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What do we hope for in the Chaos Codex?

Guest Cate

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As this topic has appeared in other sub-forums I thought we could have a discussion in the least used forum of the ruinous powers. Do we want new characters, squads, rules, new fluff or are we happy with the Emperors Children as they are today? If the discussion revolves around how crap the sonics are today or other rules in the current codex is it would be nice if someone locked this topic, this should be more of a wishlist than a current-codex bashing topic.


One idea that popped into my head a couple of days ago, is that the sacred number is not interesting anymore. Maybe if Emperors Children Squads that are built with the sacred number in mind IE. 6/12/18 could get the mark for free or even sonic weaponry cheaper as it shows their dedication towards Slaanesh. This only works in a pure EC force.


I don't see Obliterators as part of an Emperors children force so they should be gone, lumbering monstrosities with a mechanical virus do not feel right according to me. If obliterators would be gone there would be a demand for a workable Heavy slot. No idea what that would be


I would like to have workable bikes back, during the 3.5 the EC bikes were one of the best fast attack choices, twin linked bolters upgrade to sonic blasters for free and a quick and dirty way to summon daemonettes. I would like to have the daemonettes back, not some generic lesser daemon.


Sure there are two EC characters, one who has left the legion and then we have the spoiled brat who does not feel like a leader, so I would like to see a new character who is a EC leader. Maybe Lord commander Eidolon or Captain Julius Kaesoron


I would also want to see more fluff what the EC are doing today, how divided they are into different factions. It would also be nice and fresh if GW would try to take away the generic sex, drugs and Rock ´n Roll the EC have been forced into. It would be more interesting with a darker version than the T-rex/Slade glam-rock marines as they are today according to many players. After all they are following the God of Excess and are not Marilyn Mason wannabees.



Follower of Slaanesh for a long time.

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I have no idea how the Daemonettes in the daemon codex works, I just remember them from 3.5 where they where godly. I would be happy with daemonettes with s and t of 3 and an I of 5 plus rending, maybe with fleet. If the stats of daemonettes in the daemon codex have higher S and T it could be explained that the daemonettes that EC marines summon are not as stable as true daemonettes.


I agree with Minigun762, just getting a increased initiative bonus, making Slaanesh marines better in assault is kinda out of ideas from GW side. Once up on a time EC marines where good in shooting and good in close combat, but now they are meh, in shooting as they are to expensive, and both berzerkers and PM are better in close combat. Why even take them? They are not filling up any tactical slot in the chaos codex.

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Better stats/effects of sonic weaponry

Cheaper sonic weaponry

Close combat specialist Emperor's Children

More Slaanesh psychic powers (like in 3.5)

A selection of Emperor's Children related wargear both ranged and close combat

Slaanesh related vehicle/dreadnough upgrades

Handful of Emperor's Children characters (Lucius, Eidolon, Varosian etc.)

I5 is ok but need more buffs like DE pain tokens, FnP, Fleet, pref enemy or higher WS etc.)

Combat specialist EC should have more attacks at I5 or less attacks at higher I.

Lucius should be I7 and have FnP and eternal warrior OR 4+ Inv and more wounds. Sword needs to be master-crafted. Base 4 attacks with more attacks against WS5+ and re-roll wounds AND less attacks against WS3- with no re-roll wounds


That's just off the top of my head...

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What about nonEC slanesh? :D and well i think what ethiron said covers it, sonic weps on dreads, rending with mark of slanesh like deamons? :HQ: my two cents :)


Well the rumours so far indicate that the new codex will be codex: Chaos Legions. And then there will be a seperate codex for renegades.

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