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Ordanance in 40k 5th Ed

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First off, sorry if this is posted in the wrong place...


Does ordanance work as:


1) Simply place the template if within range and roll the scatter


2) Roll to hit and then place template and roll for scatter


I couldn't find the listing in the rulebook during a game last week and was wondering if anyone could help me out.



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All templates, ordinance or not, do not require a roll "to hit" but most of the time require a "scatter" roll. Flame templates require neither to hit nor scatter, and instead skip straight to wounding :P


The forum you were probably looking for is "Official Rules" which is third from the bottom in the list :devil:

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Option 1 is correct: if the gun has range, place the template than roll the scatter. <3


Read that rulebook! Cover to cover! Thrice! Let no one pull the wool over your eyes! The Emperor demands it. <3

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you place the template then you check to see if you are in range. if you place the template out of range you miss, do not roll scatter.

Negative, you measure range first, then place the blast template such that it maximizes the number of models underneath it. Read your rules, yo. <3

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you place the template then you check to see if you are in range. if you place the template out of range you miss, do not roll scatter.

Negative, you measure range first, then place the blast template such that it maximizes the number of models underneath it. Read your rules, yo. <3

Uh, thade...

When firing a blast weapon, models do not roll to hit, instead just pick one enemy model visible to the firer and place the blast marker(see diagram) with its hole over the base of the target model, or its hull if it is a vehicle. You may not place the marker so that the base or hull of any of your own models is even grazed by it.


Next, check if the shot has landed on target. If the hole at the centre of the marker is beyond the weapon's maximum range, the shot is an automatic miss and the marker is removed.

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Whaaaaaaat? That I do not remember at all. @_@ And it's not the way I've ever seen it played. Perplexing, to say the least.


I'd call you a fibber...but you're almost certainly not. Very weird indeed.


Man, that bugs the crap out of me. I've been playing it that way since I started.

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thats because people are so used to measuring the range first, then rolling dice... But blast weapons are the other way around- so always make sure any blast weapons in a squad place their templates before any measuring happens.
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Man, that bugs the crap out of me. I've been playing it that way since I started.
Then you've been playing it wrong since you started :).


Read that rulebook! Cover to cover! Thrice! Let no one pull the wool over your eyes! The Emperor demands it. <3



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Man, that bugs the crap out of me. I've been playing it that way since I started.
Then you've been playing it wrong since you started :).


Read that rulebook! Cover to cover! Thrice! Let no one pull the wool over your eyes! The Emperor demands it. <3




QFT :(


Heh this thing happens among groups of players. Me and my friends played settlers for ages, then a new guy was reading the rule book, turns out we had been setting it up all wrong from the start, for 2-3 years..


I totally had perils of the warp and the cover rules wrong, until I played Mr Sasha, and I'm the guy who my friends asked about rules :)

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Just making sure here...

From this quote, "Next, check if the shot has landed on target. If the hole at the centre of the marker is beyond the weapon's maximum range, the shot is an automatic miss and the marker is removed." You place the Marker, Roll Scatter, Check range. If the center hole on the marker is outside of the max range of the weapon you roll no hits even if the center point is over another target?

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Just making sure here...

From this quote, "Next, check if the shot has landed on target. If the hole at the centre of the marker is beyond the weapon's maximum range, the shot is an automatic miss and the marker is removed." You place the Marker, Roll Scatter, Check range. If the center hole on the marker is outside of the max range of the weapon you roll no hits even if the center point is over another target?

Not quite :

1. Place the marker

2. Measure range to the hole

3. If "in range" then roll for scatter. It is possible for the marker to scatter out of range and not be a miss.

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Not quite :

1. Place the marker

2. Measure range to the hole

3. If "in range" then roll for scatter. It is possible for the marker to scatter out of range and not be a miss.


That's what I thought and how I have been playing, but this snippet of rule is my hangup. Ugh I just need to re-read the whole section for context. Context is the issue I am having here.

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To be even more correct it should probably be:


1. Pick a target model

2. Place the marker

3. Measure range to the hole

4. If "in range" then roll for scatter. It is possible for the marker to scatter out of range and not be a miss.


You must pick a model to be under the hole before you place the blast marker... so no using the blast marker to see where you'll potentially get the most hits (also, the requirement to hit as many targets as possible only apply to the flame template). By RAW that is.

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I thought that for the templates (perhaps only the "template" and not blast templates...or perhaps I mis-remember completely) you had to maximize the number of models underneath it? I thought that part was not optional.


Then again, I also thought other weird things about templates prior to this thread.



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