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AOBR captain conversion


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I have recently bought the space marine part of aobr from a friend to start my blood angels army.


I dont really want to field a captain and I really want to convert him to a librarian.


The backpack with the banner is unfortunatley glued on, but other then that nothing is done to him, besides a horrible paintjob that i will strip.


What do you recomend me to do to make this guy look more like a blood angels librarian and less a vanilla captain?


Is there anyway i can dissolve the glue on holding the backpack without ruining the rest of the model?


For bits i have some leftover arm, bolt pistols etc. from an assault squad box.


Hope someone can help me



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There is a tutorial at fromthewarp.com about converting a shoulderpad into a psychic hood. That would get you a long way towards making him look like a librarian. Maybe lengthen the hilt of his sword so it looks more like a halberd (which I think is a much more librariany power weapon). If you can find some books or extra scrolls that would help too. But remember the two most important rules of soliciting online advise: 1) they're your minis do whatever you want in the end and 2) pics or it didn't happen.

Maybe this will help a little, its the chaplain I made from an AOBR Captain





The banner is actually quite easily removable from the pack BTW.

I actually managed to get the backpack off by just twisting it a little, came of much more easy than i tought it would :D


I will definitely try to make his sword into a halberd, tough a long hilt would crash with his robe if i not twist the sword infront of him so he holds it horizontaly.


Thanks for the link to the psycich hood tutorial, i think that might be something i could manage to pull of without too much problem.


Any further tips and hints will be very helpfull.



AzOg: Hopefully the psychic hood tutorial will help. Another key part to Librarians are the power cables that run along their chest plates. That's another iconic element to them just like having blue armour.


Once you get enough "Librarian" type elements on your model, it becomes very easy for players to identify with what you're trying to build.


Good luck with your conversion work and thanks for sharing the links puck!

No. The only more or less "mandatory" blue part of the armor would be his right shoulder pad with the Librarian Icon (horned skull of some sort). Some people like to just paint the right arm blue, or some other kind of variation. In the end you can do what you want.


Yellow tabards with a border like here are used to designate the Librarians rank. As the ASOBR captn has one you could paint it accordingly.

Ranks form lowest to highest are Lexicanium, Codicier and Epistolary. A Lexicanum would only have the black line at the bottom, the Codicier the line with the skull and the Epistolary the line, skull and halo as shown in the pic.

Librarians are typically shown as having blue armor no matter which chapter they come from. That said, my Deathwing Librarian is mostly bone colored like the rest of my army and I've seen people do all sorts of paint schemes for them. It really comes down to Rule 1 (see earlier post)


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