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Flesh Tearers vs Death Guard


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Hey guys.


I just played my first game against Chaos Space Marines, or Death Guard to be more specific.


My opponenst army was something like this:


Chaos Lord with Daemon Weapon and Meltabombs.

Group of Possessed Marines.

Chaos Dread with TL AC and ML.

Three groups of Plague Marines with seven in each squad with a combination of Meltaguns, Plasmaguns, Powerfists and Meltabombs.

Group of Havocs with Meltaguns and Plasmaguns.

Chaos Predator with LC sponsons.

One of the Plague Marine Squads was in a Rhino.

All of his Squads had Mark of Nurgle.


My list was:


Furioso Librarian.

Furioso with Blood Talons.

Baal Predator, Flamestorm and HB sponsons.

Predator with LC sponsons.

Stormraven with TL LC and TL MM.

Assault Squad of 5 in a Landraider Crusader.

Tactical Squad of 10 with Flamer and ML and a Razorback with TL AssCan.


The mission was killpoints and we rolled DoW deployment. Death Guard got the first turn and deployed 2 Plague Marine Squads in ruins close to the midle of the board.

I deployed my Razorback and the Tactical Squad witch I combat squaded. The Razorback behind a ruin and the other 5 Tacticals very far back with a ML. I also deployed my Landraider and 5 man Assault Squad behind the same ruin. I placed my Librarian in the Landraider as well.


I don't recall every turn of the game so I won't make this into a battle report. This is what I remember:

None of us got any good shooting in turn one.

In turn two he blew off my Flamestorm Cannon and one of the Blood Talons on the Dread, and in return I wrecked his Dread and his Predator.

The rest of the game it was just me trying to thin him down with all my firepower, and him trying to get me with his inferior melta and plasma (he was almost always more than 6" away).

My Blood Talon Dread killed a Plague Marine Squad (it took time since he blew off one arm). My Librarian Dread killed his Chaos Lord and all but one Possessed Marine (he got lucky with saves at the end).

At the end he immobilised my Baal Pred and assaulted it, taking it down with grenades. He got only one killpoint (Baal Pred) and I got five (Lord, Dread, Predator and two Plague Marine Squads).


This was the first time I played this heavy on mech. Before this I have always played with at least 20 Assault Marines with Jumppacks and a Sang Priest to give them FnP.

I really enjoyed playing with alot of tanks, but in the future I probably won't use a Landraider. I just used it this one time to fill out the points.


I am thinking of trying a few more games with more tanks, maybe even two Stormravens. I will post a lost in the army list forum for you guys to bash on.


I hope you enjoyed my short tale of killing Death Guard.


Edit: This is my future army list, please review it --> http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/index.p...howtopic=236747

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