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Blood Angels 5th Company


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So I posted a list in the Blood Angels army section and after a couple of tweaks came up with:

Reclusiarch, Jump pack, Plasma Pistol

Sanguinary Priest, Jump Pack, Power Weapon

Death Company x5, Jump packs, 2 power weapons, Power Fist

Assault Squad x5, Meltagun, Power Fist

Assault Squad x5, Meltagun, Power Sword

I've started work on the Lemartes model, green stuffing him a new arm with a Plasma Pistol for the Reclusiarch, no point in posting images of that because it just looks like the normal model for now.

Here we have the Death Company with Power Fist, just waiting for the left arm with Bolter conversion:


Next are the two DC with Chainswords:


Finally the two with Power Weapons (who don't actually have Power Weapons yet!):


C&C welcome, lets see if this motivates me to get something actually finished, 22 years in the hobby and I've never been able to field a fully painted army.

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C&C welcome, lets see if this motivates me to get something actually finished, 22 years in the hobby and I've never been able to field a fully painted army.

13 Years and going strong, always leave them wanting something more. I almost did finish an army once, I went out and bought a chunk more stuff that has sat in a box ever since :P

Good stuff, I like the poses on the first 3 DC, the power weapon ones seem a little...static to me.


I have an in progress BA army, and havent fielded a fully painted army in a very long time, so I'm eager for you to get them painted!

Looking good Kev, finally some pictures!


I agree with Xenith on the poses, the 2 power weapon marines look a touch static in comparison with the first 3 - but it will be totally un-noticeable when all painted up.


Oh, and that first model looks weirdly familiar... :)


I still have those 2 Forgeworld Red Scorpions Relic axes if you want 'em, they'll look good with your blinged up angels. They'll look a touch out of place on my Crimson Fists.


I shall be following this thread...

the power weapon ones seem a little...static to me.

I think the problem is that I put these two together with the intention of having them armed with Bolters. I put the left arms on and then took them off after deciding to go with the Power Weapons. I may very well just pull 2 more models out and start the Power Weapon guys again, or try to re-model these ones once I have the arms ready to play with positions.


Hope to have more pics to put up tomorrow, almost ready with the Bolter arm for the Power Fist guy, and Lemartes's Plasma Pistol arm is busy curing. Will magnetise that, but should only take a few minutes to sort out.

Oh, and that first model looks weirdly familiar... :woot:

I still have those 2 Forgeworld Red Scorpions Relic axes if you want 'em.

The Power Fist body has stayed the same, I did take him apart at the hips and give him a little more twist back on the right side, to make it look like he was about to throw a haymaker. I can tell before I even get the brushes out that he is going to be my favourite model of the lot, I love that helmet, wish I could give them all that one, but like you I prefer to stick to the fluff and it is rare that a squad of Marines will all have a complete set of armour.


That is the second offer you've made for those axes... I might not let you ask me a 3rd time. I'll be in the usual place on Friday night if you are venturing out? :blink:

Reclusiarch (Lemartes) with Plasma Pistol and Jump Pack


DC Power Fist with Bolter


DC Power Sword with BP 1


DC Power Sword with BP 2


This guy is getting the Vanguard Veterans double handed sword arms, but I figured it would be easier to paint him before applying these.

I've taken on board comments about the other two DC, decided to pull their arms off and keep them as Bolter Brothers.

The Plasma Pistol on the Reclusiarch needs a small cover-up, I'm thinking that a couple of purity seals and an oath of moment on the side of the weapon will do the trick as well as giving an interesting feel to the Reclusiarch, like he has tasked his Pistol with claiming blasphemous souls in the name of Sanguinius and the Emperor.

CC welcome, would you be proud to field these guys? What would you add or change?

Did you sculpt the arm or cast it? But good work, as keith said, looking forward to seeing some paint <_<



It was a cast. I'm happy with the shoulder pad on that side, but the fingers and the other side of the Plasma Pistol aren't great. Will need a great paint job to cover it up. :)

  • 2 weeks later...

OK, so there have been a few set-backs that have got in the way of progressing this, but I did sit down and start painting the DC+Reclusiarch Squad the other night. The Power Fist seemed like a good place to start on the basic black that I was going to copy throughout the squad, so here is the Power Fist...




Ignore the rest of the model, that is just flat black paint and a few bits of mechrite red, which came out far better than I'd hoped.

How you doing the highlights on the black? Just straight forward codex grey? Or are you building them up to that?

Started flat black, then did a 50:50 mix of Chaos Black & Codex Grey, then edged with straight CG. I then watered down the black and went back over the areas that I thought the highlights were too thick on.


That is the first bit of painting I've done for almost a year. I did find a painting store in town that sells acrylic spray cans for just over a fiver, so I picked up a bright red, going to test it out on some sprues and then get to work on the Assault Marines.

Ok so painting isn't coming along as fast as I'd hoped thanks to the poor quality Vanguard Veterans I got from GW, but thankfully they came through and resolved the problem after I returned them to head office with a nice little letter. I know it has been said before, but GW's Customer Services are 2nd to none. Kyle at mail order is an absolute legend, can't thank him enough.

Anyway, I ended up with 2 of the Beaky VV's and decided that one had to be a Sergeant for one of my two Assault Squads, but for that he'd need to lose the chainsword and gain a mighty fist of power!!! The VV with the Power Sword (held in both hands aloft he head) fills the gap of the other Sergeant nicely, so no work to do on him except maybe a GS blood drop for the chapter marking.

On to the pictures.

The model as he came and the 2 Power Fists I had to work with, one from the standard Assault Squad box and the other from the Death Company box. At this point I hadn't decided which to use, but you'll see later which one won out.



So on to removing the chainsword arm, had to go the whole hog and take the shoulder pad off too, so I can use the chainsword on one of the other Assault Marines at a later date. This was my first time working with the FineCast models and I have to say that it was a dream to do, nothing more than a pound-shop hobby knife and a little patience to carefully make the two incisions needed to remove the arm and should pad cleanly.



Close up of the body following removal of the arm, very minimal clean-up work was done here.


At this point I had the chance to try both arms up against the body to see which looked best. The way the head was facing it didn't make sense to use the pointing fist as it was aimed in the opposite direction. That and the missus said that the fist looked much meaner being held up as if about to deliver a hammer blow to an unsuspecting foe. Can't argue with the missus, so...



Came out perfectly, just need to sort out a shoulder pad and possibly sculpt away more of the back-pack mount to ensure it all fits.

C&C welcome.



You've fallen into the same trap I always do - you start painting something and then get a crazy idea about building something else


Finish painting the first marine.


Was it really that easy to take his arm off? It looks so smooth and neat, not the usual butcher style when I remove arms and legs...



You've fallen into the same trap I always do - you start painting something and then get a crazy idea about building something else


Finish painting the first marine.

Sitting painting him now, done some highlighting and the eye lenses, went for green, can't do Angels with red eyes after all. Also working on the Jump Packs.


Was it really that easy to take his arm off? It looks so smooth and neat, not the usual butcher style when I remove arms and legs...

Really was that easy, 2 well angled cuts and the chainsword arm is now happily sat on the body of another assault marine looking pretty damned good if I do say so.


Taking a while to get things going, but I'm trying to get all the modelling done so I can undercoat the Assault Marines, that way I can flit between them and the DC and reduce the risk of boredom from painting the same colour and style. Magnets have managed to creep in already too. ;)

Good to hear that the finecast is easy to work with. I'd love to get my hands on a couple of different boxes for the sheer joy of bits they give (with a sharp knife, that is). Your guy looks great with the p-fist. Really looks like he is about to hammer somones face real hard.


- Nat


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