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Fabius Bile Vs Dreadnaught


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Hi There,


This should be a fairy easy question for you vets...


I'm fairly new to 40K, so is my mate, he plays CSM I play SM. Yesterday an interesting situation occurred and I would love some help on interpreting the rules.


So here's a situation and a question for you:


Basically, Fabius Bile shoots at the front armour of my dreadnaught with his little needly gun thingy without a strength value. What happens next?


A] Nothing happens on the grounds that the gun has no Str value to add to a D6, end of story.

B] *Something* else happens instead to compensate for Bile's super killyness, maybe something to do with his needly-thingy wounding on a 2+


Your thought's on this would be very much appreciated.



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Though I don't know the exact wording of the rule myself. If his rule does not having anything in it that says how it damages vehicles, then it simply rolls a D6 which cannot harm anything. So, no, he cannot hurt a vehicle.
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