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Squad markings


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Ok once again here is the new guy asking a question. For loyalists, its easy, they are regimented and assigned into squads and there are set markings for them. But what about for Chaos? How do you mark your squads? What would be the most correct way for a TS themed army to do so?


Thanks Brothers

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CSM mark themselves in any way they wish. On GW site there's a very good article about this:


Chaos Space Marines, even within a Renegade Chapter, often tend to band with others that hold the same views and desires as themselves. Over time, this band may decide to dedicate themselves to a particular Chaos god by holding a Chaos Icon aloft in battle. The gods then grant them powers with which to smite their foes. As the decades churn by, these dedicated renegades may begin to take up dress and insignia that shows their allegiance to their chosen god. By doing so, these Chaos Marines distinguish themselves from their brethren while still retaining loyalty to the chapter or warband as a whole. Though this appears detrimental, these various splinters within a group of Traitor Marines only adds to a warband's overall ability to wage war. After all, why just benefit from the gifts of one god when you can have all four?


This article takes a look at the renegades that have chosen to throw their lot in with a particular god, but not to the point where they are wholly dedicated like Plague Marines and Khorne Berzerkers have done. This means that you can have an army of Red Corsairs with elements of each Chaos god sprinkled about within it. All you have to do is think outside the box for bit and a world of modeling possibilities opens. On the following pages, you'll find ideas, brief step-by-step painting guides, simple sculpting tutorials, and easy modeling tips that'll help your army become a unique fighting force -- much like the followers of Chaos themselves.


Arcane energies and powerful sorcerers exemplify Tzeentch Renegade Space Marines. Strange, often silent, and eerie, these warriors can be distinguished from the rabble of unaligned followers pretty readily. Flowing tabards, glowing swords, cyclopean visages, books strapped to armor, prevalent mutations, familiars, intricate armor, eyeball-themed trim, artefact weaponry, and twisted armor all signal the affiliation of these Renegades with the Changer of the Ways.


Khorne renegades tend to be a bit on the psychotic side...even for Chaos. They prefer close-combat weaponry to get the job done over the less-personal bolter firefight. Khorne followers distinguish themselves in several ways. Red armor and brass edging are very common. Extra skulls on armor and shoulder pads as well as skull-like visages are another way to show their dedication. Chains, spikes, trophy racks, gore-stained weaponry, and long-range weapons with close combat attachments are dead giveaways as well.


Totally dedicated to selfish acts of pleasure and sensory experience, Slaanesh followers are some of the more vibrant renegades out there. Their pastel hues can be fun to paint and show off your skill with a brush. Other cool ideas for Slaanesh-themed squads include extremely pallid flesh tones, external speakers on armor, crab-claw hands, keys dangling from chains, stitched masks, jeweled armor, furs, studs, and black leather.


You can smell a Nurgle follower way before you see him! At that point, it's probably too late; you may have already contracted some sort of nasty affliction. To dress up your Nurgle Renegades, try stuff like making three-eyed helmets, rusting weapons, puddles of ooze on bases, dirty armor, pustules, rotted armor, or adding a single horn to the center of a helmet.


As to me i will mark different squads by different names, champions, icon bearers and esp. different shoulder pad trim. But there's many another ways to do it. For examle, TS squads can be differentiated by different Aspiring Sorcerers, so it's completely up to you as you've very precisely said we're not loyalists.


Smth like that :P

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Ok once again here is the new guy asking a question. For loyalists, its easy, they are regimented and assigned into squads and there are set markings for them. But what about for Chaos? How do you mark your squads? What would be the most correct way for a TS themed army to do so?


Thanks Brothers


I like uniformity in my animated suits of armor. :HQ:


So, I actually researched this when I started my Thousand Son Marines 10+ years ago. I used the old Legions of the Damned book, or whatever that old hardback GW book was called... Typically the legion symbol goes on a specific shoulder pad. (left i think?) But, not so for Thousand Sons as it goes on either.


The official shoulder pad is the one I used as follows.



and my terminators




The other shoulder pad is what I rotate between the numerous options that Games Workshop has since came out with to symbolize squads. There really is no specific one.

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