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Death Guard names


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Was just wondering about this. The Death Guard aren't really "consistent" when it comes to their names. The Blood Angels tend to have sort of fake Italian artist/sculptor/painter sounding names, the Ultramarines mostly have Latin/Greek sounding ones, the Sons of Horus have sort of Babylonian sounding stuff and the Dark Angels are all named after Biblical daemons or something.


But the Death Guard kind of have a bit of everything. Can anyone help me out a bit here with ideas on what direction or vibe to go for when picking Death Guard names? Especially during the Heresy and beyond it becomes a bit disappointing with characters named Bubonicus, Typhus and Necrosius. It's as if I would rebel against my government and then name myself "AIDS" or something... :P

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I like making names off diseases and things, actually. That seems to be the only naming theme GW uses for Nurgle stuff.


My suggestion would be to search disease/parasite names, and twist them slightly. A lot of good Latin names are used, so that keeps things sounding Warhammer-y with that convention, too.

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My DP's names are Barrabas and Marrow-Eater. The champions are called Giardius, Fasciitis, and Sepsis. My dreadnought's name is 'Lord' Gout.


There is a good reason why most DG warriors have disease-related names. Many of the followers of the Dark Gods take new names or titles to reinforce their new allegiance. Indeed, most of the special characters in the Chaos codex change their name or atleast get a new title that reflects who they have become post-heresy.

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The way I see it all Death Guard characters sane/strong enough to have memories/ability to think, would still remember their old name from Barbarus. Barbarusian (???) names, to me at least, are a weird mix of Babylonian, Turkish and Bulgarian. The High Gothic sounding names such as Solun Decius came later when Barbarus became part of the Imperium and probably also absorbed Imperial culture.


When the Death Guard turned to Nurgle they shed their old names and took new ones (if their minds were strong enough). I can imagine names relating to disease. However, I don't view Nurgle as the Chaos God of sickness. The Chaos Gods are based on emotion. Angry Red Git seems to be the God of rage, was is simply the element in which this rage comes to fruition. Nurgle isn't any different. It is the God of despair, hopelessness, desperation, etc. Disease is simply the tool is uses carry about this emotion. So perhaps names in the dark tongue, but as a "phonetic" translation of Barbarusian words for despair.

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Was just wondering about this. The Death Guard aren't really "consistent" when it comes to their names. The Blood Angels tend to have sort of fake Italian artist/sculptor/painter sounding names, the Ultramarines mostly have Latin/Greek sounding ones, the Sons of Horus have sort of Babylonian sounding stuff and the Dark Angels are all named after Biblical daemons or something.


But the Death Guard kind of have a bit of everything. Can anyone help me out a bit here with ideas on what direction or vibe to go for when picking Death Guard names? Especially during the Heresy and beyond it becomes a bit disappointing with characters named Bubonicus, Typhus and Necrosius. It's as if I would rebel against my government and then name myself "AIDS" or something... :)


Try some bacterial names :D : http://www.bacterio.cict.fr/alintro.html


or you can check this list of diseases : http://simple.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_diseases


with some suggestions such as


Anthrax, Botulism, Gangrene...Erectile dysfunction...spot the intruder :D

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Some of the DG names are quite pretty, for example Morbus Vilissimus or Kulvain Hestarius. And i agree with malika666 - diseases are not only the reasons. I think Latin words of despair, hopelessness and so on would be the choice.
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I'm completely disagree with you. I don't think that DG marine must have diseases name, otherwise I think that they retain their old name. Maybe just the champion or the Chaos Lord/Prince may exchange their old name with something else, but I prefer to add it like a nickname, i.e. XXXX the plaguebringer...


I share the same doubts of you about what kind of name use for my PM. I don't know what kind of name were in use on Barbarus... The few names that we know are strange: Garro, Typhoon... The first is like Latin name, the second is completely British...


I haven't decided yet what kind of name to use for my PM, I'm thinking about Rohirrim names (Tolkien Style), strange but not so strange, different from Greeks, Latin, Babylonese names, and especially different from the so common diseases names...

For example, I'm thinking to call my Demon Prince Theoden, because He's used to charge in HtoH screaming Deaaaaath and than suddenly die like a poor Nurglins :D

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Well, in Cadian Blood there appears a Death Guard marine in the end who mentioned he was known by a different name in the past (his original name). This could mean that the Death Guard members changed their names when turning to Nurgle, like Calas Typhon becoming Typhus.


Note that Nathaniel Garro was a Terran, not a Barbarus member of the Death Guard. Solun Decius was a younger member, meaning his name is probably High Gothic, the universal language in the Imperium.

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