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Best helmet out there

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So, for a long time, I tried to find the coolest looking helmet for my troops. I at first loved the MK7 helmets, then went toward to the MK6 Corvus-pattern with the bionic eye. As I went to the Death Guard, I liked the whole googled-rebreather helm. When I saw the Grey Knights, I went bananas, especially on the Terminators. Now I go for the Heresy-Pattern helms, as I do like the adamantium studs on it.


What do you, the people of the B&C, favor?


Show me pics, your own scratch-built caps, and just anything you put on an Astartes head.


Primed, unpainted ones are preferable. But, I really don't care. I just need to find something else.




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Iron Warriors version of the Mk. III has always been a fav of mine. Very brutal...


Although, the Mk. II from forgeworld runs a close 2nd place. Now, if I only had the cash, lol.

Edit: Yeaaah, zxyogi! Marines Malevolent running this place! :HQ:

Iron Warriors version of the Mk. III has always been a fav of mine. Very brutal...


Although, the Mk. II from forgeworld runs a close 2nd place. Now, if I only had the cash, lol.

Edit: Yeaaah, zxyogi! Marines Malevolent running this place! :lol:

This, my absolute favorite helmet :P

I like the traditional MK6 for my rank-and-file SM, MK6 with a targeter for the special weapons and devastators, and the Crusader-pattern with a targeter for Sarges. Crusader-pattern with a targeter can be gotten from the Ravenwing upgrade sprue, and the RW forehead icon can be filed away.
Iron Warriors version of the Mk. III has always been a fav of mine. Very brutal...


Although, the Mk. II from forgeworld runs a close 2nd place. Now, if I only had the cash, lol.

Edit: Yeaaah, zxyogi! Marines Malevolent running this place! :lol:

This, my absolute favorite helmet :P

+1 :P

Saw an army recently where the guy shaved off the symbols of the front of the elysian drop trooper helms with respirators from forgeworld, http://lh4.ggpht.com/_w52z2ezBXbQ/S5DGSpEV...pY/IMG_0343.JPG <-these



It looked sweet to say the least...otherwise, honor guard beaks.


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