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Local tournament bat rep


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Hi guys. This past weekend we had a local 5 game tournament. 8 tables, 16 participants.


1 Chaos demons, 1 eldar, 1 dark eldar, 1 tyranid, 1 ork, 1 tau, 2 imperial guard, 2 dark angels, 1 blood ravens, 1 grey knights, 2 Blood angels and 2 space marine codex armies. ( no blue ultramarines).


I is an annual event With no restriktions on army lists komposition otter than normal force organisation chart. It is part of a hobby festival focus on painting and fantasy battes also. It is ment to be friendly and fun but there will always be powerarmies.


Army size: 1750 points.


I was inspired by the batte of Iron where hordes of dreadnoughts defended Baal:


I brought:


Librarian, Shield, fear of the darkness


Furioso librarian, shield, blood lance, drop pod


Furioso librarian, wings, fear of the darkness


Furioso dreadnought, talons, ekstra armor, searchlight


10 Death Company 7 bolters 3 boltpistol and chainsword


DC Dreadnought, bloodfists, drop pod, heavy flamer, searchlights


DC Dreadnought, talons, drop pod, searchlights


Baal, flamestorm cannon, searchlights


Baal, flamestorm canyon, searchlights


Dreadnought, 2 X TL Autocannon


Dreadnought, 2 X TL Autocannon


Dreadnought, 2 X TL Autocannon




Some corners were cut in order to field as many as possible and i deliberately choose to not bring any scoring units.








First game was Grey Knights.


Pitched batte deployment


1 objektive yielding 1750 victory points. In order to claim a scoring units (troop) must hold it at the end of the last turn and a chosen (primary HQ) had to be within 3" at the end of 2 different turns.


To this was added victorypoints equal to value of opponents destroyed units, or half if below 50% or immobilised.


He has (as I recall):


Landraider with 10 assasins with a sergent. (all power weapons)




2 Psy cannon rifleman dreads.


2 Razorbacks with 2 10 man power armor troops?


2 Lasback with 5 "guardsmen" and 3 meltaguns each.


3 servo skulls to prevent scouting.


Long story short:


He got first turn.


My psychic effects were minimal. Some rule about -4 to tests when aiming at squads within 12" of Psy Dreads. Baals prevented from scouting effectively and came from outflank instead.


My S7 seemed too low to make a lasting difference and slowly I lost Dreads or Dreads arms.


Towards turn 4 things were looking bleak but he decided to assault a furioso without arms with a squad of cortez and a hammer plus 7-8 men. It was close to the objective and he was going for the objective. Unfortunately for him the dread struck first, against cortez, and caused a single wound. He then misses his 2+ save and his HQ is instant-killed by an armless dread. It cost him 1750 points plus what cortez was worth. Great fun.


Mid game.




End result:


Victory points for me: 467


Victory points for him: 1540


Nice guy who explained in detail about his army's rules and a good sportsman. Still I took a beating though. Generaly my rolls on the damage table were ineffective and most of the "good" rolls were cover saved..

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Second game vs Chaos demons.


This player is one of our local guys and he has only bee playing demons for half a year. He started with wolves but sold them to try something more to his liking.


He brought:


2 X Bloodthirsters


3 X Demon Princes with wings and?


3 man Blood Crushers squad


5 man Nurgle troop choice


2 X 10 man Bloodletters.


Mission was killpoints.


150 Victory points/enemy squad killed


100 Victory points/ friendly squad saved


Pitched battle.


Nightfighting turn 1,2,3.


His least wanted squads came first: nurgle, bloodletters and a demon prince.


I gave him first turn.


In turn 2 he got all but one demon prince on the table and I have destroyed bloodlettes and nurgle but lost baals and a rifledread.


Then as he said came the "Aliens vs Predator" phase as all out close combat commenced. In the end he had 1 Bloodthirster and 3 Demon princes left. Of those four, 3 had a single wound remaining which I just couldn't get to.


Star of the match was the furioso dread who, together with librarian and DC company, kept a Bloodthirster and a demon prince in cc for 4 rounds. The Dreadnought survived the last turn despite being alone with both. He can be seen farthest to the left on the picture. Tough guy!


End result:




Victory points for me: 2667


Victory points for him: 3174.


I had 6 surviving units, and as you more or less can see on the points it was great fun. A good scrap!



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Third Game was against Dark Angels.


This guy had an beautiful "oldschool" army with a new model landraider.


Mission was as mission II (also victorypoints) but without nightfighting and with dawn of war deployment. Restrictions was in effect that made sure you couldn't castle all you units in one corner and you could only deploy 5 units on the table from the start and they should be chosen amongst : 1 HQ, 2 Troop, 1 Fast, 1 Elite or one Heavy.


What wasn't deployed or declared as outflanking or deepstriking would automatically walk onto the table at the start or turn one.


He had:


Interrogator Chaplain


10 assault marines with fist


10 "Tacticals", flamer, lascannon, Rhino.


10 "Tacticals", flamer, lascannon, Rhino.


5 Terminators with stormshields and 1 typhoon missile launcher?




Predator TL lascannon, sponson lascannons.


I had and took first turn. I deployed:


1 Baal, the other outflanked


Librarian and his DC meatshield. (they are good at it!)


DC Dread with fists


librarian furioso without pod


In deepstrike: Talon DC Dread in pod, Furioso librarian (bloodlance) in pod and empty pod.


Outflank: One Baal.


Walk on: All three Rifleman Dreads.


He deployed assault marines and another squad. The rest would walk onto the table turn one.


My Baal scouted, he didn't seize.


My turn one saw DC Dread and librarian dread land safely. bloodlance did nothing as psychic test failed.


3 Rifleman dread took a single marine and shook a rhino.


Baal claimed 3-4 marines as the rest of the squad was out of reach.


DC Dread with fists ran like a top athlete. During the game he traveled in excess of 60" and participated in 3 different assaults.


His turn 1 saw his landraider enter at DC drop pod and assault the Talon DC Dread with the stormshield terminator and immobilise the Blood lance librarian dread with the landraider.


Talon dread survives without damage!


My turn 2 sees my cc Dreads and DC marines running for action and rifleman dreads shooting for targets of opportunity but coversaves or power armour keep damage to a minimum. A single Rhino is stunned I believe.


Immobilised Librarian dreadnought takes the ultimate revenge and destroys the landraider with Blood lance! Hooray.


Close combat sees DC Dread win but terminators stay. Running sees the second DC Dread nearing charge range come turn 3.


His turn 2. He bitterly regrets his hasty deployment of the landraider and its contents. It would have had a hughe impact if it had been deployed for several rounds of TL lascannon bombardment!


Still his lascannon squads and the predator takes its toll amongst my sarcophagi encased bretheren. Some weapons destroyed results and two rifleman stunned.


CC with terminators and DC dread lingers on.


My turn 3 sees some shuffling of riflemen, moving of DC Company and Fist DC Dread needing 2+ on fleet move to be able to assault. Shooting does minimal damage as two are stunned. I try using fear of the darkness from my HQ but to no affect.


DC Dread rolls a 5 and is ready to unleash his anger and strenght.


Close combat sees terminators reduced to 1 I think but he stays against the two DC Dreads. He's got guts!.


His turn 3 sees him withdrawing towards his furthest corner and inflicting as much casualties in shooting as possible.


The rest of the game is me hunting him towards his corner but my dreads have a long way to go and his shooting seriously hampers my dreads with many stun/ shaken etc.




The final result is a victory for me:


Victory points me: 3665


Victory points him: 1402


Had he deployed his landraider differently and perhaps walked in his terminators or kept them for a counter charge much had been different.


He was a cool guy and I learned a great deal about dark Angels. We had several breaks where we took a stroll and watched other tables and just chatted during the game as we could see we were having a fast game.



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Fourth Game was also Dark Angels.




Pitched battle deployment.


3 Objectives placed by TO. Worth 600 victory points each.


Nightfighting in turn 4,5,6


His army:




2 X 5 Terminators, 1 typhoon in each. Storm shields


3 single landspeeders with typhoon launcher and multimelta


2 X Predators with autocannon and sponson lascannons


2 X rhino with 10 "Tacticals" with lascannon and flamer, combatsquadded.


1 Venerable dreadnought with TL auto or lascannon and missilelauncher.




He got to deploy first but I stole the initiative after agressively scouting my Baals.


My turn one: I tried ramming rhinos with predators on the left flank as no infantry was in range/reach. no luck.


Librarian dread in pod makes risky deepstrike attempt and scatters off the table. Mishap: 1. Gone for good. Had he made it he would have had 2 rhinos with contents, a predator and a terminator squad lined perfectly up for a blood lance shot, but that was not to be.


After this it became a rather onesided affair with me having difficulty causing unsaved wounds. He had excellent saves and most of his stormshields were excellent. Both DC dreads was in cc with one terminator squad and were wrecked as he saved all wounds but one. I really felt I lacked low AP weapons and S7 felt inadequate. My Baals kept harassing his rear but not causing many casualties.


Turn 2.





At the end of the game I had 120 points left in damaged hardware. He claimed 1630 in kills and took all 3 objectives.


Victory points me: 821


Victory points him: 3430


I believe he is a tournament player who travel abroad to play also. He went on to place 3 overall. A nice and fair guy who shared a few tricks and came with sound suggestions as he also plays BA.

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Fifth and last game was Tau


They were played by my friend Michael who had borrowed them from an other friend. He was the standin as there had been one participant who, for personal reasons, couldn't attend as planned.


Mission was tablequarters 1350 points divided unevenly amongst them. extra points for what was killed amongst the enemy.


Spearhead deployment


He had:


2 X hammerhead with missil? and burst cannons? cover save if shooter was further than 12 " away


1 squad of 2 broadsides with railguns


2 X 12 firewarriors


6 firewarriors in devilfish


crisis hq with 2 man bodyguard


3 man crisis squad with plasmaguns


3 man crisis squad with missilepods?


12 man kroot squad


8-10 man pathfinder squad.


I won first turn, we deployed, I scouted Baals and he unsuccesfully tried to seize the initiative.


Turn 1 Baal moved close to kroot and flamed. half survived. They then spent the next 5 turns stunning it into never moving again but ended immobilised.




DC with heavy flamer drop podded in and removed ½ a firewarrior squad. Librarian dread likewise arrived up close and tried using blood lance, but no luck.


Wolves in the sheep's pen.





Generally I had the jump on him and focussed on his scoring units during the game. It was a succesful tactic and in the end all he had alive was both hammerhead which I just couldn't penetrate!


Man of the match was the armless and immobilised furioso librarian with fear of the darkness who scared his HQ and another crisis squad off the table. My HQ librarian did likewise with a firewarrior squad.


It felt like a bigger victory than what the points show:


Victory points me : 1305


Victory points him: 789




Generally I had a good time. Pro's an con's of the army:


Fear of the darkness can be awesome vs tau, guard etc. Ineffective against fearless units. There are many of those. Choose something more versatile.


Dreadnought ignore many weapons, too bad the current meta is as focussed as it is towards vehicles. It hurts quickly.


After drop pods arrived and they ate or got eaten by what was near the army felt really slow and had difficulty catching up.


3 rifleman dread many high strenght shots. Too bad S7 feels one or two points too small. Too many ineffective glancing rolls. Too bad AP4 gives saves to marines. Many of the caused wound was subsequently saved!


DC Company is excellent delivery system of independent characters. My librarian was always the last to fall and always reached cc.


Shield of Sanguinius. The ability to gain a cover save in the open. It let me down. Big time. I took more than 50 saves and 4-6 were succesful. I can't recommend it. Too bad.


Scouting Baal with AP3 flamer is excellent for either flaming og ramming!


All Dread lists: Devestators are better as heavy choices. Elite and troop versions rock!


Thats what I can remember. Perhaps more comes late.



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I really enjoyed reading your reports.


The delibrite choice to not bring any scoring units is odd. Makes it hard to compete is most missions.



Sounds like you had very bad luck. 4-6 saves out of 50 on 5+, really bad luck.

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I really enjoyed reading your reports.


The delibrite choice to not bring any scoring units is odd. Makes it hard to compete is most missions.



Sounds like you had very bad luck. 4-6 saves out of 50 on 5+, really bad luck.

Yes, luckily there was "statistically" amounts of wrecked and explodes. :) still I have lost faith in shield.


I primarily wanted as many dreads as possible. Next time I believe heavy dreads will be EA, TL Lascannon and DCCW. And yes perhaps a scoring troop choice or two.


Thanks for commenting. :Elite:

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