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Cumulative rules?


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Lias Issodon - IA9

'enemy reserve rolls suffer a -1 penalty if Lias Issodon is present in your army'


Ahazra Redth - IA10

'If Ahazra Redth is part of the army then failed attempts by the player to sieze the initiative may be rerolled and enemy reserve rolls suffer a -1 penalty'


I'm guessing the answer to the question 'do these rules stack to make a -2 roll?' is no?

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I think "no because FW assumed that people wouldn't use the Raptors CM and the Mantis Warriors CL in the same army except for Apoc, which has it's own Reserve rules" is probably a fair answer.
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See, i personally would've said yes, based on other bonuses/penalties that stack, such as multiple casts of hammerhand...but that's just me.


GW is inconsistent on this though eg Autarchs and Hammerhand stack, IG Advisors don't, Tyranid bonuses do provided they aren't from the same source.


I don't think it's a fair answer in the age of 'counts as.'


You're trying to do something the author probably didn't intend, that's likely to have quite a detrimental effect on your opponent and their enjoyment of the game, so I think suggesting erring on the side of caution is a fair answer.


Units designed for a campaign are designed in far more isolation than units in Codices, so the 'counts as' argument is not really appropriate.

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See, i personally would've said yes, based on other bonuses/penalties that stack, such as multiple casts of hammerhand...but that's just me.

The updated BRB FAQ states that Psychic Powers that do not state otherwise may stack. That has no bearing on a unit's special rules.


Also, since getting an opponent's permission is the right thing to do before using Forgeworld rules in a game against that person it would naturally seem that you'd run this nasty little combination past your opponent as well. If they're cool with it, then you're golden. If the opponent isn't cool with having a -2 to their reserve rolls then it doesn't much matter if they "should" stack or not :huh:

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