? i need to get my hands on a ba codex, but money's tight as i'm starting my fall semester of college. it'll be a slow start but i'd like to have a plan for my purchases :down: thanks for the help, i think DoA will be the way i start out
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alright sounds good, i'll have to proxy a libby as i haven't used one. bt's don't take to psykers very well haha i love how hard chappy's hit in cc so i have one in a jump pack with my bt assault marines right now. do libby's buff units at all? or are they just good in cc? from what i've caught in the threads sang priests add re-rolls or something don't they? i need to get my hands on a ba codex, but money's tight as i'm starting my fall semester of college. it'll be a slow start but i'd like to have a plan for my purchases :down: thanks for the help, i think DoA will be the way i start out

Priests provide Furious Charge and Feel No Pain.


Libby's can add Prefered enemy and a bubble of 5+ cover saves (among other abilities)


Chaplains/reclusiarchs are good too.

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Well, if you like DOA, I'd start with that. Mech works well too. I'd avoid a more hybrid list until higher points.


At 1000 points, you don't have a lot of options. 2 assault squads, an IC (I recommend librarians usually) and a priest is most of your points. Maybe enough to sprinkle in a veteran squad (Sang Guard, Vanguard, Honor Guard).


I helped a kid recently write a 1,000 point jump infantry list:



- Jump pack


Honour Guard

- Jump packs

- 4 meltaguns


Sanguinary Guard


Assault Squad

- 10 Space Marines

- 2 meltaguns

- Power fist


Assault Squad

- 10 Space Marines

- 2 meltaguns

- Power fist


That's exactly 1,000 points and it puts you on an excellent course for a big jump infantry list. Obviously you can tweak it to your specifications. Happy to help with any questions, though generally speaking I tend to agree with JamesI.



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+1 BB appreciate the list, looks solid and like a lot of fun to play. i'm very intrigued by the sang guard models, though painting that gold seems like a bitch lol


d503 fists are awesome but if i have a unit like sang guard in a 1k game i don't think the fist will be all THAT important ya know? i'd rather have them hitting fast with their glaives. thanks for the tip though man.

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If DoA is your muse your could try the Golden Shower, Dante and all SG.


I might suggest as an alternative


Libby w/JP



Blood Champion

2x Melta




2x Melta




2x Melta



Typhoon ML




Typhoon ML



You give up the SG for two mobile fire support units, fragile ones. But they deep strike. It's not true DoA but it still fits.

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jamesI -- i think painting a symmetrical red/black combo would be WAY harder than gold lol i'll just do my best. i enjoy the gaming aspect more than the painting/modeling aspect but i still like my models to looks nice so i'll just take my time :tu:


auston -- i'll probably just stick with the sang guard cuz they are just awesome models lol thanks for the suggestion though that is a great idea

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