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Salamanders WiP

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Hey all, kinda new to this whole forum business but I thought that starting a WiP would actually help me get an army finished for once (I've yet to get more than 2 squads painted in the same army/colours).


This is my first marine, just a tester to see if the colours work really; so excuse the slight mistakes on some bits. I just wanted to get it painted.







Excuse the shoddy photos, had to use the camera on my phone as mine has gone walk abouts.


Crit and Comments always welcome;


Cheers, Dan

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Damn... Foiled by my username :) either that or they look like the right chapter. I've got a few I sprayed with my mates airgun and tried to do a general highlighting with that, which looked alright but the wash seems to have killed it.


will do some highlighting at some point tomorrow; and thanks for pointing out the mold line; I somehow missed that :s

Back when I started to repaint all of my marines as Sallies, a good color combo I came up with equal parts Dark Angels Green and Scorpion Green. It was a nice medium green that retained a bit of the brightness from Scorp and the depth of DA.

I really like them, nice and dark - not the neon coloured ones you sometimes see - and MK IV armour as well, totally awesome


What colour did you use for the green? When I painted some for the LPC challenge earlier in the year, I started a basecoat of Knarloc Green, a layer of Snot Green and then Washed the lot with Thraka Green and then built up the highlights - was reasonably quick from what I remember... ;)


http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=221210 - I've since abandoned them for Iron Hands and Crimson Fists... ;)


I'm looking forward to seeing more!!

Thanks for the comments all, the other forum I was on never seemed to reply to anything.


@Slyen: He will be an assault marine yea, but im mainly using my assault squad members to get my eye in and colours sorted. They aren't making an appearance in my armylist as yet.


@keith: I really like your Salamanders, that was more the lighter look I was originally going to go for, but seeing how the darker tone has gone down I think I'll stick with it for now. I basecoated them with Orkhide then used an airbrush to spray snot green the scorpion green highlights... but the black wash has completely removed all vibrancy from the colours and now they just look like dark angels for some reason


Small update, did some highlights although the picture quality is again :) awful so sorry about that, but you should be able to get the general idea.



C&C always appreciated

Well with nothing to do today I thought I'd do some more painting. This is almost unheard of from me, so we shall see if I can keep it up.


I decided for the second "test" marine I would miss out the wash and just go with the sprayed colours, plus the details and highlights. I quite like them like this but I'm still undecided. There's a few mold lines and bits but I don't intend to play with these so I wasn't that bothered.




<_< :cuss :cuss :cuss :cuss Camera...... <_<


Well C&C always apreciated and let me know what you think; cause I'm stumped :D


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