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Alpha Legion


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The one thing I think people need to completely forget is the DoW games and books. Those books & games are so far out of left field fluff wise it's sickening. I'd also say that you cannot ignore the BL books, they're canon, whether you like it or not. I wouldn't call Alpha Legion dead on Chaos worshippers (maybe some warbands, like The Faithless), but they are known to start civil unrest and uprising on Imperial planets.


No, BL books are NOT canon all the time. Otherwise they would conflict with Codexes. Example would be the Black Library Blood Angel novels... Those are not even close to canon, and do not show up in the Codex. BL does not = canon, but do = as close to canon as can be until otherwise disproven by a codex.


Either way, I don't think the book Alpha Legion changes anything, it just adds to it.


I still maintain that they planned the whole heresy. They arranged the whole thing, including the Emperor criticizing Lorgar.


I wouldn't be suprised is Alpharius was really Tzeentch in disguise :D

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personally my alphas are playing both sides of the fence, keeping the universe in a constant state of war so that nieher of the cabals visions comes to pass.

I'll join that crusade! :)

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Let us not make this into a debat on what source is more canonical. Apparently, from what credible sources have said, GW does not care one way or the other. You can take all sources as canonical, or you can take no source as canonical. In the particular case of the Alpha Legion we have about 20 years of more or less consistent background, and unless the Horus Heresy novel adresses the behaviour of the M41 Alpha Legion, I am not considering them a retcon. So "Legion" says that they did not just turn to Chaos because they relished in fighting other loyalists and despised the weak Emperor. But it does not say what the Alpha Legion did for the following ten thousand years. According to 2nd, 3rd and 4th Edition background they have spent that time attacking the Imperium and spreading Chaos cults.



I wouldn't call Alpha Legion dead on Chaos worshippers (maybe some warbands, like The Faithless), but they are known to start civil unrest and uprising on Imperial planets.

They are not just known to start "civil unrests". They are known to support and spread Chaos cults in particular, and to cause daemon incursions. That they do not do this for the purpose of having daemons reign supreme over the material realm, and instead do so to reach their military goals will matter little to the populations of the worlds plagued by daemons.



That's not the truth. Dark Gods want only to have more followers as they're their source of power. No adepts = no power and force, and than they can't influence the materium. They were created by mortals and so can't survive without them. Codex: Daemons tells us about the Dark Gods.

Nurgle will make anyone around you sick and rotten, Tzeentch will drive anyone around you insane, Slaanesh will eventually make you torture others and yourself because you wouldn't feel anything otherwise, and Khorne will make you kill in the most violent ways. That's what they want, and that's what they do to their followers. They might lure their followers with promises of longevity, knowledge, charisma or power, but that is not what they want from their followers. They will ultimately just make them rot, mad, perverted and violent.

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I still maintain that they planned the whole heresy. They arranged the whole thing, including the Emperor criticising Lorgar


Blasphemy!!! Opinion does not equal fact. Care to source this snippet of treachery? Or at least reference what led you to believe this?



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I still maintain that they planned the whole heresy. They arranged the whole thing, including the Emperor criticizing Lorgar.


There's a line where the "AL did it" needs to stop. I think this is it.


I'd also like to point out that, even though they are responsible for causing daemonic incursions on some occasions, AL tend to stay away from warp entities. IIRC, the old codex required them to take cultists if they wanted to summon daemons.

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The 3.5 Codex explained the limitation in daemons as a result of the Alpha Legion operating mainly within the Imperium, i.e. in real space, not sailing forth from the Eye of Terror. To enable daemons to enter real space en masse in areas where the boundaries between reality and the warp are not weakened you need a considerable effort in summoning rituals, which is something that a worldwide Chaos cult can provide while a Alpha Legion cell of 50-100 warriors might not.

Their daemons were not limited because the Alpha Legion refrains from using them or purposefully attempts to "stay away" from warpcraft.


"The Alpha Legion cannot normally rely on Daemons remaining stable for long enough for them to be useful because they are so far away from the Eye of Terror. When operating on a world where they have secured the belief of Chaos cults they will gladly add Daemons to the diversity of their attacks."

3.5 Codex Chaos Space Marines, p. 40, "Daemons"

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