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My Chapter


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Hey guys, I've made a chapter, around 2000 points (if with loads of equipment) etc...


The models are all black, but with blue lenses, bronze shoulders with silver trim, and bronze lower legs, Silver detail too etc. I will include a picture at a later date ^_^


I can't think of either a name or emblem. I was thinking a fist or something which has been used by other chapters, so I can use characters for those models etc.



Any ideas will be welcome :tu:


I was thinking they left the black legion (hence the colour scheme) and they're repenting... Repenting Fists, Fists of the emperor.


ANY ideas, so long as the emblem matches with another chapter.


Thanks guys :)

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  CuddlesHeretics said:
Hey guys, I've made a chapter, around 2000 points (if with loads of equipment) etc...


The models are all black, but with blue lenses, bronze shoulders with silver trim, and bronze lower legs, Silver detail too etc. I will include a picture at a later date :devil:


I can't think of either a name or emblem. I was thinking a fist or something which has been used by other chapters, so I can use characters for those models etc.



Any ideas will be welcome :P


I was thinking they left the black legion (hence the colour scheme) and they're repenting... Repenting Fists, Fists of the emperor.


ANY ideas, so long as the emblem matches with another chapter.


Thanks guys ;)


I wouldn't make them black legion deserters based on colors. They can be any color and still be from someone else. heck, you can still do Repenting Fists if you wanted to, just say they felt shame that their chapter's ancestors (the Imperial Fists) failed at protecting the Emperor. Then you could even say they no longer respect Dorn, or the Imperial Fists (but are still loyal, just not friendly with their fore fathers).


Now THAT would be interesting ;)


Also, for emblems, use the Imperial Fist emblems :P




If you don't do that, I call dibbs!

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The models are all black, but with blue lenses, bronze shoulders with silver trim, and bronze lower legs, Silver detail too etc. I will include a picture at a later date smile.gif


Well, fiddle around with the SM Painter a bit and see what you can come up with.


I was thinking they left the black legion (hence the colour scheme) and they're repenting... Repenting Fists, Fists of the emperor.


...No. The Imperium is a hateful, suspicious and intolerant regime. Either you are loyal now and forever, or you are a traitor, and if you are a traitor, then you die on sight.

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If I were to use the fist emblem it would mean I could use Lysander and Kantor (which are both models I love).


Are there any existing chapters which use quite a lot of bronze?


Apart from Brazen Minataurs


*edit* my profile pic is the colour scheme :)

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  CuddlesHeretics said:
If I were to use the fist emblem it would mean I could use Lysander and Kantor (which are both models I love).


Are there any existing chapters which use quite a lot of bronze?


Apart from Brazen Minataurs


*edit* my profile pic is the colour scheme :)


Don't think of other chapters for colors when making yours. Make yours first, come up with the fluff, and THEN compare it to others. And are you using my idea? I only ask because now I am eager to see it done either by you or by me B)

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