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If they fall?


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I was reading a topic on similar site and the poster was yammering about his chapters (Blood Angel DIY) fall to the blood god and something about his "tone" put my back up.


Why is it always assumed that if the blood angels fall to chaos it well be to Korne i know that GW have hinted many times of a link there but for some reason i can see the sons of baal falling to the prince of excesse just as easily as the blood god.


What better why to quiel that all consuming thirst. Who would not want to experince a blood letting with all five senses.


Am i crazy?


All alone in my beliefes?



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I could see them falling either to Khorne or Slanesh, not so much Nurgle or Tzneetch though. Khorne seems like the obvious choice but as noted their pride might lead to a fall if tempted by the dark Prince. Overall I see BA as a whole being very resilient to turning due to the Black Rage - it just goes against their very nature.


G :HQ:

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In the Dornian Heresy on here they fall to Nurgle. Its really dependant on which aspect of Sanguinus you choose as your focus. I see his foresight and "Angelic beuty" to lead them to Slanesh but really its an open question. Im sure in thier long history they have lost brother to all four gods.
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I think it mostly has to do with the World Eaters. Either of the two assault legions could have fallen to Khorne, one of them had to to make the fluff work. I think when people make the Sons of Sanguinus fall they go the easy route. I see Blood angels as a Slaneesh or Tzeench leaning legion.
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Are there any examples of the Angels turning to Chaos in any of the fluff?


I don't recall ever reading anything other than Deus Encarmine/Deus Sanguinius with Arkio having a seed of Chaos contained within him. It's been a while since I read them, but I'm sure that was implanted and nothing to do with the legions roots or history of mutation.


Ever the loyalists in my opinion, the four gods would sooner destroy each other than successfully consume the Angels. :)

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Actually, post-death of Sanguinius it's all about Nurgle.


One of the driving facets of those who fall to the god of decay is stoicism and tenacity to endure hardship and disease. The Blood Angels are certainly suffering but enduring right now what with resistence to the Black Rage and Red Thirst every day of their lives.


They are already fighting rage, so are actually resistent to Khorne very conciously.


Of course, I would imagine they would end up insane and renegade before Chaos worshippers, simply because each one has imprinted into their minds a hatred of the forces that killed their Primarch, but if Chaos did take them over it likely be Nurgle through the back door. (no pun intended)

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From my perspective I believe that it was more than possible the Blood Angels could have fallen to any of the four powers, Khorne for the continual bloodlust and Black Rage, Nurgle for the tainted blood and Vampiric tendencies (like the Dornian Heresy), Slaanesh for the vanity and artistic obsession and finally Tzeentch for the mutation (like Sanguinius's wings) and the enhanced psychic abilities.

Really I think it's a testament to their nobility and faith that they stayed loyal and fought as hard and suffered as they did for humanity and the Emperor.

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Are there any examples of the Angels turning to Chaos in any of the fluff?


I don't recall ever reading anything other than Deus Encarmine/Deus Sanguinius with Arkio having a seed of Chaos contained within him. It's been a while since I read them, but I'm sure that was implanted and nothing to do with the legions roots or history of mutation.


Ever the loyalists in my opinion, the four gods would sooner destroy each other than successfully consume the Angels. :D


Bloodquest - the majority of a party of Blood Angels sent on a quest fall to Chaos... one is possessed by a greater daemon and the other chooses to follow Slaanesh.


G :P

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Now why is it everyone always equates Khorne with bloodlust/murder craziness? I saw an interesting post several years ago arguing that while a blood-crazy bezerker might claim 100 skulls in a ballte - the cold calculating army commander who gave his army that battle against such an opponent could justifiably claim the 1000's of skulls from the entire battle, and teh fact that his army would be able to go reap more skulls later. Khorne is not only th eGod of Blood and murder, but of warfare in all its miriad forms, from the system-wide tactician to the grunt on the frontline.
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Are there any examples of the Angels turning to Chaos in any of the fluff?


I don't recall ever reading anything other than Deus Encarmine/Deus Sanguinius with Arkio having a seed of Chaos contained within him. It's been a while since I read them, but I'm sure that was implanted and nothing to do with the legions roots or history of mutation.


Ever the loyalists in my opinion, the four gods would sooner destroy each other than successfully consume the Angels. :P


Bloodquest - the majority of a party of Blood Angels sent on a quest fall to Chaos... one is possessed by a greater daemon and the other chooses to follow Slaanesh.


G :blush:


Actually, only ONE of them fall to chaos. That was the scout.


Leonidos (the leader, not the poster ;) ) was still loyal, he was just possessed.


Also, Blood Angels are not proud, they are actually very humble (and they are humble because of their curse). But yeah, I see them becoming Slaneeshi, and that was a big thing from the Dornian Heresy for me. The Blood Angels (in my mind) are closer to the Emperor's Children (both have an eye for perfection, and both try to better themselves using apothecaries and Sanguinary Priests).


However, the Flesh Terrors would be Khorne.



Now why is it everyone always equates Khorne with bloodlust/murder craziness? I saw an interesting post several years ago arguing that while a blood-crazy bezerker might claim 100 skulls in a ballte - the cold calculating army commander who gave his army that battle against such an opponent could justifiably claim the 1000's of skulls from the entire battle, and teh fact that his army would be able to go reap more skulls later. Khorne is not only th eGod of Blood and murder, but of warfare in all its miriad forms, from the system-wide tactician to the grunt on the frontline.


Because the Chaos Codex, and almost every chaos book depicts khorne this way. They also say that the warriors of khorne will kill eachother if they don't have an enemy.

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I must admit I gave up on reading the Dornian Heresy stuff when they linked up the BA to Nurgle, it just seemed a bit of a lazy "make up the numbers" job.


I can see Khorne (Post Heresy at least) it seems to me that if the lack rage went unchecked (i.e. the whole of a small garrison fell) then the Sanguinius memory might fully play out leaving them with nothing but the rage.


I can see Tzeentch (again coming from a mutant world and having a psycher as a primarch)


And I can see Slaanesh, what with the artistic perfection and the nobility.


But Nurgle, I just don't see it, at least not beyond individual infected wounds/parasites.

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Why Nurgle?


The BA fight every day to resist the rage, and while the weak-willed may fall to korne, thats not who the gods would want in the long run.

They strive for perfection, but they already know of the flaw that exists in everything. The chapter as a whole would not go seeking Slaanesh for something they know is not possible.

Their ideology is founded on transforming the weak mutated bodies, and so they would resist Tzeench's 'boons'.

But Nurgle, Nurgle could whisper to them of a way to hold out forever against the rage, to stay as they are. He could give them resilience above what they have now, and could even make sure they never fall. For those who find every day a struggle to hold out, what if some Fatherly figure could take the load off them for a little, for isn't it always easier to carry the load when others are helping...



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Any actually, think about it, Blood Angels are not a simple chapter, with "We do this, and that's why we are special", no, they have many angles;


Khorne, would be a special choice, because of theirs love for close combat, and of course, the Red Thirst. Besides, they got their own Khorne Berzerkers in the Death Company form.


Tzeentch would bless the Blood Angels and their many, many psykers; more important, the Black Rage and the Red Thirst were a psych backlash, so I can see him using it to change the Blood Angels.


Nurgle, hmmm. . . well, Sanguinus was the most mutated (besides Magnus) primarch. So yeah. Besides, Blood Angels live a LOT so I can see them offering themselves to Nurgle to expand that even more, perhaps to not fall to the Flaw.


Slaneesh, well, Blood Angels seek perfection in all things, and they are known for lots of characteristics similar to Slanessh followers, like beauty (in some way).


Tell you the truth, I would bet they would be a Chaos Undivided Warband. They are one of the few Chapters with depth.



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I think that those that point to only one of the four Powers as the likely choice are missing the fact that the Blood Angels could conceivably fall to any of the Powers. It would largely depend upon the circumstances surrounding the fall and which aspect of the Chapter is the driving force. While some powers might seem more likely for one reason or another, there are likely explanations for any of the others.

Something else to consider would be the possibility of the Blood Angels falling to Chaos, but not aligning with any one power. Keep in mind that of the nine traitor Legions, each of the Powers had only one Legion, with the five other Legions serving Chaos Undivided. icon5.gif

And for those that like to perpetuate Malal and that (obsolete?) God's hatred of all Chaos, there's also the possibility of a nihilistic fallen Blood Angels Chapter. :P

In the end (of what is hopefully a purely theoretical discussion), it will really come down to the circumstances of the Blood Angels' fall to determine who they side with, if anyone.

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I think that those that point to only one of the four Powers as the likely choice are missing the fact that the Blood Angels could conceivably fall to any of the Powers. I would largely depend upon the circumstances surrounding the fall and which aspect of the Chapter is the driving force. While some powers might seem more likely for one reason or another, there are likely explanations for any of the others.

Something else to consider would be the possibility of the Blood Angels falling to Chaos, but not aligning with any one power. Keep in mind that of the nine traitor Legions, each of the Powers had only one Legion, with the five other Legions serving Chaos Undivided. icon5.gif

And for those that like to perpetuate Malal and that (obsolete?) God's hatred of all Chaos, there's also the possibility of a nihilistic fallen Blood Angels Chapter. :P

In the end (of what is hopefully a purely theoretical discussion), it will really come down to the circumstances of the Blood Angels' fall to determine who they side with, if anyone.


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Hmm...Blood crazed berserkers...blood....crazed....berserkers...


You know I simply can't think of any Chaos God that would fit that description >_>


Only if you think the Blood Angels are blood crazed berserkers. I find the visions they see as Death Company a little more relevant then the outside view that they are blood crazed berzerkers.

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I find it hard to believe a Blood Angel would submit to Nurgle seeing it's pretty much the antithesis of just about everything they stand for. I can see though why some would think it a logical choice. Blood Angels are probably one of the more resilient chapters when it comes to resisting Chaos but it can happen.


G ;)

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