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Girlfriend's list

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Alright so my girlfriend got into 40k and of course chooses CSM's tzeentch. Myself being a DIY successor blood angels player found this ironic but I digress.....


So we designed her up a list we thought would do pretty well, not as a competitive list, but as a fun list that could be expanded.


So here it is,




2x Thousand sons squad

8 rubric marines an Aspiring Soc and doombolt




2 Oblits


5 Raptors

champ with lightning claws

melta bombs and icon of tzeentch


Daemon Prince

Mark of Tzeentch


Summoned Great Daemon

tzeentch lookin


What do you guys think? Any comments or suggestions? She only has her first T sons squad right now so it could be changed but this is what we came up with.

And please help me with m y CSM acronyms...I dont know them.


Thanks guys and guyesses,

Brother Excedis

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It seems like she is a little thin on troops. You should also have some rhinos for your troops.


The bad thing is that since ksons are so dang point heavy if you go fluffy most of your points will go into two or three squads. Volume of fire still kills them even though they have the invul save.


I play my ksons for fun. I use rubrics as troops and I lose with them quite a bit. They are fun though.


Good Luck.

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New follower of the Changer of the Ways? Good news :)


This list is pretty good, but i think here can be some changes made :)


1 - I suggest to mix TS and usual CSM with IoT. They will greatly help each other. Also Rhinos're good idea, of course.

2 - Raptors - why're they without specials? Two meltas or two flamers can be very useful. And it's also a good idea to increase this squad to 10 or so models.

3 - As DP is with MoT, i think he should use it fully - warptime and doombolt/wind of chaos/bolt of change and he will be very malicious ))


Smth like that :)


P.S. And of course, she should remember our most important warcry - "All is Dust! Let's steel their souls in the name of Tzeentch"! :)

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New follower of the Changer of the Ways? Good news :) .

2 - Raptors - why're they without specials? Two meltas or two flamers can be very useful. And it's also a good idea to increase this squad to 10 or so models.

I don't think they can carry two. One can trade his bolt pistol for a plasma pistol and one can be given a special. If Bro Ex bought the boxed set like I think he did, this is how they come equiped as well. The sgt has claws. The box comes with one extra arm holding a plasma pistol. There is also one model able to hold the flamer/plasma/melta choices included.

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This is what I ran at our local tournament. I got best army = comp + painting. I tried to make it fluffy with having a chance to win. I went 1-1-1 overall, with the draw against a Grey Knight, and the loss to a Grey Knight. Both of which I had an extremely bad matchup against.


Chaos Marines Roster


Total Roster Cost: 1848


HQ: Daemon Prince

1 Daemon Prince Wings + Mark of Tzeentch + Bolt of Change


HQ: Chaos Terminator Lord

1 Chaos Terminator Lord + Mark of Tzeentch + Daemon Weapon



Elite: Chaos Terminators

1 Chaos Terminators

1 Terminator + Combi-melta

1 Terminator + Combi-melta

1 Terminator + Chain Fist + Heavy Flamer

1 Terminator + Combi-melta


Elite: Chaos Terminators

1 Chaos Terminators

1 Terminator + Combi-melta

1 Terminator + Combi-melta

1 Terminator+ Chain Fist + Heavy Flamer

1 Terminator + Combi-melta


Troops: Thousand Sons

11 Thousand Sons

1 Aspiring Sorcerer + Wind of Chaos


Troops: Chaos Space Marines

9 Chaos Space Marines + 2 Meltagun

1 Aspiring Champion + Power Fist


Troops: Chaos Space Marines

9 Chaos Space Marines + 2 Meltagun

1 Aspiring Champion+ Power Fist


Heavy Support:

2 Obliterators

2 Obliterators


Fast Attack: Raptors

6 Raptors + 2 Meltagun

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Well I didnt buy anything. Its hers...she just doesnt have an account here yet :D

But the only thing she has so far is the first squad of Tsons

And I have no idea what half of you acronyms mean there Menkeroth sorry! Also for hte raptors we planned it as just a diversion or tarpit usage. They are there to tie up some units, finish off weakened ones or destroy something they can. THe melta bombs is really easy to model and I'm not building here guys, she is. :) But we want to stick with 1500 points for now because thats why I usually play and we have several friends here that usualy play 1500. Plus its jsut small and easy.


Now I reread the greater daemon section and I am slightly concerned with the sacrificing of a champion for it. Should we just ixnay him, giv ethe DP some extra powers and add in some rhinos?

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First squad of TSons is a good way to travel :D but as i understand you will go further so we try to help.

And I have no idea what half of you acronyms mean there

Excuse me, brother, it's my fault :(

TS - Thousand Sons :)

CSM - Chaos Space Marines, i think it's a good idea to add them with Icon of Tzeentch to the TS

DP - Daemon Prince - also a good adding to the army of the Changer of the Ways - with Mark of Tzeentch he will have 4++ and two psychic powers with two psy-tests per turn. Of them i suggest Warptime and doombolt/wind of chaos/bolt of change - depending on the enemy army.

What's about raptors - undestood. Than it's indeed a good idea to increase the squad - 5 ain't enough for this role. 9-10'd be the best, i think.

Rhinos're also a good adding, of course, esp. for the slow TS.

I don't think they can carry two...

Understood. Well, with new finecast raptors it must be easier...


Good roster! Not very Tzeentchy, though.

Draw against GK? Not bad! D'you remember lists of both GKs?

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Now I reread the greater daemon section and I am slightly concerned with the sacrificing of a champion for it. Should we just ixnay him, giv ethe DP some extra powers and add in some rhinos?


Kick the Greater Daemon to the curb! Thousand sons have very expensive champions (70+pts) and if they die the unit only gets 1D6 for difficult terrain.


I run my Daemon Prince with Wings, Warptime and Wind of Chaos (plus Mark of course). A little points heavy at 205 but it does the job for me.


Rhinos are basically a must for Sons. Slow and Purposeful makes it even worse for them to be foot sloggers than anyone else.


On the Sorcerers, consider using Warptime, it really helps them where they're weakest...combat.

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Good roster! Not very Tzeentchy, though.

Draw against GK? Not bad! D'you remember lists of both GKs?



The draw was on a mission where I gave up the secondary objective which was claiming the center of the board. I instead went for the primary objective which was kill 500 more points then an opponent with a couple units worth double. This allowed me to walk backwards/sidways and get some more distance with my opponent. I ended up getting 450 or so more then my opponent, but not the requisite 500. That list was a imperial henchman spam list that dropped psyhic large blast templates every turn.






The other list tabled me, it was a 3 stormraven list and I couldn't bring 1 down with my first turn. So, that was that... I had 3-4 pens and he saved them all with his 13+ inch movement save = 4+ made 3+ with a psyhic power. He did lose his librarian too perils of the warp, which is what he deserves for playing with powers outside his power.



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I don't think they can carry two...

Understood. Well, with new finecast raptors it must be easier...


Nevermind that comment. I remember now why I had thought that. It is a poorly worded option in the C:CSM and I was remembering a discussion about it incorrectly. You may, in fact, take two special weapons.


RAW: "Up to two Raptors may replace their pistol with a plasma pistol for XX points or take one of the following:"

I knew there was something odd about that but I was remembering it incorrectly. Sorry about the confusion.

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Clear. Well, it's not bad! Against new GK - it's very hard to beat them. And as i see you play with old edition TSons? Hhh... unique style feels in them ;) and old raptors...hhhh... but new TSons're better for me :)


Nevermind, brother. :)

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