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Smoke launchers while embarked


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Here's a question: Can a dreadnought that's currently embarked upon a Storm Raven use its smoke launchers?


Related rules

- May use smoke after its move (p.62)

- If using smoke, cannot shoot (p.62)

- Can use smoke even if it has not or cannot move (BRB FAQ p.4)


The question came up in a game tonight and we ruled one way on the fly just to keep the game moving, but...


I don't see a reason why a dreadnought can't use smoke launchers while embarked. The most obvious advantage is if the Raven gets shot down, then the dreadnought still gets an automatic cover save.

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I wouldnt see the logic in getting cover save for an embarked DN using smoke when the Storm Raven is moving... Wouldnt it get a cover save for being obscured attached to the SR's aft hookup? Unless maybe shooting it from the side or rear... I just think the smoke is a ground effect cover for a DN that intends to move through or into it for cover and wouldnt be useful when attached to a SR that is moving. I would see the applicable benefits when the SR is not moving, however, and wouldnt have an issue with that.
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I wouldnt see the logic in getting cover save for an embarked DN using smoke when the Storm Raven is moving... Wouldnt it get a cover save for being obscured attached to the SR's aft hookup? Unless maybe shooting it from the side or rear... I just think the smoke is a ground effect cover for a DN that intends to move through or into it for cover and wouldnt be useful when attached to a SR that is moving. I would see the applicable benefits when the SR is not moving, however, and wouldnt have an issue with that.

It cannot be targeted by shooting because it is embarked. The benefit in being able to use smoke launchers on a Dreadnought embarked in a Stormraven is that if the Stormraven is destroyed the Dreadnought will count as obscured from any additional shooting.

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Possibly, so long as the Raven didn't explode instead. In that case the Dread is out in the open, since it can't be obscured by the resulting crater.

Legal, but VERY niche move. Also, the ocver save won't protect you against the S4 hit as a result of an Explode result so you can have your Dread Immobilized and therefore destroyed on a string of 6s.

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As it was, that would have been beneficial to me for him to have popped smoke when he asked...I didn't even target the Storm Raven that turn ;). Ah well.


I'll let him know that it seems to be a valid tactic in all respects.

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Sure. They can pop smoke if they're Stunned, for instance.


Smoke is not a Shooting action; it is an action taken during the Shooting phase that prevents you from Shooting. If something else is preventing you from Shooting, it's not preventing you from popping Smoke.


Make sense?

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More fuel for the fire:


It does not look like a solid agreement was reached there either but like here I would say the consensus is to allow it.


So here is something else to ponder. If the Storm Raven is shot down after the dread popped smoke, wouldn't the dread be placed on the board and under the smoke? This made me wonder about anything else that could move a vehicle after it used smoke and magna-grapple came to mind. Now the old debate on that is usually can you use a cover save if the grapple does not glance or pen but that is not the point here. Can you pull a vehicle out of its smoke and into the open or does the smoke follow the unit?


I will tell you that I think the smoke moves with the vehicle because it has smoke launchers, not smoke grenade launchers. The smoke is continuously being emitted from the tubes. I also do not see any reason why the dread could not use the smoke. I do wonder if it would be effective. If the question of smoke staying with a vehicle that has been physically moved has already been answered I would go with that as precedent for the dreadnought falling to the ground.

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More fuel for the fire:


It does not look like a solid agreement was reached there either but like here I would say the consensus is to allow it.

Your search-fu is strong! :)


So here is something else to ponder. If the Storm Raven is shot down after the dread popped smoke, wouldn't the dread be placed on the board and under the smoke? This made me wonder about anything else that could move a vehicle after it used smoke and magna-grapple came to mind. Now the old debate on that is usually can you use a cover save if the grapple does not glance or pen but that is not the point here. Can you pull a vehicle out of its smoke and into the open or does the smoke follow the unit?


I will tell you that I think the smoke moves with the vehicle because it has smoke launchers, not smoke grenade launchers. The smoke is continuously being emitted from the tubes. I also do not see any reason why the dread could not use the smoke. I do wonder if it would be effective. If the question of smoke staying with a vehicle that has been physically moved has already been answered I would go with that as precedent for the dreadnought falling to the ground.

There is nothing in the rules to suggest that the effect from smoke launchers is treated like a static effect, such as terrain, or a template. A Dreadnought that uses its smoke launchers is obscured during the next enemy shooting phase, regardless of movement.

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There is nothing in the rules to suggest that the effect from smoke launchers is treated like a static effect, such as terrain, or a template. A Dreadnought that uses its smoke launchers is obscured during the next enemy shooting phase, regardless of movement.


Look at the Baal predator. Can smoke on a scout move, then move, then shoot, then be obscured on the next turn.


I see no reason a dread can't smoke while embarked.

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They're smoke launchers...these things really exist! They fire smoke grenades. :lol: And they don't just drop them at their feet...they pick a point between themselves and their enemies and set up a screen there. Easy enough to imagine a Dread or Baal Pred firing smoke way ahead of them and still rushing up there. In fact, it's smart to change position after deploying smoke, so the enemy loses track of you.


As for firing the smoke launchers from the hooks on the Storm Raven, why not? This is the remains of a genetically engineered super soldier strapped into a giant walking sarcophagus. He's probably a darn good shot.

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More fuel for the fire:


It does not look like a solid agreement was reached there either but like here I would say the consensus is to allow it.

Your search-fu is strong! :lol:


So here is something else to ponder. If the Storm Raven is shot down after the dread popped smoke, wouldn't the dread be placed on the board and under the smoke? This made me wonder about anything else that could move a vehicle after it used smoke and magna-grapple came to mind. Now the old debate on that is usually can you use a cover save if the grapple does not glance or pen but that is not the point here. Can you pull a vehicle out of its smoke and into the open or does the smoke follow the unit?


I will tell you that I think the smoke moves with the vehicle because it has smoke launchers, not smoke grenade launchers. The smoke is continuously being emitted from the tubes. I also do not see any reason why the dread could not use the smoke. I do wonder if it would be effective. If the question of smoke staying with a vehicle that has been physically moved has already been answered I would go with that as precedent for the dreadnought falling to the ground.

There is nothing in the rules to suggest that the effect from smoke launchers is treated like a static effect, such as terrain, or a template. A Dreadnought that uses its smoke launchers is obscured during the next enemy shooting phase, regardless of movement.


Also, the Dreadnought will retain its Cover Save regardless of how windy it is on the battlefield on that particular day.



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Also, the Dreadnought will retain its Cover Save regardless of how windy it is on the battlefield on that particular day.

...or if it has an atmosphere at all.

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