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Fear of the darkness


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Fear of the darkness is my new favorite power. I've caused several long fang squads and even Ragnar to run off the board! But my mate is now saying I should be rolling to hit with the power since it's a shooting attack. The description says it automatically hits! Should I be rolling to hit?
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There is no roll needed to hit. As you say, the power specifically states that it automatically hits. Smite is a good example of a power that does, however. It would roll as per a normal weapon, as it lacks the "automatically hits" qualifier.
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Fear is hilarious. I love deep striking in, and then oop, buh bye fire warriors. Buh bye krootwrap (yes, I play a ton of Tau), Wyches, Warriors, etc. Sooo good. I once had a librarian win a game for me by running ~500 points worth of Tau off the board, and then stealing an objective last turn with Fear. I can't overstate how awesome Fear is.


I'm such a nerd. :HQ:

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It's a little situational, but it can be very useful against certain foes (Tau, many deathstars, etc). Whatever your second power is should be more general-use to make up for its relative narrowness, and we have plenty of excellent "generic" powers in that regard, so it's not a problem.


The recent changes to the FAQ did make it so that many powers need to roll to hit- Blood Lance is one of the ones that falls into this awkward zone- but Fear is excluded because it has the "automatically hits" text on it, so no worries there.

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It's a little situational, but it can be very useful against certain foes (Tau, many deathstars, etc). Whatever your second power is should be more general-use to make up for its relative narrowness, and we have plenty of excellent "generic" powers in that regard, so it's not a problem.


The recent changes to the FAQ did make it so that many powers need to roll to hit- Blood Lance is one of the ones that falls into this awkward zone- but Fear is excluded because it has the "automatically hits" text on it, so no worries there.

I still say Blood Lance does not need to roll to hit. Its wording clearly states drawing a line and hitting what is under.


To clarify, I say the FAQ was to stop people from claiming they did not need to roll to hit with powers like smite, bolt of tzeentch or others like it since they had passed the psychic test. Powers that state you hit automatically or those that shoot out lines and hit those under it or use the flame template don't need to roll to hit.

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I had a Lib Dread with Wings and Fear, he took a ton of fire lost both arms, so he jumed into the tree line in the middle of the table. Needless to say he used Fear and made a full unit Of XV8s and two 6 strong units of Fire Warriors running off the board....so funny. Damn Tau.....lol "For the greater.....oh crap, run away!..."
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