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Blood Angels Upgrade Sets


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For a Chapter/Legion that were highly skilled Artisans, up there with The Emperors Children for Artistry and skill. I find that the Sang Guard and the Death Company boxes a bit disappointing for theming the rest of your army. Compare this to other upgrade sprues for Dark Angels, Black Templars and Space Wolves. How can you compare the great models in Space Hulk to normal terminators in style? A wasted chance indeed.
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IMHO, those two boxes give us what we need for our armies - powerweapons of all kind, jumppacks, and infantry accessory such as shoulderpads, helmets and armours.


If you wish to field Terminators, there's still some Space Hulk boxes on ebay I could imagine, and they can be converted to Assault Terminators if needed.


The boxes are fine. For everything else, there is Forgeworld.




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I jut got a 10 pairs of FW Blood Angels termi shoulder pads and they are quite beautiful. All you need to do if paint them really well and maybe reposition some limbs and they will look just as good as the space hulk ones. Space hulk didnt have assault termies anyway.
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I think point is slightly missed! In the Dark Angels upgrade there is Terminator upgrades and icons for vehicles etc. The Blood Angels prize beauty(fluff,fluff and more fluff) in thier gear surely an extra sprue of such would be good?without having to go to Forge world.
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agreed. i had to seriously pimp the rest of my termys to make them worthy to stand beside the space hulk ones. including addig dark angel bits recut, painting personal heraldry oneach termy, adding the front bits off the baal kit onto the stormsheilds, glowing eyes, chains hanging out of fists, purity seals etc. theres plenty out of the blood angel kits that could be used too, cutting decoations off spare shoulderpas and sticking them on the termys can work well, r giving your sarge a glave encarmine etc. be creative, we have some awsoe kits at our disposal. and its not like many of us use termys often anyway...
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I guess the answer to this lies in looking a little beyond just having an upgrade sprue. If your main complaint is terminators upgrade parts I think you are looking at the wrong army.

Dark angels have terminator upgrade parts because they got shafted out of having full Deathwing models, you know like they used to. Deathwing Terminators arent just a novelty in the DA book, it one of the three major builds the dex allows. If you are a DA player looking to field a DW army you have to buy a sprue loaded with PA junk you'll only canabalize for fiddly bits. Mark my words the next DA release will include a DW box.

BT have a set of TDA shoulder pads.../unenthusiastic cheer.

The spacewolves accesory sprue is over a decade old and used to be the only thing different from vanilla boxes when you bought grey hunters. Everything else is in the squad boxes, much like the BA release. Space Wolves actually got a wolfguard box, I guess so GW could rub the Wolfwing in loyal DA players face, or let them "counts as" until they get around to making the DW a competitive list.


I think you are wrong, not wrong in the bristling I'd really like to enjoin in a heated argument followed by ritual combat to the death way. But wrong in your viewpoint. The Baal predator box includes 3 tank icons, it only needs one, they only fit on one-eyed ball front armor or side doors. how many BA players DONT have sponsons on thier preds. (7 the answer is 7). There are BA icons in the droppods, and the sprues included in the DC and SG boxes are LOADED with parts, DC especially. Considering a DC box costs the same as an Assault squad and you get 10 sets of arms 10 heads...you see where Im going with this?

Space hulk was a great release, 90 dollars for what 13 TDA models (this is probably wrong I just know its more than 10), yes please. But SH IS NOT 40k. A limited release, special edition board games models was never supposed to be the standard by which the BA release would be judged. When I hold my new DC and SG sprues next to my old BA tactical and DC metal minis I think they did quite well, I almost think they are a little OVERdone in details. You almost have to split up the sprues into vanilla models to clear up the model.

GW landed right about spot on with the models released with BA, if your complaint was to boil down to "there are no Terminator upgrades for BA outside FW" I would have to reply "and...?"

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Space hulk didnt have assault termies anyway.


Coolest Lightning Claw termy EVER, and nicest storm shield design on a termy too!


Sorry I typoed. Meant to say many assault termies.


As for what Brother Nathan said, I have to agree. One of the things I love about 40k is being able to individualize your models. That is why I could never get into "warma hordes". If you are really dedicated, you models will stand out.



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I dislike the DC box due to its amount of bling on them being a Flesh Tearer it goes against my View of them they are too tarted up for my liking useful Yes But for me not so much Yet I will still pick some up at some point for certain bits until then the Assault Squad will do for what I want. I also have a Sang Guard box that has gone rather ignored due to its Bling factor and will be picking up another to make a unit I want 4 axes and a Power fist and I will not need to use the legs that have the BA logo on them.



We have got plenty of parts for BA players I would rather have it how it is than a Sprue that you cannot even make marines out of with out adding parts.

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I dislike the DC box due to its amount of bling on them being a Flesh Tearer it goes against my View of them they are too tarted up for my liking useful Yes But for me not so much Yet I will still pick some up at some point for certain bits until then the Assault Squad will do for what I want. I also have a Sang Guard box that has gone rather ignored due to its Bling factor and will be picking up another to make a unit I want 4 axes and a Power fist and I will not need to use the legs that have the BA logo on them.



We have got plenty of parts for BA players I would rather have it how it is than a Sprue that you cannot even make marines out of with out adding parts.


The simplest answer is simply to use a regular assault squad box for your DCs. For my Angels Sanguine I used the two BA kits mostly for my characters, and scattered the rest of the parts around my veterans and sergeants. I don't think the death company kit was ever really supposed to be used just for one squad - it's there as an upgrade sprue to spread through your regular squads and make them more 'blood angely'

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I dislike the DC box due to its amount of bling on them being a Flesh Tearer it goes against my View of them they are too tarted up for my liking


Agreed, I think they look over the top even for regular blood angels. Luckily a lot of the bling is easily removed.

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I can't wait until I can get some of the new Blood Angels kits. I think the models and the bits must be a joy to work with. I think the Black Templar upgrade kit is in the same price range and while yes they have more general bits, they can't really make any stand alone models without other kits. Those helmets are cool though. The advantage of the BA kits is that you can actually make models with them. Spreading them out over regular kits and you would have some pretty Blood Angely guys. I would have liked an upgrade sprue but I will be happy once I get around to actually buying the kits.

I think they could make a killing if they sold more customizable "special character" sprues but I don't see that happening any time soon.

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The advantage of the BA kits is that you can actually make models with them. Spreading them out over regular kits and you would have some pretty Blood Angely guys. I would have liked an upgrade sprue but I will be happy once I get around to actually buying the kits.


Agreed 100%


Ive just built 10 Vanguard from existing DC and Sang Guard kits, not to mention stuff I have.


Here are a few WIP shots ->






I'm really happy with the kits as upgrades and addition to regular kits. As said, spread em around the normal stuff and you can get some great models.


Or, if you wanna go like above, bling em out this way.

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In my opinion, modeling BA figures is all about kit bashing and part swapping.

Even better is that the DA upgrade sprue is also a BA upgrade sprue in disguise.

Grab a DA sprue and what do you get? Angel icons, wings, robed figures....almost all the kit is appropriate for BA (and what wasn't was easily obtained in other kits)


here's a pic of some of my Vanguard that were kit bashed with the DA sprue (it's a action pic, so you don't get to see much..)


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I just equipped my whole army with a mix of these bits and I was really impressed with how much you get in just one $33 box. I think there is good, and usefull variety to really Vanilla marines and make them look Blood Angels.


But I haven't seen what you get in the other chapter boxes you mentioned, so I can't compare to those.

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