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The Purificator - Chaos warband - Updated May 16th 12


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Hi folks,


I'm starting a new chaos warband based on the Purificator (known according to the CSM Codex for their hatred of all living creatures).


I made a test run on this guy.









Since I liked the color scheme I started working on a standard beared



WIP (he's just a one-armed pole beared at the moment)




Almost done:






C&C welcomed. Cheers.

Hmm, neat. I like the coloring on the head-flame-hair thingy, though it looks kinda awkward from a modeling standpoint coming out of one tiny point like it is now.


Mind sharing the recipe for the basic pallid-off-green on the armor? It seems awfully close to a color I'm considering for a little side project of my own, and after a couple years painting Black Templars you tend to forget your way around the GW color wheel :devil: .

Thanks for your nice feedbacks guys. :)


Painting the green of the armor is quite simple:


Under a base coat of Charadon Granite I painted the armor in Gretching Green


then I used a wash of Gryphonne Sepia


Highlighting was done with Cammo Green


That's it. :P


The color scheme of the Purge is quite similar indeed but apparently they are described as different chapters/warbands in the CSM codex.


One more picture of the "flaming head" standard bearer:



Thanks for your nice feebacks folks.


Loving that Aspiring Champion, the Mk III lid works really well and the paint job is seriously nice.


Yes I found that MKII or MkIII bits fit the CSM quite well, which is logical since they are supposed to mostly use pre-heresy or heresy era armors. I think MkV parts would be nice as well.

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks :lol:


Another update: Melta gunner, featuring a :lol: mold line I only noticed once it appeared on the picture... :mellow:






5 done, 5 (and hopefully many more) to go.



I'm almost done with the 1st squad. I just need to do some (minimal) basing and to add pistol holsters and grenades to avoid possible complains about non wysiwygness








Group shot:



1st squad completed:




2nd squad will be Plague Marines. While expensive they are pretty hard to kill so they would be perfect for holding obtectives. I bought myself some Fine Cast Plague Marines (which, much to my surprise proved...finely casted) + Forge World's Plague Marines conversion kit.


I started with a base coat of Gretchin Green and a dry brush of Prince August German Yellow, metal parts were painted in Mithril Silver:





The shading was done with Gryphone Sepia and a wash of Ogryn Flesh on the fleshy parts of the mini:





Then I added a wash of Baal Red on the gory parts, and did the highlighting with German Yellow:




The skulls and tabard were base coated with Dened Stone, washed with Gryphone Sepia and highlighted with Bleached Bone.



C&C are welcome.


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