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Heresy Era Blood Angels

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Celeritas, the robes are from Nightbringer,the body and right arm is from the Sanguinary Guard box,the right leg and the left arm is from the Sanguinor, the left hand is from the Sanguinary Guard, the head is from the Masters of the Chapter, the Wings is from a High Elves great eagle,the sword is from a bloodletter and the crest on his back is something of a mystery even to me.I found it in one of my bits boxes but cant remember where its from for my life.I think its from an old Grand Master of the Blazing Sun but as i said,not really sure.Hope it helps.


Claws of Corax, do drop by and say hello!



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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all! Just got back from Throne of Skulls and i must say i had a great time,one of the best events i have attented.5 smashing games with great opponents, met up with a bunch of people from B&C and we had great fun.I had 3 wins,1 draw and 1 loss but still managed to walk away with the Best Blood Angels Player and Best Army awards,woohoo! Our B&C team also won the Saturday night quiz and took the Heroes of the Imperium award.Finally, Terminator squad Leonis got a Most Infamous Unit award!


On to some pics from the event.



















The Death Company marines are just objective markers so no part of the actual Pre Heresy army. :D



Also, you can read about my warm up game before ToS with B&C's own Insane Psycopath here:


Insane Psycopath's October ToS coverage.




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Some News from the Front involving my BAs:






BCLucius, the yellow is very very simple to paint. Two coats of Iyanden Darksun over black undercoat, wash the recesses with Gryphonne Sepia and the two stages of highlights consisting of Iyanden Darksun and increasingly more white.

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Thank you guys!


The list was this:


Sanguinius(The Sanguinor): 275 pts


Sanguinary Priest "Mercato": 50 pts


Assault Terminator Squad "Leonis": 215 pts

2 pairs of Lightning Claws, 3 Thunder hammer/Storm shield.


Land Raider "Amortis": 260 pts



Librarian Dreadnought "Ixion": 175 pts

Wings of Sanguinius,Might of Heroes.


Assault Squad "Amdeus": 204 pts

8 Assault Marines,Meltagun,Inferno pistol,Powerfist.


Land Raider "Cruor Telum": 225 pts



Assault Squad "Varro": 255 pts

10 Assault Marines,2 Meltaguns,Powerfist,Rhino "Charon" with Dozer Blade.


Tactical Squad "Scipio": 90 pts

5 Tactical Marines, Sergeant with Bolt Pistol and Chainsword.(he was count as Custodes since i usually roll a 1 for the Sanguinor's Blessing and hes the one to get it! :D )



The army usually moves a mechanised phalanx,with the Sanguinor and Libby Dread hiding behing the LRs.




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Thank you all for the feedback. :)


Snorri,you are correct mate.The blade is from a Bloodcrusher's bloodletter(and went to the Blood Angels Primarch,a Legion full of bloodfists,blood champions,bloodstrike missiles and bloodshard.See a pattern there? ;))



The army was originaly Scouring era but now i am slowly taking it backwards and turning it to a proper Pre/Heresy era force.






First of all, congratulations on winning Best Blood Angel, but more importantly - that army looks freakin' amazing! I also like the fact that, to me at least, it's such an unusual army list!


Is the five man tactical squad just there for objective camping? Loving the custodian ;)


Most of all, I think I'm in awe of your Sanguinius - I mean, everything else is phenomenal, but Sang must have taken so much work! How long did it take you to make?

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Thank you guys!


Vagabond,it was good to meet you mate.Congrats for Best Dark Angels player, you DW looked awesome in the flesh!


Brother Sergeant Scarus, yes the tactical squad goes in reserve more often than not and comes in later in the game to claim objectives.Its been working nicely and no pesky Land Speeder can kill them outright like Scout squads! Sanguinius took me a couple of days to make.



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Here are some clear pics of the army and individual units.The Chaplain and Custodes were not part of the tournament list but i had them with me and took a pic of them too.



















Next up on the painting table some Scouring Era Death Company and a squad of Devastators.




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Not a Blood Angel, but i needed a break from all that red!


"We have done this thing because it is just. Blood demands blood. We have lived, and lost, at the whims of petty men on distant Terra for too long! We would not have it so. I would not see the passing of another Brother for furthering the boundaries of this rotten empire. I would not see another heart ripped from chest or breath forfeit for a lost cause. I know not all of you wish this,yet it is done. Today we have severed the last bond with a shameful past. Together, we shall make the Imperium tremble and set the galaxy ablaze..."


Brother Sergeant Gothrax adressing 2nd Squad, 9th Company of the World Eaters Legion on the aftermath of Isstvan III.








Now back to painting red... :cuss

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Wow! Such an amazing work on those Angels!!! Congrats for your awards, they're well deserved!


I like that World Eater sergeant , it looks appropriately bloody and battered. Would you mind sharing how you paint that nice white?

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