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I may be suffering from corruption


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Ok so over the last week I'v been thinking and thinking and my thoughts have lead me to wanting to build a Chaos/renegade chapter, based off the space wolfs. I know not an original idea but I'v been wanting to make a space wolf chapter for the longest time now. And over the last week I'v been thinking chaos......Chaos? wait I have not had any inkling to any of the runious powers. I'm a loyalist. I can't let my will be corrupted... but the evil inside. It speaks to me, it summons me. The thoughts of having a Chaotic Renegade band of Rampaging Vikinigs. Looting space hulks, raiding homeworlds. Stealing pillaging and taking of people (women). I can't stop these thoughts.
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Dunno, before you get too hell-bent on renegade vikings would you mind having a little chat about what Lorgar did for you?


I jest, of course. A little. You might want to consider making a warband of the Space Wolves who turned to chaos when the Red Corsairs were fighting to seize their battle barge; the major difference in paint is just going to be red arrows painted over the existing Imperial heraldry (eagles, company badges, that sort of thing) to mark them as being Red Corsairs instead of Space Wolves. You'll also still be able to use all those wonderful Space Wolf bitz and Forge World pieces, with minimal conversion necessary.

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my inspiration comes from the Blood Wolves post on the GW website. where I pretty much use the Space wolf gear but play with bits of Chaos armor here and there. with some bad ass convertions for the big name characters. and in this I want to do something which I'm not terribly sure is unique. I want to be able to use both the space wolf codex and the Chaos marine codex. meaning I build around both but with enough piece's to work easily to switch back and forth.
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I want to be able to use both the space wolf codex and the Chaos marine codex. meaning I build around both but with enough piece's to work easily to switch back and forth.

:o Both the Wolves and the Traitors will ridicule this decision, but its a cool one. :jaw: I do the same with my Marines, using C:SM and C:BA. I say go for it!

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I've done a similar thing on my most recent army, they're renegades (pirates) made from a mix of SM, CSM, BT, SW, BA and DA bits, but using the Codex:SW for its more character driven style. Fluff and pics are in my sig links!
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If Chaos calls, you have only two variants - accept it or die :)


So it's a good idea, agree. But you've to choose the preferable codex. Fluffwise it must be the Chaos one, but gamewise... :D But as it is, it's very easy to create your own renegade chapter or turn traitor from the existed one.


So here're some pics for inspiration, if you didn't see them earlier.






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If Chaos calls, you have only two variants - accept it or die :lol:


So it's a good idea, agree. But you've to choose the preferable codex. Fluffwise it must be the Chaos one, but gamewise... :lol: But as it is, it's very easy to create your own renegade chapter or turn traitor from the existed one.


So here're some pics for inspiration, if you didn't see them earlier.

I think the middle pic was 13th Company instead of renegades. They came out during the Eye of Terror campaign, used a mix of chaos and imperial bitz, but were staunch loyalists unless you were playing Witch Hunters or Daemonhunters.
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my thinking for this is not the 13th greate company. but a company that was sucked into the warp and lost for many years coming out tainted and stuck in the middle. not loyalist not chaos, but that happy drunking raiding piracy group in between. taking from both sides and then taking the side they feel they get the most gain from. Their gear and equipment a healthy mix of both chaos and SW. their colors Dark Red with Metalic black trim. and some bronze scratch's here and there. Their loot and trophies from Hulks and world of both sides. The inquisition their biggest opponent. but of course Blood Conflicts with dark angles, Black templers and the such.
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I think the middle pic was 13th Company instead of renegades. They came out during the Eye of Terror campaign, used a mix of chaos and imperial bitz, but were staunch loyalists unless you were playing Witch Hunters or Daemonhunters.

Thanks, captain)) yes it is. But it was only the example of mixing Chaos and Imperial bitz and also i'm sure 13th Company for now is the same traitorous for the loyalists as the Legions.



I think the second one is better) the red and black colours're agressive and dark colours. For pirates and renegades (not only chaotic) it's very themed colours)

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hmm maybe I'll use both. one for my berserkers and one for my chaos marines.


but hell more oppinions would be helpful. I know that there is more then a crap load of Red and black out there. but on the flip of the coin theres a hell of a lot of Black schemes too.

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now to the task of writing up some fluff for my bloody fluffy warpuppies. Lets see where to begin...........


Long long ago in a gallaxy far far away......






still would like some comment on my choices of color schemes. just so I have several oppinions.

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Now i think the top one is better, i agree with darth_giles. If with metallics (or gold...) it'd great.


And what's about fluff. I think it should be started with the name, symbol, the Founding and so on as it's written here.

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well I do have a metalic black. I'll have to experiment
Metallic or gloss black would be interesting. I haven't messed with gloss black except for a few experiments with the dominatrix commissar and some non-GW miniatures, and I don't think I've seen many people even using semi-gloss paints except on big stuff like Inquisitor-scale figures. Can't wait for those test figures.
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In M37 A detachment of 50 space wolf were sent to the Eye of Terror by the Current Wolf lord. Their mission was unknown. Though believed to be to recover an actifact of the chapter. As their ship entered into warp transit a wave of warp flux hit the area. For 300 years the ship was thought to be lost and destroyed. Until I was spotted near a space Hulk. The emperial naval vessal recorded the sighting thinking that the ship had become part of the hulk. But with later observation Transmissions were recieved to stand away or be destroyed that the hulk was The porperty of the Blood Fang. As the ship pulled away from the hulk towing behind it 2 more vessals of ancient design the recording of the Emperial naval Ship depicted that the Former space wolf ship was now tainted by the warp. No longer the pure vessal of the emperors design. The Symbol of a large fanged wolf on the side indicating it's new designation. As the Accursed ship pulled from the system the Emperial naval ship gave chase Engaging these Blood Fang. Only to take heavy damage and loss. As the Emperial ship lay chipled. The recorders stil active, the emperial forces were witness to the hulks distruction as it blew up into millions of peirces from the inside. Believed that as the Blood Fang left the Hulk they set several of the ships within it to critical mass to destroy that what they could not take with them. The shockwave nearly finished of the Emperial ship but with the valient work of the engineseers and their servators the ship was saved and able to limp back to be salvaged by the Emperium. The Recordings were given over to the inquistion for studdy and analys. Many sightings of these New Renegade Blood Fangs have been Recorded in the years since. Raiding smaller colony worlds and space hulks. Always taking Technologys of the emperium as well as weapons and munitions. Their Fleet of Ships noticably growing. At last note The Blood Fang had in their flotila 9 Shipes. Many of which Vessals that Haven't been seen since the time of the Heresy.



In M39 The Blood fang Raided the Home world of the Space wolfs, Fenris. Several Villaged were destroyed and their peoples lost in this attack. At least 500 of the peoples of Fenris were believed to been captured but the Blood Fang in this raid. Left behind in one of the villaged were 2 STC Drive modules containing techniquel information of weapons not seen for millinium. The space wolfs took this as a dubious sign that the Blood Fang were giving in turn a boon for the peoples that they have taken. The space wolfs where reported to have handed only one of these modules over to the adatpus Mechanicous in good will but kept the other. The inquisition Sent a deligation to investigate this raid on the space wolfs and to parly with their Wolf lord. Only to come back empty handed and with more questions, never to be answered. During the many years that have passed since the Blood fang have been marked in many battles. Some of which to the Inquisitions confusion aiding the Emperium in battle.




(( So is my first rough draft of the BLood Fang chapter))

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