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The good parts of Codex: Chaos

Son of Rawl

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Hey all, as we know there is a hell of alot of flak and complaints about the current codex, so instead of a general 'I hate my codex' thread I figured we could try and discuss the good things about the Chaos Codex, I'l start.


I like that a basic Chaos Marine has a boltgun, bolt pistol, close combat weapon, and frag and krak grenades standard.

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Double Lash, Thousand Sons with Inferno Bolts, Chaos Vindicators, Raptors not being 0-1, and I think Bikes got a points break. Fleshy Curse no longer mentioning that it requires LOS, and Tzeentch sorcerers being able to cast it multiple times per turn. Chaos Spawn produced by said spell not yielding Kill Points.
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Cheap but generic DPs. What narse said about oblits, they're one of the only really good things we have at the moment. One of my favorite things though is that sorcerors finally have a force weapon! (Even though I still have 3 Asp sorcerors with powerfists......)
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I like the fact that I'm not limited in how to arrange my warband as far as cult troops, or really anything, goes, and that cult squads are a troops choice.


I like the fact that using the codex to make a list is easy.


The Daemon Prince, Obliterators, and Defilers are awesome for their cost.

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*cough* um.....hmmmmm.....there's some decent artwork? And fortunately not too much by Mr Johannes the White, I've never like his messy 2 dimensional 'I'll just scribble lots in the background' style.


Was that positive enough for ya? ;)

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As I have always strayed from what others say is "right", there are a couple things I like about this 'dex.


1)The Cult troops. Berzerkers could have been a bit more, but are still good as is. Noise marines can be a decent counter punch unit. Plague marines are pretty flexible, 5 man plasma, 10 man defence squads and able to take quite a beating. Thousand Sons, I love them. expensive yes, but a psychic power, force sword, ap3 bolters and a 4++? Yes please.


2)Our basic troops have a full kit about them, and can stand and shoot or charge in and crack heads.


3)Dreads. Equip 3 with missiles and DCCWs and send them at the enemy. Hilarious and no danger to your forces at all

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Havoks with autocannons, these guys are brilliant, and I find the amount of high strength shots helps deal with one of the bains of thousand sons, Transports. Thousand sons are okay, but the sorcerers (both aspiring and HQ) are a let down.

I have been tempted by the DCCW and missile dreads before, it seemed fun and I like the Fw models, so may try that out.

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To be honest, this is difficult for me. I cut my teeth with the previous 'dex. After a long break from Chaos Marines I am trying to add to my Black Legion force after re-reading their Index Astartes (my whole reason for starting them way back when) and the opening trio of the Heresy series.


Part of this, sadly, meant re-reading the codex. The present edition could certainly cure insomnia.

There are a few positive aspects though:


Dreadnoughts and Obliterators swapping categories makes sense to me.


Despite the rule wording in this edition for fire frenzy, I still feel the Dreadnought to be a flexible and reasonably well costed unit.


Basic Chaos Marines are very well equipped and very flexible - as they should be given their background.


Vindicators becoming a standard option was a nice bonus.


Havocs with autocannons are still excellent.


Raptors aren't 0-1, same goes for Obliterators.


Despite lacking any flavour or god-based benefit, Daemons (Greater and Lesser) are fairly costed and still quite useful in a support role.


Whilst will-sappingly bland and somewhat cookie-cutter, the army can still be very competitive.


The Codex eventually resulted in the release of the Possessed kit - truly excellent models.

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Fluff: A few new choice illustrations (meant to go along with the fluff bits) which are quite nice on the eye.


Army list section:




Everything else is overcosted.

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Double Lash, Thousand Sons with Inferno Bolts, Chaos Vindicators, Raptors not being 0-1, and I think Bikes got a points break. Fleshy Curse no longer mentioning that it requires LOS, and Tzeentch sorcerers being able to cast it multiple times per turn. Chaos Spawn produced by said spell not yielding Kill Points.
I like the figurines too. Yet, I've troubles to represent the powers. In short, I like most arts and pictures of the codex.


Rule wise, I like Ranged Weapon + BP + CCW on most units, the flexibility of CSM/Chosen, having 2 specials in small Raptor cults, and the possibility make anyone a squad leader.

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I quite like Defilers, they have a little more flexability than in the previous codex.


Chaos Marines have good all round punch 2CCw + bolter is very nice and they have excellent weapon options (autocannons in a normal squad or 2 special weapons). Its

a shame they don't have some combat tactics/ATSKNF equivalent to make them worth their 15pts.


My Possessed always seem to outperform their restrictive rules, goes to show pretty models fight better!


Rhinos - Its nice to have combi weapons and havoc launchers.


Deamon Weapons are quite fun.


The Psi powers are nice (who doesnt like turning an enemy into a Spawn?).

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The same two units have been mentioned over and over.... so I'll add another vote to Defilers.


I've had World Eater lists running 2-3 of them fleeting with an extra CC arm. It's a unique unit, and it's a unique unit that doesn't completely suck.

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The good parts compared to the previous 'dex?


Non-specific Daemons.


Could have been done alot better though but it's still nice to not have to run with Bloodletters or Daemonettes or Horrors or Plaguebearers every time. It's good to be allowed to explore minor deities and powers.


Raptors and Terminators becoming cheaper.


Lords and Daemon Princes being separate choices, still think the Daemon Prince should have been unique, and that you can't have a Lord and a DP in the same army, as in the 3'rd ed' 'dex.



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Could have been done alot better though but it's still nice to not have to run with Bloodletters or Daemonettes or Horrors or Plaguebearers every time. It's good to be allowed to explore minor deities and powers.

how are the LSD better then furies ?

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