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Size of the Traitor Legion (post-Heresy)?


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Having come from WHFB back in the day, my personal theory is that Chaos keeps Abaddon specifically because he is something of a failure. He's pretty good, and usually almost gets there... but never quite pulls it off. The chaos gods do not want ultimate victory over the forces of order because that would render them essentially obsolete. Chaos is defined by the order it seeks to unravel, and can never truly succeed.

The fluff I've seen so far always winds up with Chaos on the very cusp of victory when some random or bizarre or inexplicable thing happens to derail it; then they go back, rebuild, and it begins all over again. The continuation of the struggle feeds power directly into the warp through the bi-products of the emotions, destruction, rot and bloodshed generated by it.

The Warp needs an ultimate champion strong enough to force their various minions to work together occasionally and make a good show of it... but not so good that he actually pulls it off.



On the other hand, who launches 13 intergalactic wars, loses every one of them, and still retains any respect at all? :P

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And that's where I think the misconception comes from. Some people view each of the Black Crusades as an all or nothing war, when in reality what they were were raids and/or assaults that were meant to accomplish a specific objective, AND cause as much chaos and destruction as possible to the Imperium. Yes they were on a grand scale, but still they had goals that were accomplished. I will agree with the notion that Chaos probably does not want a full blown victory as it would indeed be anathema to what Chaos are all about.


I am not an Abaddon fan-boy myself, but I certainly don't view him as a failure. From the perspective of the Word Bearers I can see some jealousy there, and as I stated before, I think that is because there is still a strong inter-legion rivalry going on there. But I guess ultimately it comes down to the fact that he has the favour of the Chaos gods. Period. If he was that big of failure then he would be dead, or a spawn.


The ones I see that have trouble wrapping their heads around that, or want to insist he is a failure are those whose view is coloured by the Imperial propaganda that is prevalent in the works of the development team. ( That and those that are serious UM fanboys :P )I think that whatever Abaddons goals are he is not completely sharing them with anyone else. Could probably chalk that up to his afore-mentioned paranoia. Anyhow that's still my take on it....



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Nope, it was stated to be a victory to Chaos, that "while the Cadian Gate still stands, traitors are pouring over the walls in unprecedented numbers". We didn't take Cadia, but we smashed the hell out of everywhere else, pretty much. There's no point in having a gate if there's no wall to guard, basically.
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Another way to look at the question of how many marines there are is to question the nature of the warp. CSMs aren't really 'there,' are they? In an immaterial universe, how can you say you are anywhere? There are some compelling reasons to think the legions have grown in the time they have been in the warp.


The lack of time continuity is a big part of the warp experience, as is the suffering of those who follow the Chaos gods. I would imagine that there are potentially many more Chaos Space Marines then there are Imperials by virtue of the fact time does not happen linearly in the Warp. It would be possible to field an army with 2 or more versions of yourself plucked out of different moments in time. Honestly, why would Tzeentch not do that?


The fluff has always claimed Fabius Bile is going around trying to perfect the gene splicing process to make newer, better marines (or at least unlock the secrets of the Emperor). Given 10,000 years, you would think he would have figured it out by now, and would be franchising the production of warriors to the various legions.


There are other reasons, and I realize I am just spouting things that are unlikely and no one else believes. But there is plenty of fluff to justify a dramatic increase in legion size.

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Thanks techsoldaten, finally a post that isn't about whether Abaddon is a failure or not. (I think he's pretty badass! :P)


The Warp is a strange place indeed, and it could be very possible that the space the Traitor Legions have in the Eye of Terror is even bigger than the entire Imperium, sort of imagine it as the "anti-Imperium" or something.


However, the Geneseed of most Traitor Legions has probably become rather unstable, meaning they need to find other methods to maintain their numbers. They do this for example by going to Fabulous Bill or stealing Loyalists' Geneseed.


I was imagining that the Death Guard might have rather corrupted Geneseed, but are still able to make new Marines, the process would only be a very Nurgle-esque parody of the initiation rituals the Death Guard had when they were still Loyalists. Imagine exposing new recruits with all sorts of diseases and what not. The survivors are truly "blesses" by Nurgle and would grow to become new Marines.

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I was imagining that the Death Guard might have rather corrupted Geneseed, but are still able to make new Marines, the process would only be a very Nurgle-esque parody of the initiation rituals the Death Guard had when they were still Loyalists. Imagine exposing new recruits with all sorts of diseases and what not. The survivors are truly "blesses" by Nurgle and would grow to become new Marines.

Yeah, exactly.


The question I am thinking about is why Chaos would hold off on creating marines en masse. The Imperium has obvious reasons for not wanting too many marines on the Board, but Chaos has no limiting motivation. Instead, I would think the goal of any Chaos organization capable of making marines would be to make more marines at all times, stockpiling for that day when these puny 1,000 person loyalist chapters try to stand in their way.


In other words, this is the 'Counts As China' theory of Chaos Glory. There's enough in the fluff to indicate CSMs can make their own troops, the question really is why they haven't been doing it. Or maybe they have and no one knows it.


In regards to Death Guard geneseed, it would have to be a big, throbbing ball of AIDS, cancer and cholera that would be considered a biological weapon in any other context. I can picture some Death Guard apothecary having a wonderful time running a big ball of that crap into someone to see if it takes.

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Nobody mentioned they had such big losses. However, the fluff does seem to suggest that the Death Guard are somehow very capable of getting lots of new recruits quickly. Apparently they go out there and fight until they all die, then the ships somehow return to the Plague Planet where new recruits are jammed in there and off they go again. IIRC it was mentioned in one of the Chaos Codex books.
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But compare chaos huron to his imperial armour tyrant of badab variant...th chaos one hasn't got eternal warrior how can he be the next warmaster? :HQ: what we need is a charismatic visionary to take up th podium...say Lorgar, who better than the guy who got the ball rolling? (once he finishes sitting on his own of course)


Safe to say Word Bearers have a nice supply of troops due to zealous cults etc and so do th alpha legion with their cultists and defecting loyalists... naturally black legion will have lots of numbers whether it be through alliances with other warbands or actual black legionnaires. and as mentioned earlier th iron wariors are still united so they probably have plenty of bodies.

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The Black Legion suffers heavy losses due to many becoming possessed. The Iron Warriors, whilst an unified Legion, fight amongst themselves a lot and do have sub-factions such as the Steel Brethren.


As for the Word Bearers and Alpha Legion, note that the examples you presented are adult supporters. The Legions need children to recruit.


I kinda liked how the Night Lords kidnapped children in Blood Reaver! :D

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The Black Legion suffers heavy losses due to many becoming possessed.

its the other way around . they started to use mass possessions durning the legion wars after the EC kicked their butt . also BL possession is different from what other legion do . BL possessed dont die after a short time and its not used as a form of punishment .their possessed have the demon and the mortal "living" in one body without the strain destroying the host.

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hey i just fresh supply of troops from zealous cults... didn't say they became marines... with the exception of defecting loyalists naturally ;) but yeah it does have to be prebuscents which i guess causes a few problems... off topic but does anyone have any more info on bile being trained by the haemonculi?
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The Black Legion suffers heavy losses due to many becoming possessed.

its the other way around . they started to use mass possessions durning the legion wars after the EC kicked their butt . also BL possession is different from what other legion do . BL possessed dont die after a short time and its not used as a form of punishment .their possessed have the demon and the mortal "living" in one body without the strain destroying the host.


The possessed are rather unstable, I remember reading somewhere that it caused the Legion to great diminish its power. It was only when Abaddon started to attract other warbands to join his folly that they manage to overcome this.


By the way, is there more info on the Legion Wars in the EOT?

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The Black Legion suffers heavy losses due to many becoming possessed.

its the other way around . they started to use mass possessions durning the legion wars after the EC kicked their butt . also BL possession is different from what other legion do . BL possessed dont die after a short time and its not used as a form of punishment .their possessed have the demon and the mortal "living" in one body without the strain destroying the host.


The possessed are rather unstable, I remember reading somewhere that it caused the Legion to great diminish its power. It was only when Abaddon started to attract other warbands to join his folly that they manage to overcome this.

Yeah, that was during their first centuries in the Eye of Terror. The Sons of Horus tried to become possessed by Daemons of all four Chaos Gods in turn, but every time they changed loyalties as a Possessed, the cast out Daemon would leave a dead body. The problem was solved when the Legion's sorcerers developed a better method of possession.

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But I can imagine that most Possessed would be rather unstable. Maybe not so much their bodies (they can fight and kill and what not), but more their mental state. They wouldn't be the most reliable soldiers. Kind of comparable to the Death Company of the Blood Angels...
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but yeah it does have to be prebuscents which i guess causes a few problems...

Not here we don't. ;)


Also, a thousand worlds utterly dedicated to the Dark Gods and filled to the brim with cultists and beastmen and only the Gods knows what is quite sure to spawn quite enough kids for our needs I would think. :(



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And there was also a notice about while the forces of the Imperium went to great lengths and were extremely careful in their handling of the gene-seed in order to keep it pure and balanced and make sure that as many aspirants as possible survived the process - not such regard was needed by the forces of Chaos to whom it did not matter if 99% of the subjects died in the process. Because it would mean only the toughest and best came out alive.


Unlike the Imperium.


Also the powers of the Gods themselves can change a simple commoner into something resembling the Chaos Astartes. All they have to do after is slap some power armor on him and he's good for fodder.



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And there was also a notice about while the forces of the Imperium went to great lengths and were extremely careful in their handling of the gene-seed in order to keep it pure and balanced and make sure that as many aspirants as possible survived the process - not such regard was needed by the forces of Chaos to whom it did not matter if 99% of the subjects died in the process. Because it would mean only the toughest and best came out alive.


Unlike the Imperium.


Also the powers of the Gods themselves can change a simple commoner into something resembling the Chaos Astartes. All they have to do after is slap some power armor on him and he's good for fodder.




Oh, the Imperium also has these survival ratios, at least if we believe some of the articles on the specific marine chapters. I guess it's written that way to add some more dramatics to the story...

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