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attention old heads


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Hey, i am planning on stripping all of my minis and starting over with a blood angels army, but i got into the hobby during second edition, and would like to paint my BA's in the old more colourful scheme. trouble is it is almost impossible to find pics of minis from back in the day and the only 2nd ed codex i still have is chaos. So if any one could help point me to some old school pics or how to's i would much appreciate it.
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So basically 2ed? The 3ed codex is essentially in the same scheme you see now (some of the studio models are even the same) although in the back cover you can glimpse some older models. I'll run through some of my WDs and see what comes up.

We are talking yellow weapons and hazard stripes right?

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So, they have a squad leader and a sergeant? Is that for combat squadding?

I'm doing a RAS now that's supposed to be the second part of the 7th squad, both sqauds with a Razor of their own. Had some issues with markings on squad leader for the second squad, but here I see that the squad leader also has black shoulderpads, so I'm fine fluffwise there? I'm thinking of painting the yellow flash on black with a yellow ring around the black to show that it's the second part of the 7th squad.

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Yes, Squad Leaders had the same shoulders as a Sergeant. The "Codex" method of further distinguishing which was which was supposedly banner color. Black for Sgt, red for Squad Leader. Since most back banners are terrible, I always singled out the Sgt. by equipment. The classic raised chainsword, to be exact.


I like your idea for the ring denoting the 2nd squad. You might just leave it to the Squad Leader though, since which Brother is assigned to which squad could change depending on the situation.

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Squad Leaders never had a profile, they're all paint. Sergeants didn't have a separate profile either, actually. 3rd Ed. saw the introduction of the Veteran Sergeant (+15 point upgrade), which is the fellow we have in our squads today for free.
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I like your idea for the ring denoting the 2nd squad. You might just leave it to the Squad Leader though, since which Brother is assigned to which squad could change depending on the situation.


Yeah, fluffwise it's the way to go, but we get some extra points for complete squad markings in some tournaments where I live. So I have to give the yellow ring to all 5 squad members. I'm also planning on starting with back banners on my sargs and officers, but then I won't do it with the squad leader.

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Personally I give the sergeant and squad leader the vanilla rank emblems in addition to the black pads: iron skull for sergeant & iron halo for squad leader, there is some canon precedent for this sort of thing: the RT/early 2nd edition BA Scout sergeant had the BA sergeant markings on one pad with the then codex scout sergeant marking on the other pad.


Squad Leaders never had a profile, they're all paint. Sergeants didn't have a separate profile either, actually. 3rd Ed. saw the introduction of the Veteran Sergeant (+15 point upgrade), which is the fellow we have in our squads today for free.


Veteran Sergeants (WS, BS & I5) were in 2nd edition as well but they were in the Character section instead of the squad entry.

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sorry to thread-jack, but does any one have that pic/copy of white dwarf:pre-2001 with the all jump pack flesh tearer army: with it's death company squad painted up like Knights of blood (maroon shoulders, helms, and jump packs, with gray for pretty much the rest)

I dont have it available but WD 250 North America is what you are looking for.

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