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Are hand flamers worth it?

Ignatia Mortis

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IMO, hand flamers are not worth it. They are too weak to do much damage except against very weak opponents and you really don't need help against those!


They can work in special cases when you need to thin the numbers of attackers relying on weight of numbers, or for some reason you want to detach an IC from his squad in order to attack two targets (in CC). That said there are many other places where you can use those 10 pts to greater effect.

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In an assault squad, no, as you can get a flamer for half the points, with better S and AP - Its the AP6 that really kills the hand flamer for me, if it was AP5, I would consider it, but granting a save to guard and eldar is annoying. That said, if you face a lot of gaunts and wyches, then it may prove its worth.
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It's not awful, but you will usually be able to find something better to spend your points on. The fact that it IS a template weapon means that it will usually be able to do a fair amount of damage to hordes if you lay it down on them, and having one more such template in a squad can be nice. Unlike mixing wounds against Marines/Terminators, with a flamer if they have enough wounds to "lap around" you always have the option of not firing it (since you will know how many models you can hit and thus determine whether it's likely to be useful) and allowing sarge a 5+ save is much less damaging than a 3+ one if you can wipe the rest of the squad out with it.


I wouldn't bother on Death Company, though. If you're in range for a template, you're probably also in range for a charge, and your charges will devastate anything your flame template can hurt. I guess maybe against Harlequins or something it might be useful, but that's basically it. Spend those 10pts on half of another dude for the Death Company or an upgrade elsewhere.

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IMO all the pistols are overpriced. For 5pts less I would maybe get some, but now it's just not worth it. Maybe on a chaplain or reclusiarch, but otherwise no.


If the rumours of the 6th ed is correct, that you can use the pistol in CC but with no extra attack from 2CC weps, then the inferno is worth it. The way it is now, I never get the pistols.

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If the rumours of the 6th ed is correct, that you can use the pistol in CC but with no extra attack from 2CC weps, then the inferno is worth it. The way it is now, I never get the pistols.


If that turns out to be true then I'll use them but at the moment I only consider pistols if I have no other viable place to spend points. Does seem a tad odd that you have this pistol that is designed to melt holes in heavy armour but when fighting a dreadnought you attempt to pistol whip it instead!

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I wouldn't put too much faith in the rumors about 6ed changing how CCW are used.


As it stands the hand Flamer is one step from useless.


Don't say that. That rumour was the only thing I liked when I read all the rumours. Let me live in my own fantasy world. Or sci-fi world as it seems.

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I wouldn't put too much faith in the rumors about 6ed changing how CCW are used.


As it stands the hand Flamer is one step from useless.


Don't say that. That rumour was the only thing I liked when I read all the rumours. Let me live in my own fantasy world. Or sci-fi world as it seems.


I hope you meant you like that pistols could be used in assaults was what you liked, because that makes sense. If I have a bolt pistol and you have an infernus pistol why would you try to bash me in the head with it when you could melt my face off. So as to say why should I strike at S4 and allow you an armor save when I could just as easily attempt to shoot you inflicting an AP1 wound. even if all that were true and you could use a weapons profile for 1A in CCW...I still wouldn't run a hand flamer, unless you were fighting the marshmallow, graham cracker and chocolate army or trying to start a grill.

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