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Fluff restriction on Malal and his followers?

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Hey all, Was just wondering with malal I know he has followers 'the sons of malice' but are there any real major restrcition on if any astartee could join their ranks? from loyalist to traitor to renegade to chaotic etc after all Malal does represent chaos turning on it self and I think he would be happy for a few new groupies :)


Just a thought is all


Regards -TSOD-

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No, such restrictions don't exist as i know. But in 40k Malal is written very weak while in FB he is better :P but still, his followers can vary but they're all renegades, traitors and chaotic :)
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Little fluff (Very rough)


The angels of malice previously known as 'the winged sentinels' were once like their fellow brethren of the sanginius gene seed, lusting for war and ever eager to safe guard the imperium from the threats it faced the 'Winged sentinels' saw only one possilbe means of removing the threat forever, complete and utter extermination of the enemy forces be they heretical, xeno, renegade or in rare cases even politicol.


(Fluff missing justification, and characters etc)


As the years passed with the battles they commited themselfs to they were true to their word, destorying empires and reinforcing imperial lines the Winged sentinels soon found themselfs called for on many battle fronts in which imperial commanders could make use of their extremist approach, slowly but surely the companies began to seperate into their own theatres of war and even with imperial guard support they were no replacement for their brethren from their legions.


As their numbers began to dwindle they also found added pain in the curse that blighted them as it did all astartees of the blood angels blood line. As the black rage and thirst began to set in their chapter master Ahrakeal effectively withdrew what forces he had stationed throughout the empire to a singal location, a small feral moon known as pek orbiting a gas giant on the western fringe, here he put his apothocaries to work to save what remained of his chapter, to try and effectively reverse the dreadful effects of the black rage,


I know not what needs to be done but only what i wish to try and do, master apothocary, even our own geene seed seeks to blind us with fury from within and therefor our greatest defence will not come from our power armour or our weaponry that we cast over ourselfs, but from the iron will we will implant in our legion


With the apothocaries hard at work in chapter fleet above the moon pek, a recon team sent down to the moon discoverd a sub humanoid race, and although they were flawed physicaly the intelligence they displayed was still that of cunning and ferocitY. Eagre to take on new recruits but un willing to be classed as a heratic for taking mutants into the ranks he instead declared them 'test subjects' taking mutant new borns and gifting them with the alterd gene seed, what was to transpire would bee a glorious event........but would also mark the end of the legions loyalty to the imperium in the years to come.


Day 364 of mutant gene implant testing, nearly a year the mutant children have been encased going through the stages of the gene seeds alterd effects, the chapter master wills us to try and make use of these inferior specimens, if he had simply used real men of the purest form any change for the better in our gene code would be a tremendous success, this in my eyes is blasphamy, to alter the sacred gene code is one thing but to bestow it too mutants....if this doesnt not work Terra help me but i shall have no choice.......... - 1st Apothocary Janus, bearer of the blood line.


on the 365th day the first of the mutant children emerged from their encasements, it was a glorious triumph of the legion apothocaries skills, The children emergerd, taller stronger of more musular form than thought possible, any inherent mutant traits they had were seemingly removed, and yet still even more impressive............they had wings.




Working on the next half, I know alot of fluff i missing and alot will need to be adressed but dont worry I am currently working on this :)

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Not bad. As usual all is starting with good intentions but then all ends as usual ;)


But from this part it's not clear why Malal was chosen. I'm await this part, Malal is quite interesting daemon (but not to praise imho).

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