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Terminators rules query


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Im fairly new.


My rules query is

are terminators relentless?

Can they fire heavy weapons and move?


I ask because it makes sense that they are, but I havet seen it written anywhere

Some of the forums speak of them as if they are relentless.



Are they?




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Yes they are.

This is described in the Terminator entry in C:SM before the army list.

I don't have the codex with me at work, so I can't give you the exact page number, but it's part of the bit where the various weapons are described IIRC.

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Well, it depends what codex you are using.


Terminators in Chaos Space Marines are not relentless (though they can fire heavies after moving and charge after firing heavy or rapid fire). Other terminators are relentless.

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They aren't Relentless in the DA Codex either :(. The specific rule is on the page tat talks about different types of armour - I don't have my book to hand to provide a page number.




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Really? DA deathwing termies NOT relentless? I'd check on that...might be an interesting factoid.

Its pretty much irrelevant for DA though, since they can't take combi-weapons if I recall correctly. It matters for chaos where their guns are rapid fire.

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DA Termies don't have the Relentless rule listed in their entry(or in their FAQ), however, it is irrelevant as the TDA entry says that they can move and fire heavy and rapid fire weapons and then assault.(PG 53) So in a sense they are, but don't actually have that USR.
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I don't think Relentless made any Terminators stronger, right? I think it was just moving the rules from the Terminator entries to the USRs in the BRB, more or less. Would be helpful to know what codex the OP was referring to, but I think his question is answered in any case? :D


Certainly in the more modern (and popular) codecies (BA, SW, Vanilla, GK) Terminators are Relentless.

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