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Engel's Ultramarines

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I suppose I should post these pics as the models themselves shall never grace my table again.


In 2004 I was captured by the shiny new gold rims and the encouraged uniqueness of the Ultramarines. Before this they were the very picture of Codex, not special markings, the most ostentatious thing they would have in 3rd Ed were purity seals.


So I jumped in.


These are my Ultramarines, having since been sold on eBay. I spent a lot of time on this army and I certainly learnt a lot about patience from it. There was a ton of conversions, drum-mag bolters and so many attempts to avoid metal models.


I painted these models on the painting tray I use to this day, bringing it from the top of my dorm room closet and doing it on my desk while watching a movie, or Stargate SG-1 reruns (and new episodes at the time!).


So I shall begin. Seven years old, I think my painting has surely improved (see my other blogs) but sometimes it's fun to look back. The dark blue was just Chaos Black, drybrushed heavily with Ultramarines blue, then straight-up highlighted with Ultramarine blue. I think this is the start of my 'subtle, realistic' phase, which I think I've gotten the hang of since. Check out the Night Lords blog for further development.


The entire army!



One of my Captains, a counts-as-Lysander. He and the guy with dual lightning claws (lower down) were to represent Captain Hebredon from some unknown point in the Ultramarine's history since … Well, Sicarius wasn't heir-apparent to role of Chapter Master quite yet. This guy's face is terrible. I have a comparison shot of him and my ACTUAL Lysander in my Imperial Fists blog.



Captain Hebredon in power armour and his command squad.



The Terminator Models when they came out were uber cool and I went a little overboard, even creating Assault Terminators well before there was a kit for them. The Bitz Service was really fantastic. RIP.



The Venerable Dread, as inspired by the Venerable Dread in "How to Paint Space Marines." I actually quite like this.



More Termies.




At the time, these were just "Veterans" but now they're Vanguard without jump packs. I had contemplated keeping these, but I suppose they're better off elsewhere. Note the very, very awkward replacement of the Sergeant's head. I hated painting flesh.



A plastic Chaplain and Guard I'm still quite pleased with. Originally there would be a command squad for each HQ choice but this is as far as it got.



Plastic Librarian attached to a Tactical Squad.




The Assault Squad. I am a big fan of 10-man Assault Marines.



I didn't like the Whirlwind model at the time (or the redux) so I went with the Forge World version. Much meatier and awesome.



Anyway, I figured I would post them for posterity and as an example. This is probably my third Ultramarines army too (used to be quite the fanboy) having sold and moved on several times before.


In 1996 I did Ultramarines, then Eldar, then Ultramarines again, then Tau, then Necrons (I was a bit of a "new army whore") then Dark Angels, Black Templars, then Daemonhunters-all-Grey-Knights, then Eldar again finally coming to this army.


Since then I've failed at Night Lords (bought just before I started this army but I was always afraid to paint them and ruin it) and did another Tau army (working on a Codex will do that) and FINALLY came to my Imperial Fists and now my Night Lords. Saim-Hann Eldar are next on the list and I'm DONE. Then, finally, I'll be done and just redux, over and over.


That's the plan, anyway. We're never really done, are we? ;)

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Nice smurfs :)


Love your poses on you terminators and your Lysander conversion. ;)


I'm also liking the Chaplain and his command squad, shame they aren't codex legal now. :/ Any chance of more close ups of them?





Alas, these are gone now, sold to fund... well living. It's expensive down here. :huh:

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Ah, that sucks, although I may take some inspiration from them for my Chaplains body guard. :HQ:


Go for it! I quite liked the one on the left, who's using a cut piece of toilet paper tube as a shield. He was based off of the old sketches for Calgar's honour guard with the big, Roman Legionarry shields before the Ultra's went more Greek than Roman.

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it's a bit nostalgic to see Smurfs in the Ultra-marine blue versus the Regal blue that seems to have become their default color these days. I like 'em. Mind posting more angles of the different models in the command squad?



Read the opening post, he has since sold them, (by the way aswome Abbadon model)


I like the bright blue, with red and white helms for the vets, Brings back memories.

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