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Warwagon Disembark...

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OK, here is the situation...

5 Battlewagons bearing down on me... Aligned like so..


The green Battle Wagon has a big mek and 18 boyz in it.

If I can wreck it, the boyz must disembark and take a pinning test.

The question is,

All of the models must be within 2" (only the grey area) or they get destroyed, correct?

I tried to bring that up, and the Ork Player said, well its an open topped vehicle so they can disembark anywhere...

(BTW this is the second time I have seen this exact occurance)

Anyone know definitively the correct answer?

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your opponent is correct ina way but incorrect in the most important way.

let me summarise for you


open topped transports dont have to disembark at access points as fully hulled vehicles do, they can literraly disembark anywhere from the hull, BUT have to be within 2" of the hull (pg 67 BRB)

they also have to be within unit coherancy, any models that cannot be within 2" of the vehicle and cannot maintain unit coherancy are destroyed.. by placing the vehciles so close he would either have to disembark from the front or the rear, but he would lose a good half of his unit doing so

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You are correct. If the vehicle is wrecked, the unit must disembark, and any models that cannot be placed are destroyed. As GC08 stated, this is stated clearly on page 67 of the BRB.


It sounds as if your opponent is trying to place models within the footprint of the destroyed vehicle, which is not allowed, as the vehicle is still present until the models disembark, and models may not be placed on top of vehicles.

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Just to clarify, the wagon was specifically Wrecked, right? If that is the case, the preceding answers are spot-on.


If it was Detonated/Explodes!/KABOOM! (whatever the Ork equivalent is on their Ramshackle table), the vehicle is vaporized and they can indeed stand where it just was (as it's removed before they are placed down in that crater).

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Same as stated by many above with one addition.


The example shown in the BRB (don't have page # at moment) shows that 'within 2"' means that the base edge must be within 2" of the vehicle, not the entire model. This means that you can probably fit 18 guys within that zone, and only the ones who don't are destroyed.

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in this scenario when the battlewagon goes they need to disembark within 2" of the hull not on it or on any other model(aka the other battlewagons) as pointed out above only a slither of his basses need to be within 2" of the hull.


If it "explodes" then the unit's surviving members are placed were the vehicle used to be, note this in not within 2" so if the unit cant be placed within the vehicles previous hull lines (like before only a slither of the base needs to be within the hull lines), then the remainder cant be placed and should be destroyed(thou this is not stated like in the "wrecked" result).

If your opponent objects to destroyed models after a "explodes" result use the wrecked as precedence, if that fails(and their not using a correctly assembled GW model) say they have modeled it for advantage as tanks are not clown cars you should be able to fit the transported models within the transports hull boundary's.

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he had a 'big mek' in the group was on like a termy base.


So he could be one of the models touching the outside of the arc in Jacinda's diagram. Still fits.


Your opponent may not have been correct in their interpretation of the rules, but that doesn't change what's possible.

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