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Transporting Defilers?


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I was just wondering about this. What do the Chaos forces use to transport Defilers? I imagine that Rhinos and Land Raiders are probably brought to the surface with Thunderhawk transporters and Landing Crafts, but what about Defilers? Would they simply strap them to a transporter? Teleport them? Summoning? Or simply drop them from orbit and hope they won't break! :(
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That was this weird landing vehicle made for a French GD if I recall correctly!


As for Defilers landing with Thunderhawks, I wonder how it would work. The designs of the Land Raiders and the Rhinos fit perfectly with the design of the Thunderhawk. However, Defilers are a totally different ballgame. I guess the Thunderhawk would first land to drop the Land Raider or Rhinos. However, with the Defiler this isn't possible, unless it's legs are totally stretched out or something.

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That was this weird landing vehicle made for a French GD if I recall correctly!

It's already interesting... D'you have more information about it?


Maybe. Perhaps, in order to land the Defiler sorcerers make the daemon bound within stretch his legs as you've already said or gather them under his hull and with his claws turn into the ball :rolleyes:

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How about a warp tunnel from whatever daemon world they live to the destination?


Another possibility would be to just drop a neatly wrapped and possibly disassembled machine via whatever craft is available and possess it on the surface.

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The warp tunnel is a very hard to create and sustain, it requires many of the sorcerers and slaves. And Defilers're also used by chaotics outside the Eye.


And Defiler is an unique machine, not just possessed one.

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How does one maintain a defiler after it has rolled out of the dark machanicum workshop? How do you control it as I would be rather pissed if some mortal trapped my immortalawesomeness in a metal shell until and started to order me around.


To transport I would say drop pod but then again we don't know if we have those either due to no explanation thanks to the warband label slapped on us :)

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How does one maintain a defiler after it has rolled out of the dark machanicum workshop? How do you control it as I would be rather pissed if some mortal trapped my immortalawesomeness in a metal shell until and started to order me around.
Simple, its just like making a pact with regular summoned daemons. The Defiler shell is like the Soul Grinder in that it allows the daemon far greater access to the mortal world than if it was just part of another daemon host, and daemons love hanging out in our world.


To transport I would say drop pod but then again we don't know if we have those either due to no explanation thanks to the warband label slapped on us ;)
Y'know, the bloody thing's got a ceramite shell and all that, maybe they just drop it from orbit strapped to a heat shield and tell it not to open its parachutes until it hits 15,000 feet or something? And if it deviates too far off course, well its a Defiler and it'll require the diversion of valuable troops to deal with, because nobody wants a daemon engine with a battle cannon rampaging around their rear or flank.


Anyway, this is why I liked the whole "its a class of daemon engine" from before the Eye of Terror campaign, when we didn't have an actual kit to tell us how the blasted things are supposed to look and what exact size they have to be. Instead of having the limitations of one exact specific stupid kit, we were able to build ones that looked like bizarre walkers, Kannons of Khorne and Cauldrons of Blood, and all sorts of interesting stuff. Like what would've happened if a warband had built one on their own instead of Abbadon's thrice-damned factories.



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The Iron Warriors used a Hive Ship that had drifted into the Warp while haemorraghing and dying, and they stuffed it full of pipes, machines and warp-devices and then cut off the psychic link to the Hive-mind. Its not explicitly stated, but it has a neon sign lighting up its :cuss that says it.


I suppose a Legion would land the defiler according to its beliefs.


WB- a lot of praying and ritual, probably landing it in thrice-blessed bulk carriers.

DG- Giant booger :P

WE- dragged kicking and screaming all the way there, the occasional slave thrown in to keep it hungry. Lands by crashing ship into planet and hopes it survives.

EC- Errrr....i'm sure what i was going to say is not appropriate. Maybe they land it in nice, normal, clean and sanitary bulk landers? :huh:

BL- Just land it en-masse in bulk carriers, or summon it on the spot.

AL- disguise it as a Scout or a ammo-crate.

NL- Sneak it in and place one in every basement of every major shrine.

Am i missing anyone?

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They're possessed aren't they. Slowly getting worse and worse, and liable to kill they're own men if not given the correct chants/flavoured lolipops. Those who are particuarly good at their job get turned into Soulgrinders.


If i'm horribly wrong feel free to metaphorically slap me upside the head. :cuss

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If you drop a large spider like a tarantula, it breaks. Come to think of it, so does a Defiler model. Wow, GW got it realistic for once!


Seriously, could you fudge it in the fluff that it gets delivered in a small, packed form, then unfolds and manifests, like a horror film puzzle box?

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What is a defiler? A machine that entrap daemon right? So, they will bring the machine to the battlefield empty and perform ritual before battle.

Maybe it can be strap on thunderhawk, but not on drop pod or dreadclaw, else both daemon will fight each other.


I think it is more complicated to transport crazed dreadnought.

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so they are crazy, like dreadnoughts? they will have to be kept chained up when transported then!
No not crazy, merely daemonic. ;)



trolly's theory is sound but, it relies on re-summoning everytime.


While plausible,

The Defiler fluff mention that the daemons become trapped (I'm thinking Daemon-Weapon-Daemon-trapped), in which case the warband would have to find a way to appease the daemon while en route to the next battle.


Deployment could possibly be done via a Dreadclaw/modified Drop Pod, T-Hawk, or maybe even via Stormbird.

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