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The good parts of Codex: Chaos

Son of Rawl

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Non-specific Daemons.


Could have been done alot better though but it's still nice to not have to run with Bloodletters or Daemonettes or Horrors or Plaguebearers every time. It's good to be allowed to explore minor deities and powers.

We got useless daemons because the ones we had were too useful and could throw a monkeywrench into any Ultramarines player's game. The only real counter for Bloodletters dropped correctly was to use a long-standing bad call and declare any unit that deep struck or summoned into difficult terrain destroyed.
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daemonic vindies that cant be stunlocked :tu:


and defilers


Vulnerable short ranged and quite expensive BS 3 ( yes, BS 3 still hurts even with a blast weapon ) weapons are rather unimpressive. Especialy when a single weapon destroyed/imobilised result ( lol av11 side armour ) will put em out of the game. To make matters worse, taking a Vindicator over Obliterators will only increase the issuses that we have with our lack of long range Firepower.


Thanks to the daemonic posession rule it is still somewhat useable but don't fool yourself into thinking that the Chaos Vindicator is actualy "good".


Let us get to the Defiler. The battlecanon by itself is ok ( although cover saves and the Defiler's poor BS hurt ) and fleet is nice as well. Up to 6 attacks on the charge is also quite nice ( if you wish to give up th Reaper canon for an aditional cc weapon and charge ). WS 3 isn't. Seriously. WS3? So only half of the damn thing's attacks actually hit, even if it charges a goddamn IMperial Guard platoon? And only I 3 so that every single dread which has at least 1 ccw will sodomise it? And that all for 150 points?

TLDR, the Defiler is only meh in close combat ( for it's price ), thanks to it's low WS and I.

As a long range, anti tank option it simply lacks firepower ( at least compared to the 2 Obliterators you get for it's price ) and AV 12 makes ( haha, forget about cover saves cause the damn thing is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge ) it vulnerable even against autocanons...yeah, great choice it is.


If the Defiler would be a fast attack choice instead of taking one of the very valuable heavy support slots then it might be worth a thought, but atm it is simply not a competative choice.

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Vulnerable short ranged and quite expensive BS 3 ( yes, BS 3 still hurts even with a blast weapon ) weapons are rather unimpressive. Especialy when a single weapon destroyed/imobilised result ( lol av11 side armour ) will put em out of the game. To make matters worse, taking a Vindicator over Obliterators will only increase the issuses that we have with our lack of long range Firepower.


Thanks to the daemonic posession rule it is still somewhat useable but don't fool yourself into thinking that the Chaos Vindicator is actualy "good".


Let us get to the Defiler. The battlecanon by itself is ok ( although cover saves and the Defiler's poor BS hurt ) and fleet is nice as well. Up to 6 attacks on the charge is also quite nice ( if you wish to give up th Reaper canon for an aditional cc weapon and charge ). WS 3 isn't. Seriously. WS3? So only half of the damn thing's attacks actually hit, even if it charges a goddamn IMperial Guard platoon? And only I 3 so that every single dread which has at least 1 ccw will sodomise it? And that all for 150 points?

TLDR, the Defiler is only meh in close combat ( for it's price ), thanks to it's low WS and I.

As a long range, anti tank option it simply lacks firepower ( at least compared to the 2 Obliterators you get for it's price ) and AV 12 makes ( haha, forget about cover saves cause the damn thing is huuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuge ) it vulnerable even against autocanons...yeah, great choice it is.


If the Defiler would be a fast attack choice instead of taking one of the very valuable heavy support slots then it might be worth a thought, but atm it is simply not a competative choice.


Complaining about our crappy "codex" is great and all (I do it myself all the time) but this is supposed to be a thread about the good parts of the codex.


One thing I like isn't exactly about our codex, but the fact that it inspired GW to create the awesome possessed box. Seriously that box has so many cool little conversion bits I love it.

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One thing I like isn't exactly about our codex, but the fact that it inspired GW to create the awesome possessed box. Seriously that box has so many cool little conversion bits I love it.
There isn't a single bolter, bolt pistol, or chainsword in the box. Everything there is Counts As at best. :P
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Plague Marines. That's about it. I guess the Vindicators are nice too, as I can finally field some, but still... Yeah, Plague Marines. They're a lot better than they were in 3.5, albeit they're showing their age with the high price at this point in time.
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Plague Marines. That's about it. I guess the Vindicators are nice too, as I can finally field some, but still... Yeah, Plague Marines. They're a lot better than they were in 3.5, albeit they're showing their age with the high price at this point in time.


How are they "a lot better" in this edition? Aside from losing the Rhino restriction and gaining free grenades & the B+BP+CCW combo, they're practically identical. Am I forgetting something of import from the previous version? :unsure:

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Plague Marines. That's about it. I guess the Vindicators are nice too, as I can finally field some, but still... Yeah, Plague Marines. They're a lot better than they were in 3.5, albeit they're showing their age with the high price at this point in time.


How are they "a lot better" in this edition? Aside from losing the Rhino restriction and gaining free grenades & the B+BP+CCW combo, they're practically identical. Am I forgetting something of import from the previous version? :P

Feel no Pain comes to mind.


Also only third and subsequent Plague Marine squads would count as a Fast Attack choice in the 3,5 'dex.


And even then it was only when playing a "pure" army.



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OBLITERATORS! That's what you were looking for I bet!


Even those are rather inefficient ( yo dawg, i heard you like lascanons, so i charge you 75 points for one /o\ ).

Still, they are better than everything else in the heavy support slot.


Imo the only truly good ( good as in comparable to what modern books get ) choice in the entire damn codex is the Daemonprince.

Nicely priced and good in combat, everything that the sucky Chaoslord isn't.

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Complaining about our crappy "codex" is great and all (I do it myself all the time) but this is supposed to be a thread about the good parts of the codex.



I agree. Some people (the internet) have a hard time seing the bright side of life. These people will claim that the CSM codex of today is to blame for their attitude, but they are wrong.

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