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hey something where did you get the Heresy seal. I'v love to print that out and slap it onto my army carrier

Just found it online <_< I think it comes from another forum, but to my knowledge it isn't copyrighted or anything. You can probably right click on the image itself to save it- its a .png format, so it shouldn't be a problem to print it out :P

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Just found it online ;) I think it comes from another forum, but to my knowledge it isn't copyrighted or anything. You can probably right click on the image itself to save it- its a .png format, so it shouldn't be a problem to print it out ;)
Careful with that. Any Berne Convention signatory gives automatic copyright to anything. The US isn't one yet thank gawd, but most of Europe is.
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well until that time I have it to play around with. and it warms my heart with the darkness of the warp when I go into SL to be with my loyalist chapter and make them freak out when I spout heresy.




So any advice on building an army list?

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Before all the Chaos guys throw the cookie cutter list at you... (Plague Marines, a Daemon Prince or two with with Lash of Submission, 2x3 or 3x3 Obliterators) ... I'll say this.


Wolves are very easy to build lists for; their codex is powerful enough that many of the builds you can dream up will be effective.


Chaos I'm not so familiar with, but I do know that the Troops section of the Chaos codex is one of the most powerful in the entire 40k lineup- I was highly jealous of it as a Codex: Space Marines player.

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well, to be fair, that is the most effective way to build a list though...


Though I don't like nurgle or slaanesh myself, never did. I go with 10-man squads of ordinary CSM and warptime princes. Sure, the oblits are there, but you really need oblits to stay competitive. A pred, vindi or deffy to throw in there works as well, plasma chosen, a termie squad...BERZERKERS!!! Raptors with dual melta works as well...


Really, zerkers is the :)! They eat up enemy units quickly and efficiently. (heck, I've destroyed enemy units with only like 3 zerkers left!)

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well For the most part I was jsut thinking a to have something fun 2k point to pull out and be screwy with. Maybe CSM as my base and throw in Nurgles or thousend sons for fun with Berzerkers as as my back up singers. I wrote up a list of what I think would make a good duality. like this Chaos marines = Grey Hunters, Berserkers = Blood Claws, and such. the trick is figuring out how I could represent Thousend sons and Nurgles as SW style units. I'm one for divirsity so Suggestions are welcome. And if the end product comes to my local store calling me up and telling me to break out My chaos wolfs (Thinking Blood Fangs would be a good name) we have a mission that needs some character, then All the better.



Yes I'm putting alot of energy into this. it makes me feel giddy (I know I know too happy for the realms of chaos but what the hell) thinking of the fun and stupid fun table top RP I could have with this.

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yeah can't do much about the links. it's the what looks like original painter for chaos. I don't see any later versions. though I am considering the Black with blood trim for my chapter. its something close to the Dark Wolfs colors. and I do like the Blood and black trim I'm torn between them.....But I think I know of a way to use them. The Black with Blood trim can be my CSM and I can use the Blood with Black trim for my berzerkers/ blood rippers ( aka blood claws).



I will be adding in my orginization soon. I'm still writing it up in hard copy during my free time at work.

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It's nice to have a chaos list amongst all your loyalist ones! The hard part is not getting to use all the cool SW rules. The conversions possibilities are fantastic though! SW are cool, but corrupted SW could be awesome! Space Wolf obliterators comes to mind as being a modellers dream! Not sure where you'd source the heads though...
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Click the link, choose "save as," and then manually enter the extension as .jpg. On an older Mac you might have to use ResEdit to change the file type to JPEG (if you don't know what I'm talking about, it doesn't affect you).
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  • 1 month later...

Hmm I think I have found a name for my renegade wolfs. Say hello To the Doom Wolves. A lost Wolf company from the 9th Greate Hunt. during complications transitioning into the warp and suvere damages while within the warp thy found themselfs changed after returning to the emperium nearly a century later. Sadly with little to no memorys of what happened within the warp.


They are a new pack that walks the flames of the warp to take what they need and fight those who stand before them, Be they chaos, xeno, or emperial. Those they hesitate infront of and would rather prefer to fight along side once more are the wolfs of fenris.

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believe it or not it was just a name that for some reason and out of no where I was inspired with. it's how it works with most crafting and write ups I do. hell when I'm riding a lawn mower I'm inspired with the craziest thoughts. though when I'm down working I can never remember what it was to write down :)
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